Toe the line or we will come for you. Obama's collective "Ministry of Truth" knows what is best for each and every one of us. They tell us so every day. Down with individuals. m/r
The Daily Caller » Twitter keeps suspending account critical of Obamacare » Print
By Charles C. Johnson On 11/04/2013
Twitter has repeatedly suspended an account critical of the Affordable Care Act.
The account, @mycancellation, was just getting started when Twitter suspended it—twice—before reinstating the account late Saturday night.
The purpose of @mycancellation or was to allow some of the millions of Americans who are losing their health insurance to post pictures of themselves with their cancellation letters. “Help us show Washington the faces who lost what they liked,” the account asked. “ObamaCare canceled your health insurance. Now, send us your letter,” the tagline for the website advertised.
The Twitter account quickly gained steam and had over 1,000 followers before Twitter suspended it.
Late Saturday night Heather Higgins, CEO and president of the Independent Women’s Voice, announced on Facebook that the account was suspended again.
“We were suspended yesterday late afternoon without a notice email,” Victoria Cowey, who along with Eric Kohn is running the account, told The Daily Caller.
Kohn managed to get the account reinstated. “Tonight shortly before 11:30pm ET the handle was canceled again,” Cowey told TheDC. “We are looking into the issue now to see whether Twitter can give us a reason.”
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