"What do you mean that's not your card?
You must be wrong. It's not my fault." |
You will have to pick up your own cards. You cannot pull off a misdirection trick unless you've worked hard and studied the magic tricks. Magic is mostly illusion, but good magicians work endlessly and studiously to get their tricks right.
Slight of hand doesn't work for an incompetent just standing on the stage in a monkey suit. m/r
Sooner or Later, Mr. Obama, Reality Matters
by Bernard Goldberg 11-16-13
… Self-preservation is a powerful force; it goes back to our earliest days in the cave. And self-preservation is why journalists have finally found their voice after all these years. ObamaCare is such a disaster that now, even they understand that they can no longer cover for this president. Their standing with the American people is already on par with funeral home directors and used car salesmen. If their credibility drops any lower they’ll be on par with members of Congress.
Looking back, you can’t help but conclude that Barack Obama was such a narcissist that he thought he could get away with anything, simply because he was Barack Obama. Like his friends in the media, he also knew he was young and cool and liberal and black. That was his ticket. His get out of jail card to free him from the kind of bad press a Republican would have received over the Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers and the economy and Benghazi and the IRS.
A few weeks ago, I told Bill O’Reilly on his TV show that I have a lot of admiration for magic, which is what Barack Obama has been using to mesmerize a good portion of the American people. Whether you like him or not, an honest evaluation would conclude that he has that certain something – something W never had, and most politicians don’t have. So even when the American people didn’t especially like his policies, plenty of them still liked him. But, as I also told O’Reilly, things are obviously changing. The magic is wearing thin, mainly because ObamaCare affects people in a way that Benghazi or the IRS never did. I also said the media seemed to be falling out of love with him. Lose the American people and the media, I said, and for the first time Barack Obama might be in some real hot water.
Sooner or later, reality matters. And when it does, magic fades. ...
- See more at: http://www.bernardgoldberg.com/sooner-later-mr-obama-reality-matters/?utm_source=BernardGoldberg.com+Newsletter&utm_campaign=3a437cdcf1-NEWSLETTER&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c1903183b6-3a437cdcf1-284973649#sthash.EpLQDjo2.dpuf
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