It is the biggest form of escape from reality. Gross emotional energy gets focused on these meaningless contests and false loyalty. It is used as diversion so the realities of real problems that need focus is lost to efforts that are the little of value, repetitive, mundane sports contests. m/r
Sports don't matter, not one iota | Fox News
Published April 06, 2013
Here’s the truth about sports of all kinds: They are fun, entertaining, money-making activities that showcase the human spirit of competition at an exquisite level and that don’t matter to the world, in the long run, when it comes down to it, at all. Not one bit. Not an iota.
It’s time the world of sports and sports fans got over themselves. They are a glaring symbol of how little passion of their own people have now, how much they need to be ceaselessly entertained and how willing they are to settle for being fans, instead of fanning the flames of their own passions. Mike Rice is a creation of whatever psychological forces turned him into a bully—probably from boyhood. But he is also a product of a culture that wrongfully deifies sports figures, including coaches, and is lost in pretending that who wins the Final Four matters to the future of our existence—which it does not, at all. Not one bit. Not one iota.
Our empty-headed hysteria for anything that gets us pumped up (in an age when we are spiritually deflated) is what leads us to look the other way when men like Mike Rice rant and rave. It is what leads us to half-believe that college football phenom Manti Tao could be making sense when he says he fell deeply in love with a woman he never met. It is what leads us to cheer on Michael Vick as a quarterback when he participated in staging dog fights where spectacular animals were ripped to shreds.
The truth is that if every college sports contest in the world took place with no publicity, in arenas without cameras, covered not even by school newspapers, nothing much would change. It wouldn’t affect anything that matters to anyone, really. ...
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