"Fascism and communism both promise "social welfare," "social justice," and "fairness" to justify authoritarian means and extensive arbitrary and discretionary governmental powers." - F. A. Hayek"
"Life is a Bungling process and in no way educational." in James M. Cain
Jean Giraudoux who first said, “Only the mediocre are always at their best.”
If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law. Sir Winston Churchill
"summum ius summa iniuria" ("More laws, more injustice.") Cicero
As Christopher Hitchens once put it, “The essence of tyranny is not iron law; it is capricious law.”
"Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." Ronald Reagan
"Law is where you buy it." Raymond Chandler
"Why did God make so many damn fools and Democrats?" Clarence Day
"If I feel like feeding squirrels to the nuts, this is the place for it." - Cluny Brown
"Oh, pshaw! When yu' can't have what you choose, yu' just choose what you have." Owen Wister "The Virginian"
Oscar Wilde said about the death scene in Little Nell, you would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.
Thomas More's definition of government as "a conspiracy of rich men procuring their own commodities under the name and title of a commonwealth.” ~ Winston S. Churchill, A History of the English Speaking Peoples
“Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.” ~ Jonathon Swift
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Global Warming, The Redistribution Scam
Mark Steyn - IPCC Official Admits Global Warming Is A Lie To Redistribute Wealth
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Scam-Scum of the Earth
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The Left's McCarthy |
Southern Poverty Law Center Transfers Millions in Cash to Offshore Entities
Left-wing nonprofit pays lucrative six-figure salaries to top management
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a liberal, Alabama-based 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization that has gained prominence on the left for its "hate group" designations, pushes millions of dollars to offshore entities as part of its business dealings, records show.
Additionally, the nonprofit pays lucrative six-figure salaries to its top directors and key employees while spending little on legal services despite its stated intent of "fighting hate and bigotry" using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is perhaps best known for its "hate map," a collection of organizations the nonprofit deems "domestic hate groups" that lists mainstream conservative organizations alongside racist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and is often referenced in the media. A gunman opened fire at the Washington, D.C., offices of the conservative Family Research Council in 2012 after seeing it listed as an "anti-gay" group on SPLC's website.
The SPLC has turned into a fundraising powerhouse, recording more than $50 million in contributions and $328 million in net assets on its 2015 Form 990, the most recently available tax form from the nonprofit. SPLC's Form 990-T, its business income tax return, from the same year shows that they have "financial interests" in the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, and Bermuda. No information is available beyond the acknowledgment of the interests at the bottom of the form.
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Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Malodorous Birds of a Feather - Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Hillary Clinton
"$2400 to Meet HILLARY??" Tucker Carlson and Mark Steyn ROAST Hillary Clinton's Book Tour
I'll stick with Polo Shirts, Khakis or Jeans - The Face Bandana Just Doesn't Work For Me.
"... Unite The Right protesters were dressed in khakis and polo shirts and so looked disturbingly “normal”."The loosen their Beltway Old Boys will relentlessly undermine Trump and what they consider the "Alt-Right". How can they forgive those who exposed their lazy collusiveness and corrupt tagging along with the Democrat destruction of the nation. m/r
“The Little Cucks”—NATIONAL REVIEW, Kevin D. Williamson And The Pointless Persuasion
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Looking Disturbingly "Normal" |

Williamson displays an element of Narrative Confusion here. The Washington Post is wailing for the fashion industry to do something because too many Unite The Right protesters were dressed in khakis and polo shirts and so looked disturbingly “normal”. [Neo-Nazis are using fashion in an attempt to normalize. The fashion industry needs to speak up. By Robin Givhan, August 22, 2017] ...
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Stupid, Lazy Idiots in the Lefty Media - Just Blame Climate Change
Montage: Media Politicize Hurricane Harvey, Blame Global Warming, Mock GOP
Even as many of the actual scientists who appear on these shows have been noticeably more circumspect in pinning blame on global warming for the flooding in Houston, the media isn't letting that skepticism rain on their parade.
CNN's Jeffrey Toobin, for one, mocked Republicans who question the global warming theory.
"Man-made climate change is a myth, the Republican Party is united on that," Toobin said. "You know, climate change is part of this story. We focus on the heroism, quite appropriately, of the people who are trying to save lives. But why disasters like this occur and their intensity is the part of the problem."
The New Yorker's Ryan Lizza said Hurricane Harvey will help Democrats make the case against President Trump's proposed budget, which calls for the construction of a border wall, and does not increase funds for global warming-related projects.
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Tuesday, August 29, 2017
What Do You Do When Someone Who Is Insane Threatens You And Your Friends

North Korea, Unrestrained
I am pleased to see that the regime in Pyongyang has certainly demonstrated some level of restraint that we've not seen in the past. We hope that this is the beginning of this signal that we've been looking for that they are ready to restrain their level of tensions, they're ready to restrain their provocative acts, and that perhaps we are seeing our pathway to sometime in the near future having some dialogue.
The Real Viper from Within, At the Top!
Obama Admin Hid Intel on Iranian Militants in Syria to Push Nuclear Deal
Admin likely knew Iran shipping militants on commercial aircraft, but promoted sales
The Perpetual Fool in Congress
Liberal Congresswoman, Media Pundits Rush to Politicize Hurricane Harvey
Sheila Jackson Lee and host of CNN personalities attack Trump while storm continues to batter Texas
Speaking with CNN’s Jim Sciutto, Lee said she believes Republican and Democratic leaders in Congress will support emergency aid, but she linked the storm to Trump’s unrelated threat to shut down the government if Congress does not fund his proposed border wall — a threat made before the hurricane was set to strike Texas.
“I think the real question is that the president of the United States has to be part of that leadership, with a commitment not to shut this government down,” she said. “I expect a bipartisan vote on restoring this swath of devastation that is not finishing today. It’s continuing.”
Monday, August 28, 2017
Sounds Familiar: "casting her Republican opponent, ... as a bully in ... debate"
And Now, in her latest, ghosted, biography, the Bitch-of-Benghazi decries: "Hillary Clinton considered telling Donald Trump “Back up, you creep!” during one of the presidential debates, adding, in the first extract from her new book, that “my skin crawled” when he invaded her personal space."
Same old 'poor me' crap. Her skin may be crawling from her notorious poor hygiene. m/r
'My skin crawled': Hillary Clinton recalls dealing with 'creep' Trump
Edward Belmore 8-23-17... In the comments, broadcast by MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Wednesday, Clinton recounts how uncomfortable she felt being on stage with Trump just two days after his infamous “pussy-grabbing” tape had been made public.
“This is not OK, I thought,” Clinton writes. “It was the second presidential debate, and Donald Trump was looming behind me. Two days before, the world heard him brag about groping women. Now we were on a small stage and no matter where I walked, he followed me closely, staring at me, making faces. It was incredibly uncomfortable. He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled.”
Clinton continues: “It was one of those moments where you wish you could hit pause and ask everyone watching: ‘Well, what would you do?’ Do you stay calm, keep smiling and carry on as if he weren’t repeatedly invading your space? Or do you turn, look him in the eye, and say loudly and clearly: ‘Back up, you creep, get away from me! I know you love to intimidate women, but you can’t intimidate me, so back up.’”
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Sunday, August 27, 2017
Lying Skunks - Don Lemon and his ilk
Trump vs. the Enemies of the People
Flim-Flam of the Notorious Southern Poverty Law Center
Now SPLC has its Scam "Hate Map". m/r
J.P. Morgan’s Hate List
What is its gift to the Southern Poverty Law Center telling bank customers?
Corporate America will do almost anything to stay on the safe side of public opinion—at least as it’s defined by the media. CEOs will apologize, grovel, resign, settle. They will even, as of this month, legitimize and fund an outfit that exists to smear conservatives.
The press is still obsessing over President Trump’s incompetent handling of the violence in Charlottesville, Va., and that has suited some profiteers just fine. The notorious Southern Poverty Law Center is quietly cashing in on the tragedy, raking in millions on its spun-up reputation as a group that “fights hate.” Apple CEO Tim Cook informed employees that his company is giving $1 million to SPLC and matching employee donations. J.P. Morgan Chase is pitching in $500,000, specifically to further the SPLC’s “work in tracking, exposing and fighting hate groups and other extremist organizations,” in the words of Peter Scher, the bank’s head of corporate responsibility.
What Mr. Scher is referring to is the SPLC’s “Hate Map,” its online list of 917 American “hate groups.” The SPLC alone decides who goes on the list, but its criteria are purposely vague. Since the SPLC is a far-left activist group, the map comes down to this: If the SPLC doesn’t agree with your views, it tags you as a hater.
Let’s not mince words: By funding this list, J.P. Morgan and Apple are saying they support labeling Christian organizations that oppose gay marriage as “hate groups.”
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The Time has Come For This Fraudulent Accusing Bunch to be Taken Down!
IT'S ON: Christian Group Sues SPLC and Amazon Over 'Hate Group' Designation
Corrupt California's Government Caused the Problems, Now It Wants to Tax It
California's Democrats are corrupt to the core. m/r
First-ever water tax proposed to tackle unsafe drinking water in California
Senate Bill 623, backed by a strange-bedfellows coalition of the agricultural lobby and environmental groups but opposed by water districts, would generate $2 billion over the next 15 years to clean up contaminated groundwater and improve faulty water systems and wells.
“My message is short and direct: We are not Flint, Michigan,” co-author Sen. Robert Hertzberg, D-Van Nuys, said at a Wednesday rally outside the Capitol, where demonstrators held signs reading “Clean water is not a luxury” and “Water is a human right.”
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Makes Absolutely No Sense What So Ever?!
Sebastian Gorka Resigns From Trump Administration (or was Forced Out)
In a blunt resignation letter, the national security and counterterrorism expert expressed dissatisfaction with the current state of the Trump administration. “[G]iven recent events, it is clear to me that forces that do not support the MAGA promise are – for now – ascendant within the White House,” Gorka wrote. “As a result, the best and most effective way I can support you, Mr. President, is from outside the People’s House.”
“Regrettably, outside of yourself, the individuals who most embodied and represented the policies that will ‘Make America Great Again,’ have been internally countered, systematically removed, or undermined in recent months. This was made patently obvious as I read the text of your speech on Afghanistan this week…
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Friday, August 25, 2017
Walter Duranty lives on at the New York Times

Things haven't changed much at the Times, have they? m/r
Michelle Malkin: The RED YORK TIMES—First in Fake News
That’s the creepy gist of one of the Grey Lady’s recent essays this summer hailing the “Red Century.” The paper’s ongoing series explores “the history and legacy of Communism, 100 years after the Russian Revolution.” When its essayists aren’t busy championing the great sex that oppressed women enjoyed in miserable Eastern Bloc countries, they’re extolling Lenin’s fantabulous conservationist programs and pimping “Communism for Kids” propaganda.
Since this is back-to-school season, it’s the perfect time to teach your children about faux journalism at the Fishwrap of Record. As the publication’s pretentious own new slogan asserts, “The truth is more important than ever.”
While the Times hyperventilates about the dangers of President Trump’s “art of fabrication” and “Russian collusion,” this is the same organization whose famed correspondent in Russia, Walter Duranty, won a Pulitzer Prize for spreading fake news denying Joseph Stalin’s Ukrainian genocide.
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Pelosi appears to be Mixing More than Metaphors at Happy Hour
Pelosi Mixes Metaphors: You Can’t ‘Cry Wolf in a Crowded Theater’
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) mixed her metaphors in an interview Wednesday, telling a reporter that someone "can't yell wolf in a crowded theater."
"The Constitution does not say that a person can yell wolf in a crowded theater," Pelosi said during an interview with KRON.
She apparently meant to say, "yell fire in a crowded theater."
Pelosi also confused President Donald Trump with former President George W. Bush when she sat down with KTVU back in mid-July. In June, the Washington Free Beacon created a compilation of Pelosi confusing the two men.
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Thursday, August 24, 2017
Publicity Hound, "secret CIA agent", Swamp Scum, Valerie Plame
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"Secret CIA agent" Plame Seeking More Publicity |
Let' us how it backfires. m/r
Former CIA Agent Valerie Plame Is Crowdfunding To #BuyTwitter So She Can Ban POTUS
This week, former CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson (aptly) announced on Twitter that she had launched a crowdfunding campaign to buy a controlling stake in the social media company so as to exercise that capital power by banning the president. On her GoFundMe page, Wilson argues that the president's tweets--whether aimed at protesters or North Korea--should be taken seriously in their capacity to create violence and chaos.
"Time and again his use of this huge global platform has major consequences in the real world," Wilson writes. "With a single tweet, he can damage international relationships and alliances, spread fake news like a virus, embolden white supremacists to march in the streets, or send stock markets crashing or soaring."
In her pitch, Wilson also emphasizes "a real danger that Trump’s tweets could actually start a nuclear war."
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Navy Appears to Need Focusing on Navigation, Not PC-fication

The apply named guided missile destroyer, USS John S. McCain, may highlight the problem of the US Navy, and the Defense Dept. as a whole, placing way too much emphasis of it political correctness training to the neglect, detriment and safety of the skills required to sail a modern fleet. This is in the wake the incompetence of the Obama administration and its ignominious priorities. m/r
Navy 7th Fleet Commander Relieved of Command Following Pacific Collisions
Vice Adm. Joseph Aucoin was relieved of command in the wake of the most recent collision in the Pacific. On Monday, the USS John S. McCain collided with an oil tanker near Singapore.
Pacific Fleet Commander Adm. Scott Swift made the announcement in an official statement Tuesday.
Aucoin has been replaced by Rear Adm. Phil Sawyer, who has already been nominated and confirmed for the position. Sawyer assumed command immediately and was promoted to vice admiral.
The United States Seventh Fleet is based in Japan and includes both the USS John S. McCain and the USS Fitzgerald, another guided missile destroyer involved in a collision with a merchant vessel in June.
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Fruits and Nuts
Scouts were crazy to take any government funds, because there are strings attached that turn into ropes that will hang them. m/r
Girl Scouts Accuse Boy Scouts of Recruiting Girls, Souring Century-Old Friendship
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
This was Predictable, Especially for ESPN
Liberals and especially lefty ESPN are pathetic. m/r
ESPN's decision to pull announcer Robert Lee from game sparks outcry
The Wake of Obama: "We live in a decadent age of totalitarian narcissism."
From Barbarous to Evil
I woke up to the news that, during the night, in Baltimore, Maryland, the oldest monument to Christopher Columbus in the United States had been destroyed by someone called "Ty" and his chum:
A 225-year-old monument commemorating Christopher Columbus was vandalized early Monday amid the nationwide debate on removing Confederate statues and monuments....
... David Elstrom left a comment here that deserves to be more widely distributed:
Mark,-go to links
I notice that the left media and even Fox News talk about the "discussion" on statues, or opine on the "conversation" concerning public monuments.
This Newspeak is apparently supposed to con the plebes into thinking something civil or democratic is happening. All I've seen is politicians or other apparatchiks rushing to remove statues (fearing the wrath of the mob) or actual mobs tearing things down.
If this is discussion, or conversation, then rape must be a "social event," and sticking up the local convenience store a "financial transaction."
Build the Wall - Shut the Border
Trump threatens government shutdown over border wall funding
"The obstructionist Democrats would like us not to do it, but believe me, if we have to close down our government, we're building that wall," Trump said at a rally in Phoenix.
Clapper, the Perfidious Dullard, Most Infamous for Lying to Congress
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Clap on, clap off! |
James Clapper: I Question Trump's Fitness For Office, Wonder If He Is "Looking For A Way Out"
"I really question his ability, his fitness to be in this office and I also am beginning to wonder about his motivation for it," Clapper said. "Maybe he is looking for a way out."
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
FBI Cover-Up - Can't Trust Them - It's All Corrupt and Leads To Mueller
FBI Changes Story on Tarmac Meeting
Scammer Al Gore is now Further Exposed as a Fraud by the Medieval Warmer Period

Advanced Computer Models Suggest Most Global Warming Is From Natural Forces
“This suggests that even if there had been no industrial revolution and burning of fossil fuels, there would have still been some warming through the twentieth century – to at least 1980,” according to lead author Jennifer Marohasy.
The world was about as warm in 1980 as it was during the Middle Ages when the Vikings settled Greenland and “when men dressed in tunics and built grand cathedrals with tall spires,” Marohasy wrote in The Spectator Australia on Tuesday, summarizing her study’s results.
Climate scientists Marohasy and John Abbot used a sophisticated artificial intelligence-like computer system to see what temperatures may have done since 1830 without human influence based on proxy climate records going back to 50 A.D.
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Monday, August 21, 2017
Obama boosted Voter Fraud
Inside Judicial Watch: Voter Fraud--The Untold Story
It would not have saved the Missionaries from the Cannibal's Pot
Madras, solar eclipse epicenter for many, still waiting for 'chaos'
The small Central Oregon town is considered one of the best places in the U.S. to see the big eclipse, thanks to favorable weather, and in all the town expects to see an influx of up to 100,000 outsiders, choking highways, filling makeshift campgrounds and flooding local businesses.
But as Saturday rolled around, and traffic trickled through, many locals felt let down by the pre-eclipse hype.
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NO to Their Idiocy and Nonsense
Pat Buchanan: America’s Second Civil War
This veneration of Lee, wrote Richard Weaver, “appears in the saying attributed to a Confederate soldier, ‘The rest of us may have … descended from monkeys, but it took a God to make Marse Robert.'”
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Sunday, August 20, 2017
Now all that is needed is to get rid of Mitch McConnell's and Paul Ryan's "Leadership"
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Keeping Campaign Promises and Doing Actual Work Makes McConnell Want to Barf (or does he always look that way?). |
Mitch McConnell Upset That President Trump Is Making Him Accountable for Once
Having already been a spectacular failure at getting anything done on health care after eight months of the Republicans being in charge of, well, everything, McConnell seems to be very upset that the public is noticing.
Speaking at a Rotary Club gathering in Kentucky on Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell vented about how President Donald Trump‘s lack of political experience has led to him setting “excessive expectations” for legislative priorities.The thing is, they have actually earned the reputation.
McConnell, R-Ky., told the group in Florence that he found it “extremely irritating” that Congress has earned the reputation of not accomplishing anything.
After the Republicans won back the Senate in 2014, McConnell was fond of saying that the GOP just needed to win the White House to get anything done. It was weak-the party should have been able to accomplish something with both chambers of Congress in hand-but not ridiculous. If the Republicans had passed anything significant President Obama certainly would have vetoed and they didn’t have a veto-proof majority.
Didn't Her Parents Make a Pact With the Devil?
“She’s INSUFFERABLE!!” Tucker Carlson OBLITERATES Chelsea Clinton for Idiotic Statue Tweet
Saturday, August 19, 2017
But CNN tries to link Charlottesville to Barcelona. That is purely retarded. It is the most egregious example of bias stupidity the media has concocted. m/r
Charlottesville, Barcelona, and the Left's Nostalgia for Nazism
Friday, August 18, 2017
The Stupid Party always wants to Join the "Cool Kids"
"Of course, it is an enormous lie that Trump ever called white nationalists very fine people. He explicitly condemned them. His comment was obviously referring to the non-racist protesters dismayed by the removal of Lee’s statue. Notice that nobody in the press actually quotes Trump’s statement, since that would expose their “reporting” as despicable propaganda worthy of a Soviet show trial."
At the Orgy of Self-Righteousness
Naturally, the stupid party and its spokesmen desperately want an invite to it.

Naturally, “conservatives” and members of the stupid party are joining the lynch mob instead of stopping it. By the way, what exactly do “conservatives” conserve anymore? It is difficult to say, except maybe their seats on Meet the Press and Morning Joe. Turn on the TV and you are likely to hear some “conservative” rebuking Trump for his ban on transgendered troops, extolling the glories of gay marriage, and casting Robert E. Lee as a traitorous dirtbag. Rich Lowry wants to see the Confederate monuments “mothballed.”
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"Disavowal" - Trump is being asked "when did he stop beating his wife?"
Michelle Malkin: Where Is the Corporate Disavowal of Black Lives Matter?
These silly string-spined CEOs have sided with social justice agitators, Beltway media enablers and Democratic resistance knuckleheads who believe Trump was wrong to condemn violence and hatred on all sides of the political spectrum. Never mind that of the four people arrested after the violent outbreak in Charlottesville, Virginia, this weekend, two were identified with the white nationalist movement and the other two were left-wing “antifa” counter protesters.
One of those radical leftists is the man identified as having reportedly punched a female reporter for the D.C.-based newspaper, The Hill. But since that doesn’t fit the national media narrative of journalists allegedly being victimized by right-wing incitements to violence, mum’s the word from corporate media executives and the rest of the preening CEOs.
Merck CEO Kenneth C. Frazier [Email him] claimed he stepped down from the Trump business panel because he felt “a responsibility to take a stand against intolerance and extremism.” But Frazier, who served on President Obama’s Export Council, felt no equivalent responsibility to take a stand against intolerance and extremism when the White House invited leaders from the violence-inciting Black Lives Matter movement for a forum on policing in July 2016.
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Trump is now the "Enemy of the People" - He's Exposed All the Swamp Rats and Pigs
Ibsen's play, An Enemy of the People, the towns bathing complex is exposed as being contaminated by Dr. Stockmann. The town has determined the necessary repairs would be too expensive and demand Stockmann must retract his statements.
The doctor holds a town meeting to give a lecture on the baths, but Aslaksen and the mayor try to keep him from speaking. Dr. Stockmann then begins a long tirade in which he condemns the foundations of the town and the tyranny of the majority. The audience finds his speech incredibly offensive, and the next morning the doctor's home is vandalized. He and his daughter are fired. The mayor insinuates that the doctor's actions were merely a scheme to inherit more of Morten Kiil's money, and Kiil himself soon arrives to suggest just such a plan to Dr. Stockmann. However, the doctor refuses all such suggestions and decides to defy authority and remain in town. His family is supportive, and he says that the strongest man is the man who stands alone.How many lies can Trump withstand? m/r
Newt Sounds The Alarm: Trump Won’t Have ‘Stable’ Presidency Without ‘Serious Changes’
Gingrich, who has consistently been one of Trump’s most optimistic supporters, said Friday morning that Trump is more isolated than he realizes and needs to make “serious changes” if he’s going to have a stable presidency.
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How Can You Tell the Taliban from Democrats?

Abraham Lincoln monument torched in Chicago: ‘An absolute disgraceful act’
Alderman Raymond Lopez took to Facebook Wednesday night to decry a defaced statue of the nation’s 16th president in the Englewood neighborhood. The giant bust appears to have been damaged after someone in the 15th Ward sprayed and ignited a flammable liquid.
“What an absolute disgraceful act of vandalism. This bust of Abraham Lincoln, erected by Phil Bloomquist on August 31, 1926, was damaged & burned,” Mr. Lopez wrote, a local NBC affiliate reported. “If anyone has any information regarding this act, please contact the police or my office immediately.”
“F- Abe Lincoln,” responded Quintin Mitchell, whose comment was “liked” or deemed “funny” by 160 others.
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