The Shame! Obama Administration Dumps 3,415 New Regs on the Down-Low - YouTube
"Fascism and communism both promise "social welfare," "social justice," and "fairness" to justify authoritarian means and extensive arbitrary and discretionary governmental powers." - F. A. Hayek"
"Life is a Bungling process and in no way educational." in James M. Cain
Jean Giraudoux who first said, “Only the mediocre are always at their best.”
If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law. Sir Winston Churchill
"summum ius summa iniuria" ("More laws, more injustice.") Cicero
As Christopher Hitchens once put it, “The essence of tyranny is not iron law; it is capricious law.”
"Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." Ronald Reagan
"Law is where you buy it." Raymond Chandler
"Why did God make so many damn fools and Democrats?" Clarence Day
"If I feel like feeding squirrels to the nuts, this is the place for it." - Cluny Brown
"Oh, pshaw! When yu' can't have what you choose, yu' just choose what you have." Owen Wister "The Virginian"
Oscar Wilde said about the death scene in Little Nell, you would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.
Thomas More's definition of government as "a conspiracy of rich men procuring their own commodities under the name and title of a commonwealth.” ~ Winston S. Churchill, A History of the English Speaking Peoples
“Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.” ~ Jonathon Swift
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Shut Up and Eat Your Pee! Obama Administration Dumps 3,415 New Regs on the Down-Low
The Shame! Obama Administration Dumps 3,415 New Regs on the Down-Low - YouTube
We are All Coming of Middle Age - A Baroness on Barrenness
by Mark Steyn
Mark at the Movies
November 29, 2014
To western eyes, contemporary Japan has a kind of earnest childlike wackiness, all karaoke machines and manga cartoons and nuttily sadistic game shows. But, to us demography bores, it's a sad place that seems to be turning into a theme park of P D James' great dystopian novel The Children Of Men. Baroness James' tale is set in Britain in the near future, in a world that is infertile: The last newborn babe emerged from the womb in 1995, and since then nothing. It was an unusual subject for the queen of the police procedural, and, indeed, she is the first baroness to write a book about barrenness. The Hollywood director Alfonso Cuarón took the broad theme and made a rather ordinary little film out of it. But the Japanese seem determined to live up to the book's every telling detail.-go to links-
In Lady James' speculative fiction, pets are doted on as child-substitutes, and churches hold christening ceremonies for cats. In contemporary Japanese reality, Tokyo has some 40 "cat cafés" where lonely solitary citizens can while away an afternoon by renting a feline to touch and pet for a couple of companiable hours.
This Story Booms of PC Omission: Who are the enslavers and who are tens of thousands held as modern slaves in Britain?
Theresa May says tens of thousands held as modern slaves in Britain - Telegraph
Patrick Sawer 11-29-14
The shocking number of people held in conditions of slavery in modern Britain has been revealed by the Home Secretary
Obama is both the "The Stranger" and "The Heart of Darkness"
Obama calls Chuck Todd ‘sad’ | New York Post
Saturday, November 29, 2014
These are all run and majority populated by Democrats: America's 3 Most Fee-Ridden Cities
▶ America's 3 Most Fee-Ridden Cities - YouTube
Fee-based revenue generation can create an undercurrent of hostility between citizens and the government officials who are supposed to serve them. Former Reason writer Radley Balko uncovered a pattern of overzealous fee-collection in the suburbs of St. Louis county for the Washington Post and speculated that the overbearing law enforcement helped create a pressure-cooker environment that finally erupted in the wake of the Michael Brown shooting.
"When you have towns like those in St. Louis county that get in some cases, 40 percent of their municipal revenue in fines and fees, they have chosen a very expensive way of taxing their population, one that creates maximum hassle and maximum hostility," says Walter Olson, senior fellow at the Cato Institute and publisher of the blog Overlawyered.
Watch the video above for Reason TV compilation of America's 3 Most Fee-Ridden Cities, listed below:
3. Detroit, MI.
In the wake of the largest municipal bankruptcy in history, Detroit launched a variety of revenue-generating schemes, such as raising the prices of parking meters in a downtown with a rapidly dwindling population and workforce. Unfortunately for the city, about half their meters are broken, making it one of the only cities to actually lose money on parking enforcement. But what really grants Detroit this honor is "Operation Compliance," an initiative pushed by former mayor David Bing aimed at bringing all of Detroit's small businesses up to code through costly permitting. The initiative launched with the stated goal of shutting down 20 businesses a week.
2. Ferguson, MO.
Ferguson has stayed in the news for the massive protests over the police shooting of teenager Michael Brown and for the militarized response of law enforcement to those protests. But tension between the citizens and the government run deep in Ferguson and the other nearby St. Louis suburbs. Citizens report of being constantly harassed by law enforcment over minor violations and then being forced to navigate through an overrun court system. The Washington Post reported that one courthouse in St. Louis County had issued five arrest warrants per citizen.
3. Bell, CA
Residents of this tiny California town just south of Los Angeles rose up against the local government after learning that their city officials were robbing them with high property taxes and ridiculous parking fines and city fees in order to pay themselves exorbitant salaries. The ringleader was city manager Robert Rizzo, who paid himself $1.5 million in annual salary and benefits in a town with a per capita household income of $24,800. Rizzo is now rotting in federal prison alongside his accomplice Angela Spaccia, but the town is still on the hook for the $137 million in debt left behind. Locals call it the "Rizzo Tax."
"Ideally, the local population would rise up and say, 'It's time to take back our town. Government is not just a revenue source. It should be an engine of justice.' Until that happens, we've got a much wider problem," says Olson.
A Double Negative in Spanish is Still a Negative: The Murky Thinking of Demagoguery
![]() |
Dos Demagogues |
The Immigration Demagogues | National Review Online
By John Fund 11-28-14
Hoping for surrender on amnesty, Representative Luis Gutierrez plays the bully.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Tard and Retard, This Fool Understands Nothing! ‘Privileged’ Georgetown Student ‘Understands’ His Mugging
By Mark Tapson On November 28, 2014 In Daily Mailer,FrontPage
Sellout and Betrayal of the Nation
Obama's Ferguson Sellout by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal 25 November 2014
White House Scripted and Directed Riot
That goes double for Obama, Holder, Jackson and Sharpton! m/r"White people don't feel any obligation to defend some thug just because he's white. Only blacks are expected to lie on behalf of criminals of their own race."
The riot in Ferguson reminds me, I hate criminals, but I hate liberals more
Every other riot I've ever heard of was touched off by some spontaneous event that exploded into mob violence long before any media trucks arrived. This time, the networks gave us a countdown to the riot, as if it were a Super Bowl kickoff.
From the beginning, Officer Darren Wilson's shooting of Michael Brown wasn't reported like news. It was reported like a cause.
The media are in a huff about the prosecutor being "biased" because his father was a cop, who was shot and killed by an African-American. What an assh@le!
Evidently, the sum-total of what every idiot on TV knows about the law is Judge Sol Wachtler's 20-year-old joke that a prosecutor could "indict a ham sandwich." We're supposed to be outraged that this prosecutor didn't indict the ham sandwich of Darren Wilson.
-go to link-
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Obama "Disses" Hillary: Americans want 'new car smell' in 2016
Obama: Americans want 'new car smell' in 2016 | Fox News
Obama the Profiler: Cops need to distinguish 'Gang-Bangers,' Wannabe Gang-Bangers in Hoodies, and Illegals Emptying Bedpans
Articles: Obama on 'Gang-Bangers,' Hoodies, and Illegals Emptying Bedpans
By Jeannie DeAngelis 11-26-14
Read more:
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014
SOS from this Irresponsible Race Baiter!
Obama Lectures America About the Justified Anger Towards Law Enforcement in Minority Communities
The Biggest Con: Obama as a Constitutional Law Professor Who Never Seems to have Read the Constitution, Dictates Amnesty
The New Con: Law Professors for Executive Amnesty | The American Spectator
By Jeffrey Lord – 11.25.14
A pattern of deceit from the White House.
Lie #1: It’s good for America. The Top 15 Pro-Amnesty Myths
The Top 15 Pro-Amnesty Myths | National Review Online
By A. J. Delgado 11-24-14
Liberals lose credibility with every immigration argument — but they make it up in volume.
2. This is a one-time fix. …
3. Only the parents of current citizens or permanent residents qualify, not the parents of the illegals who qualified under 2012’s DACA. …
-more at link-
If you like your Doctor, you can keep your doctor … oops, wrong set of lies-
One Piece of Good News from this Reprobate - Ferguson Michael Brown Shooting: 'Boycott Black Friday' Aims to Hit America Where it Hurts
Ferguson Michael Brown Shooting: 'Boycott Black Friday' Aims to Hit America Where it Hurts
Monday, November 24, 2014
The Occam's Razor Answer to Why Obama Dumped Hagel. Obama hates White Republicans (and forget about Black ones)
How Obama Dumped Hagel - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO Magazine
He ‘just wasn’t the man for the job,’ president concluded.
Read more:
The Nation's Community Organizer has to be an Agitator
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Is Bill Cosby getting the Herman Cain Treatment by Going Off the "Blackness Reservation" for Criticizing "African-American Culture"?
Bill Cosby’s legacy, recast: Accusers speak in detail about sexual-assault allegations - The Washington Post
By Manuel Roig-Franzia, Scott Higham, Paul Farhi and Mary Pat Flaherty November 22, 2014
How Herman Cain and President Obama Brought Down Bill Cosby
John McWhorter
An Unfortunate, True, Corrupt Face of Black-Democrat Politics
FORMER DC MAYOR MARION BARRY DIES AT 78 News from The Associated Press
-don't bother-
Rand Paul joins the Dumb-Ass Branch of the Stupid Party - Rand Paul's Meeting with Al Sharpton
Thoughts on Rand Paul's Meeting with Al Sharpton | The American Spectator
By Aaron Goldstein on 11.20.14
Saturday, November 22, 2014
How Can Anyone Support the Mendacious Bitch-of-Benghazi?
Hillary 'Disqualifying' Herself by Dodging on Keystone | SUPERcuts! #131 - YouTube
Friday, November 21, 2014
And They Got to Play in Las Vegas Too! - Can FBI Cut Internet, Pose as Repairmen to Enter Your House? Don’t Cops Have Better Things to Do?!
Can FBI Cut Internet, Pose as Repairmen to Enter Your House? Don’t Cops Have Better Things to Do?! - YouTube
Agents suspected some high rollers staying at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas of illegal sports betting (the horror!). The feds didn’t have enough evidence to obtain a warrant, so they got creative: They cut the suite’s Internet, then showed up posing as repairmen.
Once they gained access to the suite, they sneakily collected enough evidence to persuade a judge to issue a warrant. They then returned to the suite and arrested eight men for allegedly running an illegal gambling operation.
Defense attorney Tom Goldstein argues the evidence was obtained illegally, claiming the federal agents failed to mention their “cable guy” shenanigans when they approached a federal magistrate judge seeking a warrant.
The federal case is working its way through the courts and the outcome may allow law enforcement to go further than ever before in using trickery to enter private homes.
Who needs enemies with friends like this? - A fee to go into Mexico?
A fee to go into Mexico? Pilot program underway - KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Felix Unger - We must stop Emperor Obama

Sen. Sessions reacts: We must stop Emperor Obama
Congress must fix the problems President Obama's executive amnesty plan creates.
Americans defeated President Obama's disastrous amnesty plans both in Congress and at the voting booth. Tonight, President Obama defied an entire nation and declared that he will impose his rejected amnesty through the brute force of executive order.
President Obama's executive amnesty will provide an estimated 5 million illegal immigrants with the exact benefits Congress rejected, in violation of federal law. His order will grant them social security numbers, government-issued ID's, legal status and work permits. Illegal immigrants will now be able to take jobs and benefits directly from struggling Americans in a time of high unemployment and low wages. They will be able to take jobs from Americans in all occupations, ranging from truck drivers to power company workers to jobs with city government. Many illegal immigrants will also be able to obtain green cards and become permanent residents, allowing them access to almost all federal programs, to receive citizenship and sponsor foreign relatives to join them in the U.S.
In addition to providing formal amnesty benefits for 5 million illegal immigrants, President Obama has also eliminated virtually all enforcement with respect to theother nearly 7 million illegal immigrantsin the United States. As the president's own former ICE Director, John Sandweg said: "if you are a run-of-the-mill immigrant here illegally, your odds of getting deported are close to zero."
All you have to do is get into the country from anywhere on globe — whether through the border or by overstaying a visa — and you are free to remain, take jobs and receive benefits. This year alone, the White House has released into the United States more than 100,000 illegal immigrants who simply showed up at the border and demanded entry.
And now, with a single pen stroke, President Obama is obliterating what little remains of Americans' immigration protections.
-go to links-
Gerry Rivers is an Hispanic Bigot. All things Spanish, no matter what, are Superior to this Phony
Geraldo Rivera: Ya era Hora (About Time) - Part One | Fox News Latino
-don't bother-
Thursday, November 20, 2014
The Stupid Party is Called the Stupid Party for Good Reason
The Old Toe Tapper :
Fantastic. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?
Obama's Attitude: SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? - A ‘Particularly Dangerous Moment’
Roger’s Rules » A ‘Particularly Dangerous Moment’
By Roger Kimball On November 20, 2014
Do Tell. You Mean Obama and HHS are STILL LYING? - Obamacare Sign-Ups Were Inflated With Dental Plans
By Alex Wayne Nov 20, 2014
"QUICK WATSON, THE NEEDLE!" - Nancy Pelosi: Obama's Executive Amnesty is About "Securing the Border"
Nancy Pelosi: Obama's Executive Amnesty is About "Securing the Border" - YouTube
With No Clothes: Obama Now ‘Emperor of the United States’
We have a waste of a president and presidency where all his wreckage has wasted the time and treasure of Americans. m/r
Sessions: Obama Now ‘Emperor of the United States’ | The Weekly Standard
NOV 19, 2014 • BY DANIEL HALPER - Full Short Post
Der Untermensch muss für das Wohl des Landes geopfert werden
Meet the Snobocrats | National Review Online
By Victor Davis Hanson 11-20-14
Jonathan Gruber’s disdain for the proverbial masses is thematic of the last six years.
one of prominent architects of Obamacare, was exposed as little more
than an elitist fraud.
Affordable Care Act, deriding the “stupidity” of Americans as a way to
justify misleading them.
handle the truth about the looming chaos he helped to engineer in their
health coverage.
$400,000 in consulting fees — is thematic of the last six years.
Another master-of-the-universe drafter of Obamacare was Ezekiel Emanuel. He
scoffed on national television that the number of people covered by
Obamacare at that point was “irrelevant.”
about the desirability of everyone dying at 75 to save society the
expense of maintaining what he sees as the unproductive elderly.
White House Doesn't Get It - Networks are Trying to Save Obama from Exposing His Arrogance
White House hits TV networks for skipping immigration address -