Karl Rove: "Bunch Of Baloney" To Blame Me for GOP Losses in 2008, 2012 - YouTube
"Fascism and communism both promise "social welfare," "social justice," and "fairness" to justify authoritarian means and extensive arbitrary and discretionary governmental powers." - F. A. Hayek"
"Life is a Bungling process and in no way educational." in James M. Cain
Jean Giraudoux who first said, “Only the mediocre are always at their best.”
If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law. Sir Winston Churchill
"summum ius summa iniuria" ("More laws, more injustice.") Cicero
As Christopher Hitchens once put it, “The essence of tyranny is not iron law; it is capricious law.”
"Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." Ronald Reagan
"Law is where you buy it." Raymond Chandler
"Why did God make so many damn fools and Democrats?" Clarence Day
"If I feel like feeding squirrels to the nuts, this is the place for it." - Cluny Brown
"Oh, pshaw! When yu' can't have what you choose, yu' just choose what you have." Owen Wister "The Virginian"
Oscar Wilde said about the death scene in Little Nell, you would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.
Thomas More's definition of government as "a conspiracy of rich men procuring their own commodities under the name and title of a commonwealth.” ~ Winston S. Churchill, A History of the English Speaking Peoples
“Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.” ~ Jonathon Swift
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Karl Rove and Hugh Hewitt are the Ultimate Old Boy GOP Losers
Karl Rove: "Bunch Of Baloney" To Blame Me for GOP Losses in 2008, 2012 - YouTube
Another Plan by Obama in the Middle East that Didn't Work, there's a surprise!
Protests in Baghdad throw administration’s Iraq plan into doubt - The Washington Post
And in recent days, the administration had been optimistic, despite the growing political unrest in Baghdad, about that critical partnership.
But that optimism — along with the administration’s strategy for battling the Islamic State in Iraq — was thrown into severe doubt after protesters stormed Iraq’s parliament on Saturday and a state of emergency was declared in Baghdad. The big question for White House officials is what happens if Abadi — a critical linchpin in the fight against the Islamic State — does not survive the turmoil that has swept over the Iraqi capital.
The chaos in Baghdad comes just after a visit by Vice President Biden that was intended to help calm the political unrest and keep the battle against the Islamic State on track.
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Friday, April 29, 2016
California has become Sick, Very Sick!
Lawmakers reject John Wayne Day over racism concerns | WNYW
Saddest of Parades, the Families of those Killed by Illegal Aliens
Trump Campaigns With Families Of Victims Killed By Undocumented Immigrants (VIDEO)
"He's going to do everything he says," Jamiel Shaw, whose son was shot and killed by an undocumented immigrant in 2008, said. "That's why everybody is so scared right now because they know change is coming. Change is coming."
Shaw has also appeared in a campaign ad for Trump, according to The Hill.
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What, No Equal Time for a Mohammad Dartboard?
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OK at Rutgers |
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Not OK at Rutgers |
After an outcry was raised by students, potential students, alumni and the general public, Rutgers University has removed a “provocative and controversial” piece of artwork from the campus library.
Just Another Peaceful Rally By the Illegal Alien Community from South of the Border

California police clash with protesters outside Donald Trump rally in Costa Mesa | Daily Mail Online
Protesters clash with cops at California Trump rally: Hundreds of Mexican flag-waving demonstrators smash up a squad car, punch a Donald supporter and scuffle with riot police amid angry scenes
- Police clashed with protesters outside Donald Trump's rally in Costa Mesa, California Thursday night
- One group of protesters was filmed trying to flip over a police car outside the Pacific Amphitheater where he spoke
- Hundreds of demonstrators flooded the streets, hurling rocks at motorists and forcefully declaring their opposition
- One Trump supporter was seen bloodied after being punched in the face, while about 20 people were arrested
- The Republican frontrunner was campaigning on Thursday ahead of the state's June 7 presidential primary
- He is vying for votes in the primary election to narrow the gap to the 1,237 delegates needed to win the nomination
- Trump leads Kasich and Cruz in the California polls, with an estimated 45.7 per cent of voters, according to Real Clear Politics

Thursday, April 28, 2016
Well of Course, Felons are Democrats and Obama Supporters
News from The Associated Press
We were told by Obama that "Walls Don't Work"
Secret Service Plans to Raise White House Fence by 5 Feet | NBC4 Washington
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Added Incentive to Vote for Trump!
9 Celebrities Who Vow to Leave the U.S. if Trump Wins - Breitbart
Trump's Anti-Obama to Secure US
Byron York: In state after state, strong GOP support for Trump's Muslim proposal | Washington Examiner
by Byron York • 4/27/16
What was once furious Republican opposition to Donald Trump's proposal to temporarily ban foreign Muslims from entering the U.S. has turned to virtual silence in the face of widespread GOP voter approval.
Exit polls from the nation's biggest Republican primaries show impressive majority support for Trump's proposal. In the latest example, in Pennsylvania Tuesday, 69 percent of GOP voters said they support "temporarily banning Muslims who are not U.S. citizens from entering the U.S." In New York last week, the number was 68 percent.
In Wisconsin, 69 percent supported Trump's idea. In Florida, 64 percent. Georgia, 68 percent. Ohio, 65 percent. Michigan, 63 percent. New Hampshire, 65 percent. Texas, 67 percent.
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Obama Puts America and Our Safety Last
Obama administration fails to screen Syrian refugees' social media accounts - Washington Times
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Concerns over refugee screening spurred Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback, a Republican, on Tuesday to cancel his state’s cooperation with federal authorities trying to resettle Syrians.
With a little more than five months left in the fiscal year, the government is 8,370 refugees short of its goal. Lawmakers on Capitol Hill say they fear the administration will reduce screening even more to speed up the process. To meet the president’s target, immigration officials would have to approve about 75 applications every workday for the rest of the fiscal year — nearly seven times the average so far.
“What is far more important than the arbitrary number of 10,000 is whether these refugees can be properly screened. If the answer is no, which is obviously the case given testimony by the FBI director and homeland security secretary, then we should not let a single one into the country,” said Rep. Vern Buchanan, Florida Republican.
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"It Takes A Klan"
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Grand Dragon Lady |
Ku Klux Klan Claims $20K In Clinton Donations - Vocativ
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Watch Out, the Climate Stasi
The Climate of Fear
Recently Mark gave an interview to The New Criterion's Ben Weingarten about the increasingly open totalitarian nature of Big Climate. Here's a snippet:
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As usual, Obama either doesn't know what he's talking about or he's lying!
Fmr. Attorney General: Clinton’s gross negligence is not a defense - YouTube
Monday, April 25, 2016
Too Cynical - The Fix is In and the Democrats Don't Care
Judge Napolitano- FBI Hillary Deadline- Evidence Exponentially Greater than Patraeus Conviction - YouTube
Harriet Tubman, the Portrait that Flummoxes Obama

Harriet Tubman: $20 Bill Change Honors American Hero
In fact, Harriett Tubman was a gun-toting, Jesus-loving spy who blazed the way for women to play a significant role in military and political affairs.
Indeed, her work on the Underground Railroad was mostly a prelude to her real achievements. Born into slavery as Araminta Ross, Tubman knew the slave system’s inhumanity firsthand: She experienced the savage beatings and family destruction that were par for the course. She eventually escaped and, like most who fled, freed herself largely by her own wits.
She later went back south — always carrying a gun she wasn’t afraid to use — to help guide her own family and many others out of the plantations. The courage and will that this took is difficult to fathom. But she’s really a secondary figure in the history of the Underground Railroad. Historians estimate that she led 300 or so people to freedom, while figures like William Sill and Levi Coffin helped bring freedom to thousands.
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Sunday, April 24, 2016
It Takes a Positive Gang
Clinton Controversy - Hillary We Could Have Positive Gangs - Fox & Friends - YouTube
We can save tons on gas by eliminating the U.N.!

Climate Deal Forecast: Frost for the U.S. Economy, Slush Funds for the Planet | PJ Media
By Claudia Rosett - April 23, 2016
One of the best catalogues of human folly is the 19th century book by Charles MacKay, "Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds." MacKay chronicles a host of scams, superstitions and mass frenzies, including the South Sea Bubble, Tulipomania, Alchemy and Witch Mania. To this roster, some future historian may someday add the full tale of the early 21st century Climate Mania, in which a throng of politicians, United Nations bureaucrats, film stars and whatnot promised that if they were just given enough power over our use of lightbulbs, cars, planes, ships, oil, gas, electricity and energy in general, they would -- for the greater good of mankind, mind you - arrange to control to within a few decimal points the temperature of the planet.
For the moment, however, this is not history we are talking about. We are stuck in the acute phase of Climate Mania. This Friday, "Earth Day," brought the signing ceremony at the UN's New York headquarters of the Paris Agreement on "Climate Change." More than 170 nations signed on, including such curators of human progress and enlightenment as North Korea, Sudan, Cuba and Iran. Actor Leonardo Di Caprio spoke from the podium of the General Assembly chamber. Secretary of State John Kerry brought his infant granddaughter, and held her on his lap while he signed the accord. UN leaders planted a tree in the UN "Food Garden."
General Ban Ki-moon called it "an historic day" (everything these days is "historic") and told the assembled eminences, "The era of consumption without consequences is over" (if that's true, then surely one of the first things to go should be the UN itself, complete with the recent $2 billion-plus makeover of its NY offices -- except the UN has always enjoyed immunity from its own pronouncements).
For all the hoopla, the Paris accord is not yet a done deal. But it soon may be. For this agreement to enter into force, at least 55 countries, accounting for 55% of "global greenhouse gas emissions," must now sort out on the national level how they plan to comply, and deposit their instruments of ratification with the UN. Fifteen have already done so.
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We No Longer Have to Suffer Middle-East Extortion!
Saudi Influence in Washington Must End | Frontpage Mag
If we are going to have any hope of defeating the global jihad.
Responding to a bill that would allow 9/11 victims’ families to sue governments linked to terror attacks inside the U.S., the Saudis have acted like neither an ally nor an innocent party: they’ve threatened to sell $750 billion in U.S. asserts, vividly demonstrating why their influence in Washington is so detrimental.
Nonetheless, they still have a friend in Barack Obama, a man who has never hesitated to reach out in friendship to those who threaten the United States. Obama is trying to get Congress to reject the bill, and his solicitude for the Saudis is drawing criticism even from members of his own party. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) called on him to release the 28 pages: “If the president is going to meet with the Saudi Arabian leadership and the royal family, they think it would be appropriate that this document be released before the president makes that trip, so that they can talk about whatever issues are in that document.”
The New York Daily News, normally a reliable Democratic Party organ, fumed: “If the President allows himself to get pushed around this way in front of the world, then he earns every bit of the anger being directed at him by the extended family of September 11.”
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She seems to be campaigning for the dumbest person award.
First Lady Targets Mississippi 'Religious Freedom' Bill in Commencement Speech - ABC News
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Something Tells Me the 'One in Five Family' Does Not Look Like the Idealized Picture Presented by the Mendacious AP
Unfortunately, the 20% non-working families is by diabolical bureaucratic design. m/r
No One Works in 1 in 5 U.S. Families
BY: Ali Meyer
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Here is the 'One in Five' Non-Working Family as Portrayed by the Associated Press. |
“Families are classified either as married-couple families or as families maintained by women or men without spouses present,” explains the bureau. “Families include those without children as well as those with children under age 18.”
There were 81,410,000 families in the United States in 2015. Of those, there were 16,060,000 families in which no member was employed, or 19.7 percent of the total.
The number has remained relatively steady since the Bureau of Labor Statistics started tracking this data since 1995.
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The Face of Democrats: 206K ex-Felons
McAuliffe restores voting rights for 206K ex-felons; GOP calls it move to boost Clinton - Richmond Times-Dispatch: Virginia Politics

The move, coming in a presidential election year, outraged Republicans who accused McAuliffe of abusing his power to help longtime ally Hillary Clinton win a battleground state by putting more likely Democratic voters on the books.
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Friday, April 22, 2016
We also wish we could tell Obama the Hypocrite to "Butt Out!"
London Mayor Boris Johnson Slams Obama as ‘Part-Kenyan’ Hypocrite - The Daily Beast
Fact 12 About Earth Day - The Unicorn Killer was Also Its Founder
Fact 13: "Earth Day" was founded on the 100th Anniversary of Lenin's Birth! m/r
11 Facts About Earth Day | DoSomething.org | Volunteer for Social Change
Reminder: Earth Day Co-Founder Killed and Composted His Girlfriend
But like many far-left movements, Earth Day has a dark past and was co-founded by a guy who killed and composted his girlfriend.
Surrounded by Armed Protection, the Bitch-of-Benghazi Wants Americans Unprotected!
Clinton Vows to Spend 'Every Single Minute' as President to 'Change Gun Culture' | PJ Media
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Here is the Sad Reality Of Obamaland!
by William Lee Contact Reporter 4-21-16
Surveillance video released Wednesday captures the last moments of a popular hotel cocktail server who was punched and knocked unconscious, landing in a Near North crosswalk. The footage also shows more than a dozen bystanders failing to come to his aid in the nearly two minutes before a cab accidentally drives over him.
Marques Gaines, 32, died at an area hospital after the incident about 4:20 a.m. Feb. 7 outside a 7 Eleven store in the 400 block of North State Street.
Especially troubling for Gaines' family was that bystanders didn't help as he lay in the crosswalk. At least one person believed to be a 7-Eleven employee called 911. Others walked past him without trying to pull him out of the street or block traffic.
Within seconds of the punch, a half-dozen people gathered around Gaines, including two men who appeared to have rifled his pockets. Gaines' family said his cellphone and debit card were stolen. After a minute, the group and his attacker left the scene and as seconds ticked away, individuals and groups of people walked by Gaines without trying to pull him out of the street.
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Shut Down the EPA to Save Jobs, the Environment and Stop Polluting Rivers!
EPA Chief: 'Absolutely no reason' to measure the global temperature impact of our climate regs - YouTube
Published on Apr 20, 2016
Hearing to Review the FY17 Environmental Protection Agency Budget Request Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Senate Appropriations Committee April 20, 2016
Who Ever Said Sportscasting and Sportscasters Were Not Retarded?
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How many ESPN Sportscasters does it take to screw in a lightbulb? |
LET HIM IN! To the restroom with your daughter or else you're a narrow minded, judgemental, unloving racist bigot who needs to die!!!And because Schilling saw fit to post this meme, the left-wing media basically called Schilling a narrow minded, judgemental, unloving racist bigot who needs be fired by ESPN. Tonight they got their pound of flesh. He had been in the Left's sights since posting a tweet likening Islamic terrorists to Nazis last September which earned him a suspension from the network.
From where I sit, if one has had undergone sexual reassignment surgery and went from being a man to a woman then by all means go to the ladies' room. But ordinances in places like Houston and Charlotte are so broad as is the definition of transgenderism that a man who merely "identifies" as a woman can use the ladies' room and vice versa is utterly absurd and devoid of common sense. But when there's a political agenda to advance absurdity reigns supreme and common sense is hate
speech and Schilling is now a casualty of said agenda. ESPN wouldn't have a problem if Curt Schilling had spoken out against the bathroom bill in North Carolina, supported the Palestinians or said Hillary Clinton should be elected President. But because Schilling expresses views contrary to those of ESPN they are deemed offensive and he must be banished....
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Maybe We Can Give Puerto Rico to Cuba?
A PR Nightmare | The American Spectator
By Scott McKay – 4.19.16
If you’re like most Americans, what you know about the Puerto Rico debt problem is what you’ve seen on the nearly ubiquitous cable news commercials warning that “the politicians” are going to “bail out Puerto Rico” and its left-wing government by “robbing Americans of their savings.” This, because there is a bill being kicked around in the House Natural Resources Committee that would allow for a restructuring of some $70 billion in government debt the island territory has run up over the years. The bill in question is being pushed by House Speaker Paul Ryan and a number of other Republicans, but it’s being assailed on both sides.
Essentially the bill, titled the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA), is a cramdown. It would put a commission together that would seek to force Puerto Rico to reform its fiscal policies — the island’s government is an avatar of Latin American leftist waste and corruption, particularly personified by its staggering $4 billion K-12 public education spending and thoroughly mismanaged government-monopoly power company. The bill would also impose a haircut on the bondholders by allowing Puerto Rico to access Chapter 9 municipal bankruptcy laws in large part. Several major Wall Street hedge funds helped accelerate the island’s debt crisis by snapping up $3.5 billion in bonds Puerto Rico floated in 2014, after its
debt had been downgraded to junk status.
From a Republican perspective, the question is whether the cramdown favored by Ryan is a better option than the “let it burn” stand favored by Rep. John Fleming (R-Louisiana). In a Daily Signal piece last Friday, he warned that a debt restructuring for Puerto Rico will only pave the way for a similar debt default by irresponsible governments on the mainland.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Our Enemy Government!
by Alex Pfeiffer 4-19-16

“Open borders, reckless sanctuary policies, and failure to enforce our immigration laws have greatly impacted public safety and national security throughout every jurisdiction of this country. Every single day, more Americans are becoming victims of senseless crimes, being injured and killed by criminal aliens, many are transnational gang members,” said Sheriff Charles Jenkins of Frederick County, Md.
Frederick County is about 40 miles from Washington, D.C. Jenkins said that his cooperation with Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) through the Department of Homeland Security’s 287(g) has helped rid his county of many illegal aliens.
Read This! Congress and Obama Are The Accomplices!
“I see this America government scrambling over themselves to pretend to care about American families and instead you give away every bit of America to people who have broken our laws entering this country,” she added. “Then on to break other laws.”Mother of Son Murdered by an Illegal Breaks Down in Tears Before Congress, Begging for Immigration Enforcement - Breitbart
by Caroline May 19 Apr 2016
The mother of a teenage son who was tortured and murdered by an illegal immigrant broke down in tears Tuesday before a House panel, begging for the government to enforce immigration law.
Laura Wilkerson, the mother of Josh Wilkerson, described in vivid detail the manner in which Hermilo Vildo Moralez, an illegal immigrant, beat, tortured, and eventually killed her son Josh then went to a movie.
In emotional testimony before the House Immigration and Border Subcommittee, Wilkerson expressed frustration that the problem of illegal immigration has not been fixed since the last time she testified before Congress in July 2015.
“Nothing has been done about it. We can have hearing after hearing, after hearing, after hearing until there is action we’re just talking,” Wilkerson said.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Kasich Is Not Just Kind of a Jerk, HE IS A JERK!

John Kasich Is Kind of a Jerk and MSNBC Loves Him | PJ Media
By Stephen Kruiser April 18, 2016
John Kasich has always been a guy who can't go five minutes without getting frustrated that he's not the tallest, smartest or most handsome guy in the room and lashing out at the nearest person. Sadly, drunk Ohioans keep voting him into positions of power where he can act out a lot. He did, however, try to clean up us act earlier in the year and attempt to learn some social skills. Sure, it was just to get votes but, hey, baby steps.
Well, that didn't last long.
John Kasich is getting tired of people saying he doesn’t have a path to victory (even though, well, he really doesn’t), and he snapped a bit at a reporter today who pointed that out to him.At least Ted Cruz is being honest about working a second-ballot strategy for the convention right now, but Kasich has a bad case of the Jebs and mistakenly thinks his appeal at home translates to the rest of America.
Remember, Kasich has only won one state so far, and that was his home state of Ohio.
When a reporter pointed out to Kasich that he’s only won one state, the Ohio governor insisted that polls show only him defeating Hillary Clinton.
The reporter attempted to press him again and Kasich said, “Can I finish? I’m answering the question the way I want to answer it.”
Kasich got so irritated, he took the recorder out of the reporter’s hand, sarcastically asked “what do you think?”, and handed it back.
Well, there is one place outside of Ohio that loves America's most notoriously petulant mailman's son: the MSNBC studios...
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Monday, April 18, 2016
Justin Trudeau's "pitiful" quantum BS. The Story Behind the BS Story
Canada's Media Party touts Justin's "pitiful" quantum computing routine - YouTube
This is Infringement, Especially on those Who Are Not Rich!
$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States | Americans for Tax Reform
Climate Hustle Documentary - Desperation and Intimidation
Marc Morano Climate Change - Climate Hustle Documentary Interview - YouTube
Mr. Morano interviews Bill Nye The-Science-is-Settled-so-if-you-Disagre
Way back to 1912 - To Bull Moose from BS
Rules of the GOP Fraternal Order | The American Spectator
Rule Two: Unless you want to change the rules to preserve the Ruling Order.
The other day, a surely very nice guy who was identified as a former Colorado Republican Party Chairman appeared on CNN to discuss the latest state of play in the Trump-RNC dust-up. Among other things he dismissed concern over Colorado’s rules for selecting delegates by saying that they had been in place since… 1912.
Uh-oh. In saying this the ex-chairman clearly unwittingly opened a door that makes Donald Trump’s

The Republican Party is in absolute turmoil. President William Howard Taft is in the White House, the protégé of his predecessor and old friend President Theodore Roosevelt having won the White House four years earlier after TR declined to run for a third term. But now? Teddy Roosevelt is upset with his old friend. It seems Will Taft has turned out to be a tad more conservative than the trust-busting TR approved. OK, actually a lot more conservative. And so TR, more than furious, has plunged headlong into the presidential race, directly challenging Taft for the GOP nomination. Also in the race was a third candidate: the liberal Wisconsin Senator Robert LaFollette.
They battle across the country, with Roosevelt winning 9 of 12 states that had primaries. But the rest of the then-48 states had no primaries. And as the Chicago Convention approached, the delegate numbers stood this way ...
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Global Warming Hoax's Chilling Effect! The Biggest Scam Ever for Totalitarian Control of Everything!
These "environmentalists" are dangerous and powerful criminals, using their political power to maintain their divisive scheme. m/r
Democratic AGs, climate change groups colluded on prosecuting dissenters, emails show - Washington Times
By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Sunday, April 17, 2016
In the hours before they took the stage for their March 29 press conference, Democratic attorneys general received a secret briefing from two top environmentalists on pursuing climate change dissenters.
Peter Frumhoff of the Union of Concerned Scientists and the Climate Accountability Institute’s Matt Pawa spent 45 minutes each providing talking points behind the scenes on “the imperative of taking action now” and “climate change litigation,” according to a cache of emails released over the weekend by the free market Energy & Environmental Legal Institute.

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Sunday, April 17, 2016
The System Is Rigged! - If Trump is Denied, Revolution Will Ensue!
Caddell: System Is Rigged, It's About Elite Holding Onto Power - Election 2016 - Fox Report - YouTube
"Squirrels to the Nuts"
All Politics Is Loco | The American Spectator

All politics is loco.
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Saturday, April 16, 2016
Der Witz Polizei Rückkehr
Where the Streets Have No Jokes (cont) :: SteynOnline
by Mark Steyn - Steyn on Europe -
Max Miller, the "Cheeky Chappie" of Britain's music hall, liked to say that the great thing about comedy was that it was the only job where if you're really bad at it nobody laughs at you. The dead hand of the demographically exhausted German state is taking it to a whole other level:
The German government has approved a criminal inquiry into a comic who mocked the Turkish president, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced.You can take the girl out of East Germany, but you can't take the East Germany out of the girl. In the Eighties, Angela Merkel, was a board member of the FDJ - the "Free German Youth", the kiddie wing of the one-party state - and the local secretary in charge of "agitprop". So she has a deep understanding of how art and even humble jokes must serve the needs of the regime - in this case, kissing up to the new sultan:
By law, the government must approve any use of an article of the criminal code on insulting foreign leaders.
Mrs Merkel stressed that the courts would have the final word.
Chancellor Angela Merkel's government granted Turkey's request to proceed with legal action against a German satirist who derided President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, risking a domestic backlash over freedom of expression.There's no end of grim soundbites in her press conference today. How about this one?
"We're allowing this because we are confident of the strong justice system in our state," Merkel told reporters in Berlin Friday.
"In a country under the rule of law, it is not up to the government to decide," Merkel said. "Prosecutors and courts should weight personal rights against the freedom of press and art."Bog off, tosser. A free society does not threaten a guy with years in gaol for writing a poem. If you don't know that that's wrong, you should just cut to the chase and appoint yourself mutasarrıfa of Erdogan's neo-Ottoman sanjak of Berlin.
What a disgraceful person she is, the worst German chancellor since ...
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America's Trust in Equality Under the Law - FBI's 'reputation' on the line in Clinton probe
By Catherine Herridge, Pamela K. Browne 4-16-16
"Decisions must be made on facts alone. Much is at stake here -- people's trust in the Bureau for years to come, as well as the Bureau's reputation among our allies, partners, and friends as the greatest law
enforcement agency in the world,” wrote John F. Good, president of the Long Island Chapter of the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI.
Good told Fox News a half-dozen FBI agents who worked the 1978 ABSCAM investigation – which targeted sitting members of Congress -- belong to the chapter. The ABSCAM investigation included more than 30 political figures, with six House members and one U.S. senator ultimately convicted of crimes. The investigation was depicted in the 2013 Golden Globe-winning movie "American Hustle," in which Bradley Cooper played an agent based on Good and others.
Good, 79, told Fox News by phone that the Clinton email case boils down to whether the U.S. is a nation of laws, where all citizens are equal under the law, or there is a different set of rules for the powerful. He said the ABSCAM agents thought it was important to show support for the bureau’s work in the email probe since they know what it feels like to face intense public scrutiny.
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They May Just Be Stupid - They Have Been Schooled To Be That Way
Lizzy Kelly, a history student at Sheffield added: “Students might be more inclined to read what academics want them to if our curricula weren’t overwhelmingly white, male and indicative of a society and structures we fundamentally disagree with because they don't work for us.”University students are struggling to read entire books | Education | News | The Independent
Rachael Pells 4-16-16

time to finish them.
University academics caused a furore this week by claiming many students found the thought of reading books all the way to the end “daunting”, due to shorter attention spans and an inability to focus on complex philosophies.
Jenny Pickerill, a professor in environmental geography [notice the PC course] at the University of Sheffield, told Times Higher Education magazine: “Students struggle with set texts, saying the language or concepts are too hard”.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Why Are We Paying Taxes? What Happened to Buses and Military Transport?
Deportation Decline - Number Of Removals Has Decreased Since 2012 - Fox & Friends - YouTube
Let me ask America a question: How has the “system” been working out for you and your family?
"I, for one, am not interested in defending a system that for decades has served the interest of political parties at the expense of the people. Members of the club—the consultants, the pollsters, the politicians, the pundits and the special interests—grow rich and powerful while the American people grow poorer and more isolated."Let Me Ask America a Question - WSJ
A planned vote had been canceled. And one million Republicans in Colorado were sidelined.
In recent days, something all too predictable has happened: Politicians furiously defended the system. “These are the rules,” we were told over and over again. If the “rules” can be used to block Coloradans from voting on whether they want better trade deals, or stronger borders, or an end to special-interest vote-buying in Congress—well, that’s just the system and we should embrace it.
Let me ask America a question: How has the “system” been working out for you and your family?
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The Citadel has lost its way. There is nothing to depend on anymore (except taxes, even beyond death).
And why are women at the Citadel anyway?
Because: It is Government funded.
That means the Citadel will cave and there is really no more Citadel, just a place with that name. m/r
The Citadel considers first-ever uniform exception: allowing a Muslim hijab - The Washington Post
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Partnership to Scam and Ruin America!
Local Anchor exposes "Partnership for a New American Economy" - YouTube
KXJB (CBS) - Fargo, ND
Delusional Deutschen nach dreiundachtzig Jahren
German Justice Minister blames Cologne rapes on... sexy billboards? - YouTube
"Underhanded" - Killing Our Jobs with Collusion and Coercion
Shoe Company: Obama Admin Pressured Us to Stay Quiet on TPP | The Weekly Standard
New Balance officials say one big reason is that they were told the Department of Defense would give them serious consideration for a contract to outfit recruits with athletic shoes.
But no order has been placed, and New Balance officials say the Pentagon is intentionally delaying any purchase.
New Balance is reviving its fight against the trade deal, which would, in part, gradually phase out tariffs on shoes made in Vietnam. A loss of those tariffs, the company says, would make imports cheaper and jeopardize its factory jobs in New England.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Convicted Rapists, with DNA Evidence, Should Get Life in Prison, No Parole!
Rape Matters — So Does Catching Rapists | The American Spectator
Finally, justice officials have devised a way to DNA test a huge sexual kit backlog.
While it is hard to quantify the activity of these often stealthy criminals, one often-quoted study examined 41 known serial rapists, who admitted they were collectively responsible for at least 837 violent rapes and over 400 attempted rapes. That’s more than 30 crimes per rapist!
When a Religion Ceases To Be A Religion
’60 MINUTES’: Lawmakers Say Redacted Pages Of 9/11 Report Show Saudi Official Met Hijackers In LA « CBS Los Angeles
LOS ANGELES (CBSLA.com) — Lawmakers are calling on the White House to declassify more than two dozen pages in the 9/11 Commission report that they say outlines evidence for possible support from the Saudi government for two hijackers who settled in Southern California.
A CBS News “60 Minutes” report quoted officials familiar with the 2003 report as saying 28 pages of
redacted information raises questions over whether Saudi officials were involved in assisting Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar upon their arrival in Los Angeles in Jan. 2000.
Former Democratic congressman and U.S. ambassador to India Tim Roemer told “60 Minutes” the two Saudi nationals found a way to gain access to housing and flight lessons upon their arrival despite “extremely limited language skills and no experience with Western culture.”
“L.A., San Diego, that’s really you know, the hornet’s nest,” said Roemer. “That’s really the one that I continue to think about almost on a daily basis.”
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A Few Thoughts Now On The GOP Establishment's Efforts To Stop Donald Trump By Means, At Any Cost - YouTube
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Only Illiterate Mexican Gang Graffiti Allowed!
Greek Week events altered after members painted “Build the Wall” - The Post: News
Phony Kerry
SECY Kerry Calls His Visit To Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park "Gut Wrenching" - Cavuto - YouTube
The Dreadlocks Nazi - No Dreadlocks For You, White-Ass!
Colorado and the GOP Stooges - Why They Need to be Stopped!
Patrick J. Buchanan 4-11-16
He has brought out the largest crowds and is poised for huge wins in the largest states of the East, New York and Pennsylvania.
Yet, there is a growing probability that the backroom boys will steal the nomination from him at a brokered convention in Cleveland.
Over the weekend, Colorado awarded all 34 delegates to Ted Cruz. The fix had been in since August, when party officials, alarmed at Trump’s popularity, decided it would be best if Colorado Republicans were not allowed to vote on the party’s nominee.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/04/will-trump-be-swindled-in-cleveland-too/#iM6CHwHhfcdvgAmL.99