"Fascism and communism both promise "social welfare," "social justice," and "fairness" to justify authoritarian means and extensive arbitrary and discretionary governmental powers." - F. A. Hayek"
"Life is a Bungling process and in no way educational." in James M. Cain
Jean Giraudoux who first said, “Only the mediocre are always at their best.”
If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law. Sir Winston Churchill
"summum ius summa iniuria" ("More laws, more injustice.") Cicero
As Christopher Hitchens once put it, “The essence of tyranny is not iron law; it is capricious law.”
"Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." Ronald Reagan
"Law is where you buy it." Raymond Chandler
"Why did God make so many damn fools and Democrats?" Clarence Day
"If I feel like feeding squirrels to the nuts, this is the place for it." - Cluny Brown
"Oh, pshaw! When yu' can't have what you choose, yu' just choose what you have." Owen Wister "The Virginian"
Oscar Wilde said about the death scene in Little Nell, you would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.
Thomas More's definition of government as "a conspiracy of rich men procuring their own commodities under the name and title of a commonwealth.” ~ Winston S. Churchill, A History of the English Speaking Peoples
“Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.” ~ Jonathon Swift
Thursday, December 31, 2015
And the NY Times Can't Understand Why We Aren't Jumping For Jehad
On Christmas Day -- three weeks after the son of a Pakistani immigrant and his Pakistani immigrant bride murdered 14 people in San Bernardino, California -- The New York Times told the heartwarming story of "Kamal," a Syrian refugee who resettled into Houston, Texas, earlier this year and immediately started shopping at Walmart.
The Times considers it tacky when actual Americans go to Walmart, but Muslim immigrants seem to live there, buying nothing but American flags and Christmas trees.
Thus, we're told Kamal has an outdoor Christmas tree from Walmart, and we find him carrying two trays of cupcakes from Kroger's for his children's elementary school holiday party.
Kamal -- like the Times -- was "angered" by Texans' reluctance to accept more Syrian refugees. He says of Americans: "Why did you bring me here and why then you let the people hate us?"
We brought you here, Kamal, because the Democrats need voters and the rich need cheap servants.
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As a Snail Cowering in Its Shell
"in the end he's our guy." More on the Hypocrite Hillary
by Mark Steyn Steyn on America

Mark Steyn: Why Is Bill Cosby Finished While Bill Clinton Is Beloved?
The Right's 5th Column
Most notably this was evidenced in June as millions of Fox News viewers saw FOX’s entire line-up of professional pundits proclaim borders shouldn’t matter; border walls won’t work; illegal alien amnesty was the only viable solution to decades of unenforced immigration law; and, heck, this was only in week #1 of Donald Trump’s campaign.
Since June ’15, on almost every issue those same pundits have now openly aligned themselves with GOPe agenda items like global trade, tax policy, big government spending, and advocacy to including advancement of Speaker Paul ‘Omnibus’ Ryan. However, a sharp reader, DrudgeAddict, smartly points out these same voices were the exact group who gathered together in an exclusive meeting with President Obama in 2009 to sing his praises after the ’08 election. Including :
- George Will
- Michael Barone
- David Brooks
- Charles Krauthammer
- Bill Kristol
- Lawrence Kudlow
- Rich Lowry
- Peggy Noonan
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Democrat Legislators and their Judges are the Nuts! Guilty First, then Try to Prove You Are Innocent
New CA Law - California Can Now Seize Legally Owned Guns With No Notice Starting Jan 1, 2016 - YouTube
CA Law - California Can Now Seize Legally Owned Guns With No Notice
Starting Jan 1, 2016 - Attack On Second Amendment - Making Money
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Mark Steyn cuts through the BS: Why Celebrate Bill Clinton and Charge Bill Cosby?
One faces charges, the other campaigns
“I mean that as a seriously question incidentally,” Steyn said. “Why is Bill Cosby finished? He was the most beloved guy. We keep hearing Bill Clinton is the most beloved guy in America. ‘If Bill Clinton was on the ticket, he’d sweep all 50 states. It would be a landslide. Americans love Bill Clinton.’ They loved Bill Cosby – nice grandfatherly Bill Cosby. But somehow, for whatever reason – you don’t see ‘The Bill Cosby Show’ on TV anymore. You don’t see it on the rerun channels. He is not appearing anywhere.”Clinton has faced a long list of accusations over the years ranging from affairs to outright sexual assault but has never been charged nor pursued hard by the media. Bill Clinton has even been celebrated by women's groups - mainly due to his support for abortion.
“You’d almost think it’s some kind of like racism thing,” he continued. “That somehow, when a bunch of women make accusations against the black guy – boom, he’s vaporized.
When a bunch of women make accusations against some white southern redneck — we're talking about putting him back in the White House for another eight years as first gentleman.”
H/T Breitbart
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Tuesday, December 29, 2015
"Soylent Green is People!"
News from The Associated Press 12-29-15

Veggie patties have been around for decades, but Brown and others want to make
"Merry Christmas" in Obamaland: Black Mob Violence at Malls
In the days before, during, and after Christmas, 15 malls reported large-scale episodes of rioting, shooting, looting, rampaging, fighting, throwing rocks at police, damaging cars and more.
Two black people died.
A survey of the mayhem from around the country.
In Louisville, 2000 black people “rioted” at the Mall St. Matthews. In addition, shoppers report several gunshots. “Riots unfolded at Mall St. Matthews today,” reported WHAS TV news of the day after Christmas mob action. “That violence, beginning around 7, forcing mall officials to close early. It actually spread to multiple locations,” (outside the mall.)
“Why was this whole mayhem involving black kids,” asked one viewer of WHAS. “My wife and I were there plus vids show it.”
The police spokesman said the violence was “random.”
In the Stonecrest Mall in a suburb of Atlanta, video from inside the mall shows a group of black people fighting and pulling each other’s hair. Soon after, the group of about 10-15 moved outside, where the video shows fighting, gunshots, and at least one person hitting the ground wounded, while the other participants shrieked with glee.
At the Orange Park Mall near Jacksonville, 200 black people had to be dispersed from a movie theater on Christmas Day. “100's of teens & young adults were at/outside movie theater at OP Mall when fights erupted,” said local reporter Tennikka Smith Hughes,
Monday, December 28, 2015
A Pernicious Thing
'Actress' is a perfectly good word - a rant - YouTube
More ranty videos here:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Detroit II, Let Baltimore Go, as it has asked. Black Lies, Extortion, "Great Society" and "Community Organizing"
Autumn 2015

This brand of thinking, which I have called the riot ideology, influenced urban politics for a generation, from the 1960s through the 1980s. Perhaps its model city was Baltimore, which, in 1968, was consumed by race riots so intense that the Baltimore police, 500 Maryland state troopers, and 6,000 National Guardsmen were unable to quell them. The “insurrection” was halted only when nearly 5,000 federal troops requested by Maryland governor Spiro Agnew arrived.
In the years since 1968, Baltimore has proved remarkably adept at procuring state and federal funds and constructed revitalization projects such as the justly famed Camden Yards and a convention center. But Baltimore never really recovered from the riots, and the lawlessness never fully subsided. What began as a grand bargain to avert further racial violence after 1968 descended over the decades into a series of squalid shakedowns. Antipoverty programs that had once promised to
repair social and family breakdown became by the 1990s self-justifying and self-perpetuating.
In the wake of the 2014 riots in Ferguson, Missouri, and the 2015 West Baltimore riots, a new riot ideology has taken hold, one similarly intoxicated with violence and willing to excuse it but with a different goal. ...
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Sunday, December 27, 2015
Jeb Bush is the Ultimate Out-of-Touch, Frat-Boy, Elitist
By Michael Walsh December 26, 2015
To hear the patronizing wise men of the Republican Party tell it, anyone who would vote for Donald Trump for president must be deranged. “Trumpkins,” they call them, mental midgets and xenophobic troglodytes who’ve crawled out from their survivalist caves in order to destroy the Beltway Establishment.
How their resentful attitude galls the crack cadres of campaign consultants who brought conservatives halfhearted standard-bearers like John McCain and Mitt Romney to do sham battle against Barack Obama in 2008 and ’12, then return to the safety of the US Senate and a beachfront mansion in La Jolla.
The peasants are revolting!
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Saturday, December 26, 2015
It's the usual hypocrisy and double standard from the lefty media!
Could you imagine the furor which would have ensued had President Obama's daughters been depicted as monkeys? The racial connotations alone would have made a front page story for a week. Resignations would have been submitted and editorials chastising conservatives for the coarsening of our political culture would have been the most popular item on the menu.
But since the children in question here belong to Ted Cruz they are offered no sympathy as demonstrated by Melissah Yang of Bustle who blames Cruz for the whole episode:
When you launch a presidential campaign, everything in your life is fair game, and while the ethics of including young children in that scrutiny is questionable, the reality is that the rule cuts both ways. Hours after the cartoon went live, the Cruz campaign sent out a fundraising email that contained the image in full. ...-go to links-
Nothing has changed, they are still Idiots
Dennis Miller: 'Our Leaders are Idiots' - YouTube
Orig. Published on Mar 14, 2014
Feet of Clay - Mouth-full of Lies
Hillary Clinton’s ‘Secret Weapon’ Could Escalate Campaign Rhetoric - WSJ
By Peter Nicholas Dec. 25, 2015
“Hillary Clinton has some nerve to talk about the war on women and the bigotry toward women when she has a serious problem in her husband,” Ms. Pierson told CNN. Representatives for Mr. Clinton and the Clinton campaign declined to comment.
Mrs. Clinton holds a commanding lead among Democrats nationally, but polling shows the contests in Iowa and New Hampshire are up for grabs. Losses in both states could potentially alter the dynamics of a race she is dominating.In a conference call with supporters this past week, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said that Mrs. Clinton was in a “dog fight” in New Hampshire.
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And Everything Suddenly Just Went Black
Metropolitan Museum Sued -- White Jesus Paintings 'Racist' | National Review Online
Read more at:
"Live and let eat. Merry Christmas."
Gluten-Free Food Fad Isn't Science-Based
So far, I’m ahead. Never had an egg substitute in my life. I figured trans fats were just another fad waiting to be revoked and renounced. Moreover, if I was wrong, the green eggs and ham would take so long to kill me anyway that I was more likely to be hit by a bus first. Either way, win-win.
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/429001/gluten-free-food-fad-science
Friday, December 25, 2015
Our Big Government thinks it's Santa Claus
Big Government Leaves Our Nation Poor in Money and Spirit | Frontpage Mag
Discovering the root cause of bad governance.
Suppose there is an elderly widow in your neighborhood. She does not have the strength to mow her lawn, clean her windows and perform other household tasks. Plus she does not have the financial means to hire someone to perform them. Here is my question: Would you support a government mandate that forces one of your neighbors to mow the widow's lawn, clean her windows and perform other household tasks? Moreover, if the person so ordered failed to obey the government mandate, would you approve of some sort of sanction, such as a fine, property confiscation or imprisonment? I believe and hope that most of my fellow Americans would find such a mandate repulsive. They would rightfully condemn it as a form of slavery, which can also be described as the forcible use of one person to serve the purposes of another.
Would there be the same condemnation if, instead of forcing one of your neighbors to actually perform the household tasks, your neighbor were forced to fork over $50 of his weekly earnings to the widow? That way, she could hire someone to perform the tasks that she is unable to do. Would that mandate differ from one under which your neighbor is forced to actually perform the household tasks? I'd answer no. Just the mechanism differs for forcibly using one person to serve the purposes of another.
Most Americans would want to help this widow, but they would find anything that openly smacks of servitude or slavery deeply offensive.
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Congenital Liar, Bitch-of-Benghazi Stuck on Rewind
Media Silent about Hillary's Smear of Trump | Frontpage Mag
December 25, 2015 Matthew Vadum
Media Silent about Hillary's Smear of Trump
Bill Clinton, not the Republican front-runner, is being used as an ISIS recruitment tool.
In fact it is the Benghazi bungler's husband, not Trump, who is featured in an Islamic State (a.k.a. ISIS, ISIL, and Daesh) recruiting video in which he is labeled a "fornicator" for his many sexual improprieties.
"No Respite," a four-minute video published online by Islamic State in November, shows images of Bill Clinton, along with former President George W. Bush, who is called a "liar," and President Obama. The propaganda piece makes the pitch that the U.S. military is no match for
Muslim armies.
But you probably haven't heard about the appropriation of Bill Clinton's image for jihadist recruitment efforts.
It does not fit the media's predetermined narrative. Left-wingers like Hillary are allowed to get away with lies. Anything that promotes the idea that so-called Islamophobia is sweeping America is promoted vigorously.
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Thursday, December 24, 2015
Giuliani embodied leadership - Obama embodies Incompetence
Giuliani blasts Obama's 'complete lack of leadership' - FoxTV World News - YouTube
On 'Hannity,' former NYC mayor slams the president for blaming the media for ISIS fears
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Lefty Self-Righteousness, "Only Natural, No Genetic Modified Ingredients," and No Concealed Carry!
Obama's favorite fast-food. It is almost a parable that reflects upon Obama and his Programs. m/r
Inside Chipotle’s Contamination Crisis
By Susan Berfield | December 22, 2015
Collins liked to have a meal at Chipotle once a week. On Friday evening, Oct. 23, he ordered his regular chicken bowl at his usual Chipotle in Lake Oswego. His dinner was made of 21 ingredients, including toasted cumin, sautéed garlic, fresh organic cilantro, finely diced tomatoes, two kinds of onion, romaine lettuce, and kosher salt. It tasted as good as always.
On Halloween, the ER doctor called him at home: Collins had Shiga-toxin-producing E. coli 026, and he’d likely gotten it from one of those 21 ingredients in his meal at Chipotle. (This was later confirmed by public-health officials.) The doctor warned him that kidney failure was possible; intensive treatment, including dialysis, could be necessary. His kidneys held up, but it took an additional five days for the worst of Collins’s symptoms to ease and nearly six weeks for him to recover. He still doesn’t have as much physical strength as he used to, and he feels emotionally shaky, too. “Before, I was doing the P90X workouts. For a long time after, I couldn’t even walk a few blocks,” he says. “It made me feel old and weak and anxious.” On Nov. 6, Collins sued Chipotle, seeking unspecified damages.
Notices on restaurant doors generally referred to problems with the supply chain or equipment. But local media reported that at least one restaurant in Portland put up a note that said, “Don’t panic … order should be restored to the universe in the very near future.” “That felt so snarky,” Collins says. “People could die from this, and they were so smug.”
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The Poll Should Have Asked: Would You Feel Suicidal If Hillary Became President?
Would You Be Embarrassed If Donald Trump Became President? - Stuart Varney - YouTube
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Cooking the Books to "Make the Climate Warmer" than It Really Is
Judicial Watch Sues for Documents Withheld From Congress in New Climate Data Scandal
DECEMBER 22, 2015
In June, NOAA widely publicized a study as refuting the nearly two-decade pause in climate change. After three letters requesting all communications from the agency surrounding the role of political appointees in the agency’s scientific process, Chairman Smith issued a subpoena for the information. Smith subsequently sent a letter on December 1st offering to accept documents and communications from NOAA political, policy and non-scientific staff as a first step in satisfying the subpoena requirements.
Information provided to the Committee by whistleblowers appears to show that the study was rushed to publication despite the concerns and objections of a number of NOAA employees.
We Knew Obama was Anti-American, now We Know How Much!
Why is it that everything Obama does seems to be to the detriment of the US? m/r
Iran Nuclear Deal Restricts U.S. More Than Congress Knew - Bloomberg View
By Eli Lake & Josh Rogin
Members of Congress knew the Iran nuclear deal came with strings attached. They just didn't know how many.
When the administration presented the agreement to Congress, lawmakers were told that new sanctions on Iran would violate the deal. Now the administration is trying to sidestep a recently passed provision to tighten rules on visas for those who have visited Iran.
Since the accord was struck last summer, the U.S. emphasis on complying with its end of the deal has publicly eclipsed its efforts to pressure Iran. In that time, Iranian authorities have detained two American dual nationals and sentenced a third on what most observers say are trumped up espionage charges. Iran's military has conducted two missile tests, one of which the U.N. said violated sanctions, and engaged in a new offensive with Russia in Syria to shore up the country's dictator, Bashar al-Assad.
In the latest example of the U.S. effort to reassure Iran, the State Department is scrambling to confirm to Iran that it won't enforce new rules that would increase screening of Europeans who have visited Iran and plan to come to America. There is concern the new visa waiver provisions, included in the omnibus budget Congress passed last week, would hinder business people seeking to open up new ventures in Iran once sanctions are lifted.
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Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Once Again A Sportscaster Shows Himself as the Dumbest of the Dumb
Bill of Rights & the Constitution -- CBS Sports’ Doug Gottlieb Gets It Painfully Wrong
Obama The Dullard
Gutfeld: Ignoring Cable News Won't Stop ISIS, Mr. President - YouTube
Obama is not very bright and the NY Times Does Not Want It Exposed
NYTimes Cuts Obama Quote - Stuart Varney - YouTube
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Monday, December 21, 2015
So What's New, Obama Always Blames Race over Reason!
But did she wash her hands? She has a reputation for being unhygienic.
Now We Know Why Hillary Clinton Was Late Returning to the Debate Stage - YouTube
Sunday, December 20, 2015
“an affront to political decency.” - An Affront to All Decency!
Chappa-Quit-It | The American Spectator
Hollywood's latest plan to rehabilitate the Big Baby of Chappaquiddick.
Edward Moore Kennedy, named for a man described by one biographer as Joseph Kennedy’s “whoremaster,” never really stood a chance of becoming anybody but Edward Moore Kennedy. Camelot courtiers nevertheless continually try to turn bawdy Prince Hal into heroic King Henry V. But like mixing Shakespeare with Lerner and Loewe in the same mixed-up metaphor, the effort forever fails.
The latest rehabilitation project for the late senator who could have once (or twice or thrice benefitted from rehab comes from Hollywood and it goes by the working title Chappaquiddick. Mark Ciardi, who registered a 9.37 earned-run average in the majors but enjoys a somewhat better record as a producer of sports movies, told the Hollywood Reporter: “You’ll see what he had to go through.”
Does the producer of Chappaquiddick not know that Mary Jo Kopechne was a “she”?
The little that Ted Kennedy “had to go through” in terms of consequences during his formative years foreshadowed what he put Kopechne through on July 18, 1969.
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Let us look back at Obama's Integrative Complexity - Translation: Dullard without a Teleprompter
Mark Steyn Discusses Barack Obama's Intelligence (Part 1) - YouTube
Bitch-of-Benghazi and Bookends
The Democratic Candidates Do Their Best to Preserve ISIS | PJ Media
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Evidence that Obama is a Small Minded, Petty Dictator Presiding over his Lawlessness Administration
D’Souza’s nightmare has persuaded him that the sociopaths with whom he interacted compare favorably with corrupt government officials when it comes to owning up to their flawed character and fraudulent practices.Dinesh D'Souza's Stealing America: Obama Administration's Lawlessness
bipartisan, Barack Obama, framed it in the 2004 convention speech that put him on the map, but “one people . . . all of us defending the United States of America.”
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/428478/dinesh-dsouza-stealing-america-obama-administration-lawlessness
Friday, December 18, 2015
Obama and his Close Advisor Act as Muslims - Christians Targeted In Middle East
Christians Targeted In Middle East - Obama & Refugees - Stuart Varney My Take - YouTube
Obama Admin Trying Deport Christians Back To The Middle East
Mark Steyn just didn't know better, So He Exposed the Senate's Hearings as Show Trials and the Wimpy GOP
Mark Steyn, fortunately, comes from a former Crown Colony, where there is a strong tradition of real back-and-forth debate. He was on a panel that was being insulted, both as a group and individually, by Senator Markey, who fully expected he could just waltz away without challenge as he, and all Senators, had done before. Mark Steyn, bless him, was having none of that. He challenged, questioned and debated Markey on his false points. He also broke a bad, nearly totalitarian, "rule-tradition" that was imposed in Congress, but doesn't exist anywhere else in the English Speaking World.
Let us hope that Mark Steyn has undone that old, dictatorial, "tradition" and forced a more open dialogue to be part of these Congressional Hearings from now on.
Bravo to Mark Steyn! m/r
The GOP Don't Never Dance With Them What Brung Them :: SteynOnline
by Mark Steyn - Steyn on America -
... Markey didn't "commandeer" the proceedings. He was just blowharding off, and me and Judith Curry decided to blowhard right back at him, to the point where the big wimp cleared out and chose not to return for the second round of questions.
It might be truer to say that the Democrats as a whole commandeered the proceedings. But even that would not be strictly correct. What happened is that Senate Republicans chose to permit the Dems to commandeer them.
How did that happen? Ted Cruz's Science committee is a sub-committee of the Senate Commerce committee. The sub-committee has six Republican members, five Democrats. The senior party representatives on the overall Commerce committee - John Thune (Republican) and Bill Nelson (Democrat) - are ex officio members of the sub-committee and are also permitted to attend. So there should have been seven Republicans and six Democrats in the room that afternoon. Instead:
All the Democratic subcommittee members were present and accounted for: Senator Tom Udall, (D-NM), the Ranking Member; Senator Ed Markey (D-MA); Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ); Senator Gary Peters (D-MI); Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI). Also in attendance, the Ranking Member of Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL).-go to links-
In Washington, as Woody Allen once joked, ninety percent of success is showing up. All the Democrats showed up.
However, John Thune (R-SD), Chairman of the full committee, was a no-show.
Thus, the most senior Senator present for the hearing, in an institution dedicated to Seniority (hence the name "Senate"), was a Democrat.
Only one other Republican was present on the dais, Senators Steve Daines (R-MT). All the other G.O.P. members, including Marco Rubio (R-FL), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Dan Sullivan (R-AK) were absent. Message: I don't care.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Nulla Veritas
Harvard's 'PC' Placemats - Trish's Intel - YouTube
Praise Sen. Sessions - We, the People, Are in Rebellion!
Sessions: Omnibus Explains Why ‘Voters Are In Open Rebellion’ - YouTube
In the dead of night after 2am this morning, Congressional leadership unveiled a more than 2,000 page 'omnibus' year-end funding bill which would, among other things: fully-fund the President's refugee expansion; fully-fund sanctuary cities; fully-fund the resettlement of illegal aliens youth and their families crossing the border; lock-in tax credits for illegal aliens; and quadruple the highly controversial H-2B foreign worker visa being used to replace Americans as truck drivers, construction workers, theme park employees, and in blue collar jobs across the nation.
Sessions, the Chairman of the Immigration Subcommittee, issued a statement about the bill as it speeds to a vote before it can be read, observing in part that GOP voters: "have come to believe that their party’s elites are not only uninterested in defending their interests but – as with this legislation, and fast-tracking the President’s international trade pact – openly hostile to them." On the floor today, Sessions further reminded his colleagues that their duty is the American people - not special interests, immigration advocacy groups, or lobbyists for narrow business concerns.
Sessions observed that - as the omnibus paves the way for a huge immigration increase beyond today's record-breaking highs - that more than 8 in 10 American voters want the level of immigration in American frozen or cut, and yet the GOP-led Congress is about to surge it even higher.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau - even without these increases - immigration will add the population equivalent of 1 new Los Angeles to the country each 3 years.
The U.S. has admitted 59 million immigrants since 1965. As historical context, after the numerically-smaller 1880-1920 immigration wave, future immigration was reduced to promote wage growth for US-born and immigrant workers: there was zero net growth in the foreign-born population over the course of the next half-century (in fact, it declined markedly). Now, after five decades of unprecedented immigration, the U.S. is on path to add another five decades of unprecedented immigration on top of that - setting new all-time records every single decade to come.
Absolution: Pay "Carbon Offset" Indulgences!
Why women should sleep with me - YouTube
One point I'd like to add here is that choices are presented as if they are between a risk, and no risk, whereas in fact of course they are between one risk (such as the world's heating up due to carbon emissions) and another, different risk (such as attempts to lower emissions leading to climatic disaster of a different sort).
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Lying and cheating in the Arab world is not really a moral matter but a method of safeguarding honor and status, avoiding shame, and at all times exploiting possibilities, for those with the wits for it, deftly and expeditiously to convert shame into honor on their own account and vice versa for their opponents. If honor so demands, lies and cheating may become absolute imperatives.” [David Pryce-Jones, “The Closed Circle” An interpretation of the Arabs, p4]Brooklyn NY Judge Sworn In While Taking Oath On The Koran - Morning With Maria - YouTube
Obama's continuing dangerous "Change" for the U.S.
by CAROLINE MAY15 Dec 2015
In advance of the release of Congress’ year-end spending package, the office of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is highlighting some terrorists who were recently granted access to the U.S. through the nation’s immigration system.
In an email to reporters Tuesday, a Sessions aide listed more than 30 examples of immigrants admitted to the U.S. who were recently implicated in terrorist activities.
Sessions, the chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, and other conservative lawmakers have warned against passing a spending bill that does not place limitations on admissions — in particular refugee admission — to the U.S.
“Congress must cancel the President’s blank refugee check and put Congress back in charge of the program. We cannot allow the President to unilaterally decide how many refugees he wishes to admit, nor continue to force taxpayers to pick up the tab for the tens of billions of unpaid-for welfare and entitlement costs,” Sessions and Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL), the chairman of the Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations subcommittee, said in a joint statement last week.
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Desertion & Cowardice - Obama and The Enemy
Desertion & Misbehavior - Charges Could Put Bergdahl Away For Life - Dealing With The Enemy - YouTube