"Fascism and communism both promise "social welfare," "social justice," and "fairness" to justify authoritarian means and extensive arbitrary and discretionary governmental powers." - F. A. Hayek"
"Life is a Bungling process and in no way educational." in James M. Cain
Jean Giraudoux who first said, “Only the mediocre are always at their best.”
If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law. Sir Winston Churchill
"summum ius summa iniuria" ("More laws, more injustice.") Cicero
As Christopher Hitchens once put it, “The essence of tyranny is not iron law; it is capricious law.”
"Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." Ronald Reagan
"Law is where you buy it." Raymond Chandler
"Why did God make so many damn fools and Democrats?" Clarence Day
"If I feel like feeding squirrels to the nuts, this is the place for it." - Cluny Brown
"Oh, pshaw! When yu' can't have what you choose, yu' just choose what you have." Owen Wister "The Virginian"
Oscar Wilde said about the death scene in Little Nell, you would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.
Thomas More's definition of government as "a conspiracy of rich men procuring their own commodities under the name and title of a commonwealth.” ~ Winston S. Churchill, A History of the English Speaking Peoples
“Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.” ~ Jonathon Swift
Thursday, July 30, 2015
The Press Loves this Big Government Doofus, he sounds like McCain and Anti-Conservatives
Jeb Bush Takes Positions on Climate Change, EPA Rules, Other Energy Issues | Bloomberg BNA
The Racist, Totalitarian Mental Illness of Obama
Black Skin Privilege: To Be The Wedge For The Totalitarian Future | Frontpage Mag
If you're a white Republican who lives in a well-to-do, majority-Republican suburb anywhere in America, Barack Obama has huge plans for you. Why? Several reasons: (1) He resents you for taking advantage of what he sees as your unfairly acquired ability to afford life in an affluent neighborhood, while so many poor nonwhites live amid squalor and crime in the central cities of this racist land. (2) He believes that by choosing to reside in a suburb, you are selfishly depriving a nearby city of precious tax dollars which could otherwise have been used to fund the public schools and social services that minority city-dwellers so desperately need. (3) Above all else, he resents the fact that people like you tend to elect Republicans to the U.S. House of Representatives.
Thus our president has set in motion the political equivalent of “The Knockout Game,” where you're going to be blindsided by a devastating head blow that will rattle your world more dramatically than anything the government has ever previously done to you. You see, Barack Obama has lots of racial scores he wants to settle, and this one is at the very top of his “to-do” list.
Like a dutiful totalitarian, Obama has quietly been hard at work on a stealth plan to make Republican suburban communities from coast to coast disappear. It's a plan to empower Democrat-led cities to annex those suburbs and seize political control of them. How? By moving large numbers of poor blacks and Latinos (virtually all Democrats) out of the cities and into the surrounding white suburbs, where they can be much more politically useful to Obama and his party. Instead of merely being “surplus voters” who do nothing more than pad massive Democratic margins of assured electoral victories in urban districts, these transplanted nonwhite Democrats will now be utilized to help Obama tip the demographic scales in a host of Republican suburbs—and turn them Democratic.
Obama's plan was conveniently buttressed by the recent Texas Housing v. Inclusive Communities Supreme Court decision, where the Court's five reliable left-wing activists ruled that plaintiffs will henceforth be permitted to base housing-discrimination lawsuits on mere population statistics. That is, they won't be required to show evidence of actual racial discrimination, or even of any intent to discriminate. Instead they can simply cite, as “proof” of discrimination, the racial makeup of a given neighborhood with comparatively few black or Latino residents. And even if that neighborhood is able to definitively show that no discriminatory motive or policy has ever existed there, it won't matter. “Disparate impact”—a statistical racial or ethnic imbalance in a given population—is now enough to indicate guilt. ...
-go to links-
To order “Black Skin Privilege and the American Dream,” click here.
The Difference is Trump actually Made and Did Things, Politicians Don't!
"When Donald opened his club in Palm Beach called Mara-a-Lago, he insisted on accepting Jews and blacks even though other clubs in Palm Beach to this day discriminate against blacks and Jews," Kessler says.Author Kessler: We've Yet to See the 'Real Donald Trump'
By Jason Devaney | Monday, 27 Jul 2015
The "real Donald Trump" is not the brash, outspoken presidential candidate we're seeing but instead is a sound businessman with smart ideas, says a best-selling author.
During an appearance on Newsmax TV's "Newsmax Prime," Ronald Kessler tells host J.D. Hayworth that if Trump makes it to the general election, he'll know what to do.
"I interviewed his longtime assistant and vice president Norma Foerderer, who went back to when he didn't even have an office," says Kessler, who has written 20 nonfiction books about the Secret Service, CIA, and the FBI."
In a 2006 Kessler article titled "The Real Donald Trump," she revealed, “Donald can be totally outrageous, but outrageous in a wonderful way that gets him coverage. That persona sells his licensed products and his condominiums. You know Donald’s never been shy, and justifiably so, in talking about how wonderful his buildings or his golf clubs are.”
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsmax-Tv/donald-trump-smart-businessman-ideas/2015/07/27/id/659172/#ixzz3hO5QScN3
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!
What we want to hear and believe - Eating Up Junk Science
John Stossel - Eating Up Junk Science - YouTube
Is Obama systematically trying to destroy America?
by Caroline May 7-29-15
The Obama Administration says it has identified 16 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival requests that implicated “possible national security concerns,” but of those identified just seven have been denied amnesty to date.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
We, the American People, Can't Trust These Arrogant Bastards, Obama and Kerry!
Queen Scouts - What's Next, A Cross Dressing Merit Badge?
by DAVID FRENCH July 28, 2015
The Boy Scouts of America voted Monday to lift a long-established ban on gay adults as employees and volunteers within the organization.
The BSA’s full executive board voted 45 to 12 in favor of the change, effective immediately. The vote came after the National Executive Committee unanimously approved a resolution earlier this month stating that “no adult applicant for registration as an employee or non-unit-serving volunteer, who otherwise meets the requirements of the Boy Scouts of America, may be denied registration on the basis of sexual orientation.”
Including an exemption for troops sponsored by religious organizations undermines and diminishes the historic nature of today’s decision. Discrimination should have no place in the Boy Scouts, period.
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/421700/boy-scouts-end-ban-gay-scoutmasters-lgbt-groups-not-satisfied-unless-religious-liberty
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Imagine these Illegal Aliens Just Feeling Free to Run Into Your House and Take What They Want
Migrants Jump Off Boat, Run Ashore, During Miami Beach Fashion Shoot (VIDEO) | New Times Broward-Palm Beach
shooting a video of her friend, a model, near 36th Street in the heart of
Miami Beach.
thought it was a scuba boat — was coming closer to shore and thought,
"They are ruining my video."
about nine of them — jumped off and dashed across the sand and into the
city, leaving the boat bobbing, empty, by the beach. Juskowski's video
illuminated how brazenly migrants are entering the country along the Florida
This Old Bitch-of-Benghazi Still has the Same Old Tricks
In 1996, the New York Times’ William Safire branded Clinton a “congenital liar”
Why Voters Don’t Trust Hillary Clinton | The American Spectator
By Debra J. Saunders – 7.28.15
For the same reason you don’t.
2) Greed. ...
3) Mendacity. ...
Read more at http://spectator.org/articles/63592/why-voters-don%E2%80%99t-trust-hillary-clinton
Political Ideology over Scientific Facts
Articles: Editor of Science Magazine Should Resign!
By S. Fred Singer 7-28-15
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/07/editor_of_emscienceem_magazine_should_resign.html#ixzz3hB8NN6PY
Arrogant Hypocrite Bitch-of-Benghazi
EXCLUSIVE: Video shows Hillary Clinton boarding private jet just hours after launching global-warming push – and she's using a FRENCH aircraft that burns 347 gallons of fuel every hour!
- Distinctive French-built Dassault Falcon 900B airplane was spotted in Des Moines, Iowa Monday afternoon, with Hillary Clinton climbing the stairs
- An aide held a giant umbrella over her head so her hair didn't get wet
- The 19-seater jet whooshed Clinton from Iowa to New Hampshire with the ink still drying on her presidential campagn's climate change agenda
- Plane burns 347 gallons of fuel per hour and costs $5,850 per hour to rent
- Its itineraries are secret because the owner has asked the Federal Aviation Administration to withhold flight plans from the public
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3176630/Video-shows-Hillary-Clinton-boarding-private-jet-just-hours-launching-global-warming-push-s-using-FRENCH-aircraft-burns-347-gallons-fuel-hour.html#ixzz3hB3CkG31
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Monday, July 27, 2015
The Whole Iran Deal IS EMBARRASSING! Kerry Says It Will Be Embarrassing If Rejected
DNC Chair Can't Commit to Iran Deal | The Weekly Standard
2:02 PM, JUL 27, 2015 • BY JIM SWIFT
She's "looking at all of the moving parts."
Cruz is Right! McConnell is a liar and all the Congressional Liars Should Be Called Such!
Senate GOP leaders slam Cruz for calling McConnell a liar | McClatchy DC
- The Senate’s Republican leadership rhetorically took Sen. Ted Cruz to the woodshed Sunday for calling Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a liar last week on the chamber’s floor.
Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/congress/article28770724.html#storylink=cpy
Hostile Invasion: Twenty-Five Percent of Mexico and Twenty Percent of El Salvador are in the US!
New California: Mass Immigration Turning Virginia Blue
by JULIA HAHN26 Jul 2015
Immigration Divides the People from the Politicians - Who are the Terrorists? The Muslims and Mexicans.
Ann Coulter: I hope Donald Trump is serious - YouTube
from Jul 17, 2015
Watch Lou Dobbs talk about Elections on Lou Dobbs Tonight.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Kill the Deal! - STOP Obama and his Crazy "Secret" Iran Deal
Tom Cotton on Iran Deal Classified Briefing - YouTube
"Stop Iran Rally!" Shame on Liberals Without Honor
Jewish Liberals Slammed at "Stop Iran Rally!" in NYC - YouTube
Published on Jul 23, 2015
Saturday, July 25, 2015
The Forces that Destroy this Republic
Charles Murray - What the Founders Feared - YouTube
Obama's "Change" for America into a 3rd World Dependency State with Illegal Aliens
Obama to Protect Illegal Aliens Based on “Accrual of Unlawful Presence” in U.S. - Judicial Watch

must be relatives of U.S. citizens. ...
Friday, July 24, 2015
"We will be retreating into a lot more self-censorship if the pansified Western media doesn't man up and decide to disburse the risk so they can't kill one small, little French satirical magazine. They've gotta kill all of us."
The Knees Have It :: SteynOnline
by Mark Steyn The War on Free Speech July 22, 2015
So another non-senseless act has paid off bigtime for the Islamic enforcers. I regret the decision, although I understand it.
It's a little strange to be expected to exercise a freedom of expression that no one else dares to.-go to links-
You Can Have Him Back and Keep Him! Obama visit his 'homeland
Will Obama visit his 'homeland'? Western Kenyans hold out hope. - CSMonitor.com
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Tuberculosis, pneumonia, paralysis-causing acute flaccid myelitis, dengue fever, swine flu, and enterovirus D68 from Obama’s Illegal Aliens
Obama’s Illegal Aliens: Importing Deadly Third World Diseases | Frontpage Mag
How the Left’s expanding of its base through illegal immigration is hazardous to Americans’ health.
How the House Negro President Keeps Blacks on the Plantation of his Own Making
African-Americans lose out when immigration favors low-skill labor.
22 July 2015
stereotyping of illegal Mexican immigrants, federal immigration authorities often release undocumented detainees with criminal records into American towns and cities while their deportation cases proceed. Between 2010 and 2014, 121 such illegal immigrants have been charged with murder. Better enforcement policies can limit these criminal acts. But often lost in the debate over immigration—legal and illegal—thus far has been the way the current system hurts low-wage, native-born Americans, especially in the black community.
Over the last 15 years, teen employment rates have collapsed, from 45 percent in 1999 to 27 percent in 2013. Among black Americans, the rate dropped from 27 percent to 17 percent. The availability of cheap immigrant labor—while not the only cause—has contributed to this trend. Fewer job opportunities for black youth mean fewer legal sources of income as well as the loss of valuable experiences and habits of work that paid employment provides.
The trend’s long-term effect on black men has been damaging. Based on the 2010 census, economists Derek Neal and Armin Rick estimated that 78 percent of 25–29 year-old white males were employed compared with 57 percent of black males. The figures are worse for less-educated black men. Only a quarter of black men without a high school diploma were employed, while almost one-third were incarcerated. More black men with a GED and no additional education were incarcerated than legally employed. These two less-educated groups comprise almost 25 percent of all black males in this age bracket. While I have argued elsewhere that a more important cause of this joblessness is the chaotic and often abusive homes in which many disadvantaged black youth live, black employment is also adversely affected by our current immigration policies, which allow vast numbers of low-skill newcomers to enter our economy.
Defenders of such policies cite studies that point to the overall positive impact of immigration on the U.S. economy; they downplay the evidence of its negative effect on less-educated, lower-earning native-born Americans.
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Worthless Government, When We Have to Protect our Protectors
My Way News - Armed citizens guard recruiters after Tennessee shootings
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Mashco Piro Indians had good instincts, keep away from government
Peru to make 'first contact' with isolated Amazon tribe - Telegraph
Reuters 7-21-15
Anthropologists to approach Mashco Piro Indians for the first time following bow-and-arrow attack
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
As Arctic ice 'grew by a third', "Global Warming" Scammers Relish in Hot June Temps
Arctic ice 'grew by a third' after cool summer in 2013 - BBC News
Has the Army Gone Totally Defective, It Acts As If Killing Is Not A Part of War
How can they call a terror bomber in the theatre of battle an "unarmed civilian" when he is surrounded by forty bombs of his own making. That sounds overly armed. m/r
" like that guy cut off heads three weeks ago. He’s a Taliban tax collector, and this is what he’s doing..." Maj. Matt GolsteynGreen Beret tells of shooting Taliban in CIA job interview, loses Silver Star for it - Washington Times
Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/19/green-beret-tells-of-shooting-taliban-in-cia-job-i/#ixzz3gXGgbIm7
"a citizenry that votes for an asshole is less deluded than one that votes for a messiah"
"Two decades back, the media loved McCain because he was their kind of Republican: that's to say, he spent more time attacking other Republicans than he ever did Democrats."The Superbowl of Superholes :: SteynOnline
by Mark Steyn Steyn on America July 20, 2015
Monday, July 20, 2015
No Tilts in the Kilts Allowed
Pride Event in Scotland Bans Cis Drag Queens | National Review Online
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/421402/drag-queens-banned-scotland-pride
Americans are Fed-Up with the Fed and all the Political and Press Establishment
McCain has been less than stellar himself before and after his period as POW. m/r
Donald Trump -- His Supporters Are Right to Be Angry | National Review Online
by IAN TUTTLE July 20, 2015
For a 78-year-old elder statesman, John McCain seems at times not to have advanced beyond the second grade. Two years ago, McCain labeled Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Justin Amash “wacko birds” for their aggressive opposition to CIA director John Brennan, then in the nomination process. Senate decorum has slackened in recent years, but surely name-calling is still to be reserved for members of the opposite party.
Now the “crazies” are the approximately 5,000 people who showed up to hear Donald Trump speak about illegal immigration and border security. It’s that comment from McCain that prompted Donald Trump to suggest, at this weekend’s Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, that the Vietnam POW-turned–Arizona senator is considered a war hero “because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”
Trump’s comment — outrageous, classless, wrong — is getting all the attention (the way The Donald likes it, of course), but spare a moment for Senator McCain, who is, not for the first time, marvelously wrong, too.
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/421407/donald-trump-republican-party-anger
Moronic and Insane
Nuke Deal Reprise - YouTube
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Black "Liberation" Communists
![]() |
Pinocchio and the Toad |
From Marx and Engels, to Herbert Marcuse and Wilhelm Reich, to Betty Friedan and Kate Millett, to Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, our comrades on the far left have bequeathed a legacy of noxious ideas on marriage and family. Their political-cultural wreckage is being felt today more than ever. In many ways, it has come to full fruition only now in a culture that gleefully redefines marriage and gives us the likes of Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett in the White House, a damaging political marriage if there ever was one. For seven years now at their home-base at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Obama and Jarrett have been politically and ideologically inseparable. Their White House wedding has fundamentally transformed the country.
Sure, Barack’s matrimonial vow might be to Michelle, but his ideological soulmate has long been Valerie Jarrett. And both Barack and Valerie hail from a truly remarkable line of mentors and family members with deep fidelity to the American Communist Party.
Those political bloodlines are so stunning, so bizarre, especially when they intersect across the generations, that people often react dismissively when presented with the information. ...
-go to links-
Spinning and Lying: pardon us for not trusting you with our lives!
“Mr. President, does it disturb you that Prime Minister Assad of Syria and President Rouhani of Iran are making public statements to the effect this deal is a big victory for Iran?”Spinning Out of Control | The American Spectator
By Jay D. Homnick – 7.18.15
Actually, it was not a conference but what is known in Washington-speak as a “press availability.” This refers not to the press being available but to the President making himself available to the press and all its relentless scrutiny. For once Obama came through, making himself thoroughly available; all his specious sophistry, all his testy narcissism, all his Freudian solipsism, was on display. To coin a phrase, he had all his centrifuges spinning. And, as Jackie Mason would add, I say this with the highest respect.
In one contentious exchange, Major Garrett of CBS wondered how the President was “content” to leave American hostages trapped in Iran, basting in Hell while he basked in Heaven. Obama contended he was not the least bit content; why, he had even met with some of the families of the hostages!
This sort of non sequitur is terribly revealing. How could we suspect him of not caring when he even made time in his busy schedule to meet with relatives? Surely such intensive efforts will be attended with success, much as the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls saved the two hundred girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria? What’s that you say… they were never saved… don’t be ridiculous… we never read about them in the media anymore… they must have been saved!
A man who invests so much into the effort to free our hostages from Iran is just the sort of man we should trust to protect Israel from the threat of nuclear annihilation! Why won’t that right-wing kook Netanyahu quit all his fussing?
There were other juicy tidbits throughout the event. ...
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Obama, the incompetent, petulant child
Major Garrett explains tense moment with President Obama - YouTube
Obama's the Dangerous, Stalinist Fool
He makes a treaty pack with Iran that puts the US, Israel and the Arab World on a path to an arms race that at its end result is an irrational fanatic's war. Molotov made a similar pact with Ribbenrtop in 1939. m/r
Obama's Iran Deal -- He Knows It’s Dangerous for U.S. | National Review Online
by MONA CHAREN July 17, 2015
“I was elected to end wars, not start them.” — Barack Obama
“The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it.” — George Orwell
A question has hung in the air since Barack Obama first moved into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and began his “fundamental transformation” of this country: Did he intend harm, or was he merely so blinded by ideology that he could not see the damage his policies were creating? The Iran deal provides an answer.
At his press conference, our duplicitous leader chose to call black white and claim that the deal does the opposite of what it does — allow Iran to get nuclear weapons, albeit after a decent interval. We are deep into Orwellian territory now. “War is peace. Ignorance is strength.” Iranian president Hassan Rouhani is crowing that Iran achieved all of its objectives and the United States none.
The bombproof facility in the mountain at Fordow — which, until recently, the United States had demanded be shuttered and locked — will now have an “international presence” so that attempts to thwart its progress even by sabotage will be effectively blocked. This is permission masquerading as prevention. It’s of a piece with the administration’s pressure on Israel to refrain from military action, which was rewarded with Obama aides calling Netanyahu a “chickensh**” and crowing that his chance had passed.
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/421282/barack-obama-iran-deal-nuclear
Saturday, July 18, 2015
The Worst Kind of Holy Man
Greg Gutfeld - The Misguided Pope - YouTube