"Fascism and communism both promise "social welfare," "social justice," and "fairness" to justify authoritarian means and extensive arbitrary and discretionary governmental powers." - F. A. Hayek"
"Life is a Bungling process and in no way educational." in James M. Cain
Jean Giraudoux who first said, “Only the mediocre are always at their best.”
If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law. Sir Winston Churchill
"summum ius summa iniuria" ("More laws, more injustice.") Cicero
As Christopher Hitchens once put it, “The essence of tyranny is not iron law; it is capricious law.”
"Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." Ronald Reagan
"Law is where you buy it." Raymond Chandler
"Why did God make so many damn fools and Democrats?" Clarence Day
"If I feel like feeding squirrels to the nuts, this is the place for it." - Cluny Brown
"Oh, pshaw! When yu' can't have what you choose, yu' just choose what you have." Owen Wister "The Virginian"
Oscar Wilde said about the death scene in Little Nell, you would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.
Thomas More's definition of government as "a conspiracy of rich men procuring their own commodities under the name and title of a commonwealth.” ~ Winston S. Churchill, A History of the English Speaking Peoples
“Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.” ~ Jonathon Swift
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Dialectical Left - "Scientific Socialism" of the Left
They Need to See "Felix Unger"
by Charlie Martin June 27, 2015
Some people believe they are simply entitled to rule over you.
In the 1850s there was an active political movement that became known as the “Know-Nothings,” because they considered themselves semi-secret, and members, when questioned about the group, were supposed to say “I know nothing.” Of course, a secret political party doesn’t have much effect, and quickly the Know-Nothings were pretty overt about telling everyone around them that they knew nothing, over and over again.
Monday, June 29, 2015
And You Thought Parisian Cabbies were Just Rude and Unhygienic (like Hillary Clinton)

As we have recently seen, Frenchmen will roll over and remain passive in the face Muslim Terror threats and acts, especially when made against Jews, but offer a better, cheaper taxi-like service (or produce or any other "protected" product or service), then look out for you life and well being. m/r
Uber Controversy -- France Gets Radical | National Review Online
since yesterday, as nearly 3,000 have taken to the streets, attacking
other drivers and setting cars on fire. Their trigger: the launch of
UberPOP, a peer-to-peer service by the ride-share app company Uber that
is banned nationwide.
against the tech company a week ago, railing against its decision to
start UberPOP in three new French cities despite the program’s being
embroiled in French courts. No one, however, expected protests to
escalate to such levels. Cabbies barricaded roads, airports, and train
stations in major cities including Paris, Marseilles, Nice, and Lyons.
been assaulted and detained by taxi drivers, bricks have been flung at
windows, and tires have been slashed. And there have been reports of
cabbies using the Uber app as a weapon against itself by ordering rides
only to entrap and injure the drivers. Meanwhile, some tourists — singer
Courtney Love Cobain among them — have been stranded by the unrest.
Read more at:
From Wheaties to Froot Loops, the Dimension of Sleaze and Frivolity Out-sizing Even Teddy Kennedy
If Boston’s bid to host the 2024 Summer Olympics were the central
narrative device in a tragedy about urban development in
twenty-first-century America, it would be too perfect. The cast includes
an enthusiastic assembly of civic leaders pursuing a project of
questionable value, a tangled network of financial and political
backers, and a chorus of residents whose voices have largely been
ignored. The backdrop of international athletics adds a dimension of
sleaze and frivolity to the proceedings.
But Bostonians aren’t following the script. They well understand the
implications of hosting a marathon each year for 30,000 athletes and
500,000 spectators; they can extrapolate what hosting the Olympics would
be like. They lived for decades through the “Big Dig,”
the nation’s largest-ever highway project, whose costs overran from
$2.6 billion to nearly $15 billion. Polling in the city and the
surrounding area shows widespread opposition to the Olympic bid, with
support bottoming out at 36 percent (with 52 percent opposed) in March
and improving slightly to 40 percent (with 50 percent opposed) in April.
Opposition climbed to 62 percent among those who say that they have
heard a lot about the bid. In April, No Boston Olympics, an advocacy
group, scored a higher favorable rating than the Boston 2024 organizing
The committee hasn’t helped its cause with its lack of transparency
and frequent political miscues. Members claimed that their bid wouldn’t
require public funding, but documents released via a Freedom of
Information Act request made clear that it would. The proposal calls for
use of an expanded Boston convention center, but Massachusetts governor
Charlie Baker recently put that expansion on hold. Plans also called
for a country club in Brookline to host the golf tournament, but the
town has voted to oppose the bid. The Boston 2024 website
highlights various projected economic gains for the city from hosting
the Olympics, ranging from jobs and tourism to infrastructure and
housing. But there is little evidence that these kinds of events bring
in new investment or other real economic gains.
-go to links-
Sunday, June 28, 2015
As usual, most of the problems are aggravated or directly caused by government bureaucrats trying to force people onto Public Conveyances
Here is how it was artfully reported in the 1970s:
Joan Didion on Traffic (and bureaucrats)
My Way News - Many options, no single solution to nation's traffic snarlsJun 27, (the idiots at AP still do not know what year this is) [2015]
How can sodomy now be legal while having more than one spouse isn't?
It’s Time to Legalize Polygamy - Fredrik deBoer - POLITICO Magazine
The Last Thing We Needed: More "Blessed and Self-Righteous" Lawgivers in Earl Warren's Mold
"Did you notice that there was not an iota of speculation about how the four Progressive justices would vote?"Supreme Court -- Gay Marriage and Health Care Decisions Were Lawless| National Review Online
Let’s Drop the Charade: The Supreme Court Is a Political Branch, Not a Judicial One
by ANDREW C. MCCARTHY June 27, 2015
‘But this Court is not a legislature.” Chief Justice John Roberts actually published that sentence in his same-sex marriage dissent on Friday . . . a mere 24 hours after his maestro’s performance in the Supreme Court’s legislative rewrite of the Affordable Care Act — formerly known as “Obamacare,” but now etched in memory as “SCOTUScare,” thanks to Justice Antonin Scalia’s withering dissent.
Roberts’s denial that the Court legislates is astonishing in its cynicism: In saving SCOTUScare, the chief justice not only usurped Congress’s law-writing role with gusto; he claimed the powers, first, to divine legislative purpose from its contradictory expression in legislative language, and, then, to manufacture legislative ambiguity as the pretext for twisting the language to serve the contrived purpose.
It takes a Clintonian quantum of cheek to pull that off one day and, on the next, to inveigh against the very thought of it.
Already, an ocean of ink has been spilled analyzing, lauding, and bemoaning the Supreme Court’s work this week: a second life line tossed to SCOTUScare in just three years; the location of a heretofore unknown constitutional right to same-sex marriage almost a century-and-a-half after the adoption of the Fourteenth Amendment; and the refashioning of Congress’s Fair Housing Act to embrace legal academe’s loopy “disparate impact” theory of inducing discrimination.
Read more at:
R.I.P. Steed, Patrick Macnee, 1922-2015 and the obit as an art form
Brollies and Dollies: Patrick Macnee, 1922-2015 :: SteynOnline
by Mark Steyn - Ave atque vale - June 27, 2015
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Friday, June 26, 2015
Amazon becomes part of the "Ministry of Truth"
It’s part of the plan of IngSoc, English Socialism, to destroy anything inconvenient in the past that might even slightly upset its totalitarian rule. Their mottos: Who controls the past, controls the present. Who controls the present controls the future.
This comes to mind tonight as I rummaged through the Internet looking for Confederate flag memorabilia on Amazon, earth’s biggest store. It was there en masse a week ago. Dozens of different kinds of blankets and quilts. Now, it’s all gone. Poof. Down the Memory Hole because the psycho killer, Dylann Roof, waved the flag before his horrifying murders of nine innocent black men and women in a Charleston black church.
There is no evidence at all that the flag killed anyone. Roof was clearly mentally ill, criminally mentally ill, a thorough criminal, a horrible guy, when he picked up the flag. The flag did not make him ill. He picked up the flag and waved it before a mass murder because he was a mentally ill criminal.
There are thousands of rebel flags at cemeteries throughout the south. They are put there and refreshed constantly.
-go to link-
Swiss Cheese Lefty History - It's Full of Holes
Apple Pulls Civil War Video Games Because of Confederate Flag | National Review Online
by MARK ANTONIO WRIGHT June 25, 2015
Want to smash the Confederacy like General Meade did, skirmish by skirmish, on your iPhone? Now you’re out of luck — or at least you’ll have a hard time identifying the enemy.

Apple joins Walmart, Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and other prominent American retailers in pulling merchandise featuring the rebel banner. The move is a step farther, of course, than pulling, say, actual flags, but it may not be too surprising considering CEO Tim Cook went out of his way to make clear his opposition to the flag earlier this week.
Apple would be willing to sell Ultimate General “if the flag is removed from the game’s content,” the game’s developers said in a statement today. But so far the game makers have refused: “True stories are more important to us than money.”
“We believe that all historical art forms: books, movies, or games such as ours” help people to “learn and understand history, depicting events as they were,” the developers write.
Read more at:
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Administrative Law: Guilty until you prove yourself innocent
Articles: Sotomayor's 4th Amendment Time Bomb
By Mark J. Fitzgibbons June 25, 2015
A painfully slim 5 – 4 ruling this week by the Supreme Court in City of Los Angeles v. Patel is being greeted by many privacy advocates almost with the ebullience of Gene Kelly’s heel-clicking dance in Singin’ in the Rain.
The court struck down a Los Angeles ordinance that allowed police officers to inspect hotel guest registries for any or even no reason, and without a warrant. The ruling that the Fourth Amendment applies to businesses and that statutes may be declared unconstitutional on their face is consistent with principles as old as, and even older than, the Constitution.
Privacy advocates seem to be suffering from a bit of Stockholm Syndrome. Joyful about the court’s barely holding the line on two issues, most have yet to acknowledge how Justice Sonya Sotomayor’s majority opinion is also a blueprint for a major power grab for the administrative police state.
What’s lost in the celebration is that Justice Sotomayor’s majority opinion recommends the use of judge-less “administrative subpoenas” for these searches. That will shift costs and burdens of proof from government onto unwitting or intimidated small business owners under judicial standards that give nearly complete deference to the government, and with no need to show probable cause for searches. Her majority opinion even seems to suggest that police departments may be given power to approve their own searches using administrative subpoenas instead of going to judges to obtain warrants.
Read more:
Shakespeare's Too Hard, Too White for the Lead-Paint-Eating, HipHop Loving Urchins She Teaches
High-School Teacher: Stop Teaching Shakespeare Because He’s a White Man
Lord, what fools these mortals be!William Shakespeare, "A Midsummer Night's Dream", Act 3 scene 2Shakespeare's Works -- Too Hard, Too White
by KATHERINE TIMPF June 16, 2015
A veteran teacher at Luther Burbank High School, the biggest high school in Sacramento, Calif., is proposing that high-school teachers stop teaching Shakespeare because he’s just some old white guy who died a long time ago so what could he know about anything.
In a piece published in the Washington Post, Dana Dusbiber explains that we should “leave Shakespeare out of the English curriculum entirely” because she “[does] not believe that a long-dead, British guy is the only writer who can teach [her] students about the human condition.”
“What I worry about is that as long as we continue to cling to ONE (white) MAN’S view of life as he lived it so long ago, we (perhaps unwittingly) promote the notion that other cultural perspectives are less important,” she writes.
Why she seems to consider not teaching Shakespeare at all and teaching only Shakespeare to be the only two options here is unclear. After all, it seems to me like you could assign Shakespeare and works from “other cultural perspectives” — but hey, what do I know.
Read more at:
“SCOTUScare” Bench Legislation: The Repeal of Obamacare has to be done the Right Way, Through Congress
King v. Burwell -- Scalia Slams Roberts as Biased in Obamacare Cases | National Review Online
morning, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said President Obama’s
signature domestic policy achievement should be called “SCOTUScare”
rather than Obamacare, in light of how many times Chief Justice John
Roberts has intervened to protect the law from a crippling legal defeat.
done so a third time in his King decision, which allows the IRS to
continue providing subsidies to people who purchase insurance in the
federal government’s health-care exchange.
(‘penalty’ means tax, ‘further [Medicaid] payments to the State’ means
only incremental Medicaid payments to the State, ‘established by the
State’ means not established by the State) will be cited by litigants
endlessly, to the confusion of honest jurisprudence,” Scalia wrote in
his dissent. “And the cases will publish forever the discouraging truth
that the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over
others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its
Read more at:
Do you think the Republicans have the Intestinal Fortitude to Repeal This Turkey?
Supreme Court Ruling | Obamacare
Posted by William A. Jacobson Thursday, June 25, 2015
Public Schools Hid the Fact that Lincoln was a Republican for Decades
by Mark Steyn • Jun 25, 2015
Steyn added that the "Democratic Party was the largest and most powerful institution supporting slavery in the English speaking world."-go to link-
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Wait for It! ... And Now the "New Climate Change" - The New-Old Coming Ice Age
Weak sun could offset some global warming in Europe and US – study | Environment | The Guardian
McCain was the Media's "Maverick" Token-Republican Darling, until he ran against a Black Democrat
Republicans Must Stop Letting the Media Manipulate Them
By Daniel Greenfield On June 23, 2015 In Daily Mailer,FrontPage
An Imperial Despot in Rome, Somethings Never Change - Commie-Fascist Pope
Matthew Vadum On June 24, 2015 In Daily Mailer,FrontPage
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
The Wasteland left by the Collusive, Corrupt, Lawless, Regulatory State
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Kelo House then and now. |
Kelo & Eminent Domain, Ten Years Later | National Review Online
a judicial thunderbolt in Kelo v. City of New London. By a narrow
five-to-four margin it rejected a spirited challenge that Susette Kelo
and her neighboring landowners had raised against the ambitious land-use
development plan put forward by the City of New London, Ct. The
formulaic account of the holding is that a local government does not
violate the “public use” component of the Constitution’s takings clause —
“nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just
compensation” — when it condemns property that will be turned over to a
private developer for private development. Under the logic of Justice
John Paul Stevens, so long as there is an indirect promised public
benefit from the development process, the public-use inquiry is at an
end, and Ms. Kelo can be driven out of her pink house by the water.
horrible. Justice Stevens and the Supreme Court were tone-deaf as to
what moves people in dealing with property. Of all the cases decided
since the year 2000, Kelo may not be the most important; ironically, it
certainly was not the most controversial. But hands down, it was the
decision that got more people indignant than any other.
the right, there are folks who think that a person’s home is his
castle, and thus resent any forced displacement of individuals for the
benefit of some supposed social good. And that anger doubles because of
the crackpot and visionary nature of the particular plan at issue in
Kelo. The communitarians on the left were upset that Pfizer, the company
that was going to use the seized land for a research facility, should
flex its muscles in ways that prey on individual people.
real Ilya Somin’s new book, The Grasping Hand, which offers a painful
blow-by-blow account of how good intentions for redevelopment were so
badly misdirected that ten years later the seized property remains
empty. Perhaps the only nice feature about the case is that Ms. Kelo’s
pink house was whisked away to another site, so that the newly vacant
land can be used to collect debris that washes up on the shore. Yes, the
grandiose development plans for the Fort Trumbull neighborhood never
got to first base. As it turned out, New London was too slow off the
mark, other communities built the ancillary facilities that Pfizer
wanted, and the company pulled out of New London once the tax subsidies
ran out.
Read more at:
Have you heard any real, new, pop music lately? None of it is worth whistling!
Movies were once filled with music that could be whistled to and many times the tunes were whistled in the film. Songs, once were on the radio that could be whistled. There is quite enjoyment of music now.
The articles speculated that now music is so easily portable with ipods and iphones, that people no longer need to carry a tune by whistling.
Whistling was also something mostly done by men. Has this gone because any whistle could be misinterpreted as a wolf-whistle and who needs the repercussion that could follow?
No. What is passed off as popular music now has no tune, no melody, no music. It is all beat and a whistle has no beat.
Maybe this dark age will pass. Country Music is still has a tune, but is it whistled?
Probably, but pop culture doesn't want to listen. m/r
Has the decline of the delivery boy killed the art of whistling? - News - Music - The Independent
Monday, June 22, 2015
Thieving Political Con-Men
America is comprised of its citizens and not companies that are generally multinational corporations that say a “Pledge of Allegiance” to the bottom line and not to our republic or our flag.Theft By Deception: The Immigration Con Game
By Michael Cutler On June 18, 2015 In Daily Mailer,FrontPage
a) A person commits the offense of theft by deception when he obtains property by any deceitful means or artful practice with the intention of depriving the owner of the property.(b) A person deceives if he intentionally:(1) Creates or confirms another’s impression of an existing fact or past event which is false and which the accused knows or believes to be false;(2) Fails to correct a false impression of an existing fact or past event which he has previously created or confirmed;(3) Prevents another from acquiring information pertinent to the disposition of the property involved
“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” ― George Orwell, 1984
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley Calls for Removal of Confederate Flag From State Capitol - NBC News
After a rare white crazy kills innocent blacks, all the race pimps crawl out from under their rocks.
Cornel West on Obama: "The First Black President Has Become The First Niggerized Black President" | Video | RealClearPolitics
June 22, 2015
Reacting to President Obama's use of the n-word on Marc Maron's podcast, Cornel West called him the first "niggerized" president in an appearance on CNN. West criticized Obama as "a person who is afraid and intimidated when it comes to putting a spotlight on white supremacy."
"Too many black people are niggerized," West said Monday on CNN. "I would say the first black president has become the first niggerized black president."
"A niggerized black person is a black person who is afraid and scared and intimidated when it comes to putting a spotlight on white supremacy and fighting against white supremacy," West explained. "So when many of us said we have to fight against racism, what were we told? 'No, he can't deal with racism because he has other issues, political calculations. He's the president of all America, not just black America.' We know he's president of all America but white supremacy is American as cherry pie." ...
-don't bother wasting your time-
Rick Perry's the Only One Who Stood Up to be Counted - Veteran Supporters
Rick Perry's Veteran Supporters -- America's Most Famous Veterans Line Up Behind Perry | National Review Online
he could’ve been not at all thrilled,” Kyle says. Chris later told her
it “could’ve gone either way — it could’ve pissed him off.”
became close friends. “He thought, ‘Good! I’m not looking for somebody
to kiss my backside. Just be real with me,’” Kyle says Perry later
explained to her. “I felt like maybe that’s where [Perry and Chris]
really connected. They were just these two guys that were going to keep
it real.”
warriors backing his presidential run — with Perry, what you see is what
you get. From Taya Kyle to “Lone Survivor” Marcus Luttrell to Medal of
Honor winner Michael Thornton, America’s best-known veterans and their
families are taking to the campaign trail to rally support for the
former Texas governor in 2016.
Read more at:
Failure to Report or Even Acknowledge the Reality
The Ongoing Tragedy of Post-Apartheid South Africa
By Arnold Ahlert On June 19, 2015 Daily Mailer,FrontPage
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Liberal is Still a Dirty Word! So is "Progressive," Socialist and Commie-Fascist
Americans reclaim the liberal label - The Washington Post
The Pope and EU have always been dictating a dangerous fantasy world.
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Dope Pope Soap on a Rope for Prison Inmates |
The Pope joins the EU in a sad world of make-believe - Telegraph
By Christopher Booker 20 Jun 2015
There are two great acts of political make-believe in our time, so all-pervasive that it is hard for us to grasp just how much effect they are having on our lives
What has a Papal Encyclical calling on the world to end its use of fossil fuels and to pray to God for the success of the global “climate summit” in December got in common with the Greek euro crisis, the ominous rift between the West and Russia, and the shambles Europe is making over the desperation of African and Syrian refugees to find safety this side of the Mediterranean? They are all different aspects of the two greatest acts of political make-believe of our time, so all-pervasive that it is hard for us to grasp just how much effect they are having on all our lives.What has a Papal Encyclical calling on the world to end its use of fossil fuels and to pray to God for the success of the global “climate summit” in December got in common with the Greek euro crisis, the ominous rift between the West and Russia, and the shambles Europe is making over the desperation of African and Syrian refugees to find safety this side of the Mediterranean? They are all different aspects of the two greatest acts of political make-believe of our time, so all-pervasive that it is hard for us to grasp just how much effect they are having on all our lives.
"Common ground with science" and the Sun Revolves Around the Earth and the Pope
French writer Pascal Bruckner has observed that modern environmentalism is essentially a composite of the blame game preached by two twentieth-century ideologies: Marxism, which blamed capitalism for humanity’s problems; and Third World ideology, which blamed the West.Brother Glum, Mother Earth by Steven Malanga, City Journal June 19, 2015
The pope’s encyclical on climate change ignores how markets and technology have lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Who the Hell Does the Pope Think He Is, Al Gore?

How climate-change doubters lost a papal fight - The Washington Post
By Anthony Faiola and Chris Mooney June 20, 2015
Nixon was no Conservative: Thank Him for the EPA and OSHA!
Boulder, CO. is a perfect little totalitarian enclave for the EPA. m/r
EPA to Monitor Family’s Water Use in Colorado | Washington Free Beacon
6-19-15 BY: Elizabeth Harrington
‘System that will monitor water usage in multi-family housing units’