The American Spectator : Win or Go Home
"Fascism and communism both promise "social welfare," "social justice," and "fairness" to justify authoritarian means and extensive arbitrary and discretionary governmental powers." - F. A. Hayek"
"Life is a Bungling process and in no way educational." in James M. Cain
Jean Giraudoux who first said, “Only the mediocre are always at their best.”
If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law. Sir Winston Churchill
"summum ius summa iniuria" ("More laws, more injustice.") Cicero
As Christopher Hitchens once put it, “The essence of tyranny is not iron law; it is capricious law.”
"Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." Ronald Reagan
"Law is where you buy it." Raymond Chandler
"Why did God make so many damn fools and Democrats?" Clarence Day
"If I feel like feeding squirrels to the nuts, this is the place for it." - Cluny Brown
"Oh, pshaw! When yu' can't have what you choose, yu' just choose what you have." Owen Wister "The Virginian"
Oscar Wilde said about the death scene in Little Nell, you would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.
Thomas More's definition of government as "a conspiracy of rich men procuring their own commodities under the name and title of a commonwealth.” ~ Winston S. Churchill, A History of the English Speaking Peoples
“Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.” ~ Jonathon Swift
Monday, September 30, 2013
It is Not Losing if it gets Shut Down! - Win or Go Home
The American Spectator : Win or Go Home
Most of the Government is Non-Esential! The Shutdown Myths
The Shutdown Myths | National Review Online
Has Obama ever read the Obamacare bill?
Obama and the Art of Phoniness
Obama and the Art of Phoniness | National Review Online
Many years ago, I was a member of a committee that was recommending to whom grant money should be awarded. Since I knew one of the applicants, I asked if this meant that I should recuse myself from voting on his application.
The man was indeed a very talented phony. He could convince almost anybody of almost anything — provided that they were not already knowledgeable about the subject. He had once spoken to me very authoritatively about Marxian economics, apparently unaware that I was one of the few people who had read all three volumes of Marx’s Capital and had published articles on Marxian economics in scholarly journals. What our glib talker was saying might have seemed impressive to someone who had never readCapital, as most people have not. But it was complete nonsense to me.
Incidentally, he did not get the grant he applied for.
This episode came back to me recently, as I read an incisive column by Charles Krauthammer, citing some of the many gaffes in public statements by the president of the United States. One presidential gaffe in particular gives the flavor and suggests the reason for many others. It involved the Falkland Islands.
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CNN Films Cancels Hillary Clinton Documentary & NBC Scraps Hillary Clinton Miniseries- The Hollywood Reporter
CNN Films Cancels Hillary Clinton Documentary - The Hollywood Reporter
NBC Scraps Hillary Clinton Miniseries
So, What else is News? Most of the News Media have been in the bag for BO - Halperin: Obama Okay with Shutdown Because Media Has His Back
Dems and BO will make sure that the more visible and popular services will be shut down with demagogic fanfare, crying kids and destitute mothers front and center. But for most of us, government is pretty superfluous and will not be missed. m/r
Halperin: Obama Okay with Shutdown Because Media Has His Back
Let us get rid of the spineless "Leadership" - Judge Napolitano ~ Discusses Ted Cruz & JP Morgan Investigations
▶ Judge Napolitano ~ Discusses Ted Cruz & JP Morgan Investigations - YouTube
Sep 30, 2013
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He always appeared as you wanted Hollywood to appear - A.C. Lyles Dead at 95
A.C. Lyles Dead at 95 | Variety
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A.C. Lyles in his Paramount office |
Holder's Weenie World - Obama Admin Vs North Carolina - DOJ Suing Over Voter ID Law
Here is more time frittering, racism and incompetence issuing forth from Holder's Department. m/r
▶ Obama Admin Vs North Carolina - DOJ Suing Over Voter ID Law - Wake Up America Freedom In Danger - YouTube
Legalizing Illegal Immigrants? - We Are No Longer A Nation Of Laws! - Where Is Holder? - O'Reilly
Obama Admin Vs North Carolina - DOJ Suing Over Voter ID Law - Wake Up America Freedom In Danger
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"The Masters of Deceit." Obamacare Website Quietly Deletes Reference to 'Free Health Care'
At any rate, J. Edgar Hoover, misdirected law enforcement away from his own ineptitude and coziness with organized crime, by pursuing Communist Agents in America. This was justified, even if most of his behavior was not. "A broken clock is right twice a day."
Hoover wrote a book (or had it ghosted) that was entitled: "The Masters of Deceit." It was a more interesting book than one would expect today.
That Title certainly seems to apply to the current President and his Administration.
Obamacare Website Quietly Deletes Reference to 'Free Health Care' | The Weekly Standard
SEP 30, 2013 • BY JERYL BIER

LIES, LIES, LIES from the LIAR Despot - Neil Cavuto Destroys Obama Over Blatant ObamaCare Lies
▶ Neil Cavuto Destroys Obama Over Blatant ObamaCare Lies - YouTube
For Web Hosting or Design from a Liberty-minded company, visit and use coupon code: MatLarson10 for 10% off any service or product.
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Sunday, September 29, 2013
Unenlightened Despot - There They Go Again
The American Spectator : There They Go Again

But we Americans are not inherently a more violent people than folks are in other countries. We’re not inherently prone to mental health problems. The main difference that sets our nation apart, what makes us so susceptible to so many mass shootings is that we don’t do enough, we don’t take the basic common sense actions to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous people. What’s different in America is it’s easy to get your hands on a gun.
▶ 'Uh-Oh Day' Approaches For Obamacare - TPNN's Scottie Nell Hughes - Fox & Friends - 9-29-13 - YouTube
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The UN is a sad Joke in every way - 'HILARIOUS": Top MIT scientist mocks newest UN climate report
'HILARIOUS": Top MIT scientist mocks newest UN climate report | The Daily Caller
A top climate scientist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology lambasted a new report by the UN’s climate bureaucracy that blamed mankind as the main cause of global warming and whitewashed the fact that there has been a hiatus in warming for the last 15 years.
“I think that the latest IPCC report has truly sunk to level of hilarious incoherence,” Dr. Richard Lindzen told Climate Depot, a global warming skeptic news site. “They are proclaiming increased confidence in their models as the discrepancies between their models and observations increase.”
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change claimed it was 95 percent sure that global warming was mainly driven by human burning of fossil fuels that produce greenhouse gases. The I.P.C.C. also glossed over the fact that the Earth has not warmed in the past 15 years, arguing that the heat was absorbed by the ocean.
“Their excuse for the absence of warming over the past 17 years is that the heat is hiding in the deep ocean,” Lindzen added. “However, this is simply an admission that the models fail to simulate the exchanges of heat between the surface layers and the deeper oceans.”
We were conned! - IPCC Confesses No Global Warming for 15 Years
Mark Steyn's Epic Rant: IPCC Confesses No Global Warming for 15 Years | Independent Journal Review
Kyle Becker September 24, 2013
Mark Steyn subbed for Rush on Monday and unloaded an epic rant ahead of the UN’s 10-day “Climate Week” in light of the IPCC’s admission that there has been no global warming since 1998.
Steyn cites the LA Times‘ “Global warming ‘hiatus’ puts climate change scientists on the spot,” and this is the key finding:
IPCC vice chair Francis Zwiers, director of the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium at the University of Victoria in Canada, co-wrote a paper published in this month’s Nature Climate Change that said climate models had “significantly” overestimated global warming over the last 20 years — and especially for the last 15 years, which coincides with the onset of the hiatus.go to link-
The models had predicted that the average global surface temperature would increase by 0.21 of a degree Celsius over this period, but they turned out to be off by a factor of four, Zwiers and his colleagues wrote. In reality, the average temperature has edged up only 0.05 of a degree Celsius over that time — which in a statistical sense is not significantly different from zero.
More Scamming Lies - UN Climate Change Report Ignores 15-Year 'Pause' in Warming

UN Climate Change Report Ignores 15-Year 'Pause' in Warming
by TONY LEE 28 Sep 2013
An exhaustive United Nations report that claimed with 95% certainty that humans are responsible for global warming left out data that found the planet has stopped warming over the last 15 years, because it did not fit with the climate change agenda it wanted to advance.
What a freak show! Moment of Truth at the UN General Assembly

Since the time of Castro's first appearance, the UN has been a giant glazed circus tent filled with bad acts, bad actors and little talent. m/r
The Rosett Report » Moment of Truth at the UN General Assembly
By Claudia Rosett On September 28, 2013
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This relates to Obamacare and the rights we have lost! Why the TSA is Unconstitutional
Resist it, Fight it, and Stop it!!!
Why the TSA is Unconstitutional - Judge Napolitano Freedom Watch 1-26-2012 - YouTube
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Low-Life President - Obamacare Debate - Obama Lowers The Presidency
▶ Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement - Obamacare Debate - Obama Lowers The Presidency - 9-28-2013 - YouTube
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Saturday, September 28, 2013
How did these crackpots get elected? Because Worse Is the New Normal
"Obama’s pointless, traceless super-spending is now (as they used to say after 9/11) “the new normal.” Nancy Pelosi assured the nation last weekend that everything that can be cut has been cut and there are no more cuts to be made."

Worse Is the New Normal | National Review Online
Friday, September 27, 2013
This old fool acts more like a "Cokehead" - Greg Gutfeld Hammers Cokie Roberts for Calling Tea Party Anger Racist - 9/27/13 - YouTube
During his tenure in Congress, Boggs was an influential player in the government. After Brown v. Board of Education he signed the Southern Manifesto condemning desegregation in the 1950s and opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.[m/r]
▶ Bill O'Reilly & Greg Gutfeld Hammer Cokie Roberts for Calling Tea Party Anger Racist - 9/27/13 - YouTube
Gutfeld called her "pathetic" and "unoriginal," while Bernard McGuirk said Roberts is a "disgrace" who isn't understanding that there was similar venom towards past white presidents.
O'Reilly accused Roberts of being "intellectually dishonest," charging that some of the people she hangs out with are racist as well. Gutfeld just poked fun at the fact she's named Cokie.
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How can anyone tell the difference? News media's revolving door to Obama White House blurs lines of objectivity
News media's revolving door to Obama White House blurs lines of objectivity - Washington Times
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Politico, illustration by Matt Wuerker Press Secretary Jay Carney wears his Time magazine credentials while schooling political reporters (from left to right) The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank, ABC’s Ann Compton, and Politico’s own Carrie Budoff Brown and Glenn Thrush, to illustrate how Carney’s journalism past affects his job behind the podium. |
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Why would NJ Elect the Mayor of Newark to the Senate? Behind the violence
A vist to Newark can require mental steeliness. m/r
New York News
Newark: Behind the violence - New York News
Sep 27, 2013
Onque has been through the same circumstances and knows some just don't want to change. He said it starts with personal responsibility. Onque is hoping to create a new cycle of peace, where instead of the reflex being to shoot, the reflex is to help. And he is living this by his example.
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DO NOT FORGET Benghazi Scandal - RPT: State Dept Ignored Security Recomendations From Benghazi
▶ Benghazi Scandal - RPT: State Dept Ignored Security Recomendations From Benghazi - YouTube
It is Astounding how one, seemingly incompetent man, can make such a mess of things! Obama: The Anti-Post-Racial President
Here is a result that seems to be growing in frequency:
Greenville Wal-Mart Shooter Picked Victims By Race
GREENVILLE, N.C. 9-25-13 (AP/CBS Charlotte) — A man who shot four people near a Greenville Wal-Mart in June picked out his victims because they were white, according to several indictments handed down against him.
Lakim Faust had more than 100 rounds of ammunition when he started shooting at people who were standing outside at a law firm and a shopping center in June, authorities said.
A grand jury indicted Faust on 14 charges Monday, including four counts of attempted first-degree murder.
Faust, who is black, picked out his victims based on their race, according to the indictments. The documents didn’t specify why Faust wanted to shoot white people, and police have not talked about why he picked out his targets. Earlier reports had indicated that Faust was shooting “indiscriminately.”
Obama: The Anti-Post-Racial President | FrontPage Magazine
Judging from a Gallup poll conducted shortly before the election, voters bought it: over half of all Americans were confident that interracial relations would dramatically improve because of this “historic” event.
In the wake of his election, this number soared to seven out of ten Americans who entertained high hopes for the future of race relations in America—and the world.
Obama was going to “fundamentally transform” America by redeeming it of its historical transgressions, namely, its treatment of its black citizens.
Even someone as ordinarily sensible as John McWhorter endorsed this nonsense....
Even prior to his election Obama had the distinction of introducing to the nation the toxic “black liberationist,” his pastor and “spiritual mentor” of over 20 years, the close friend of Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan, the “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright. ...
... Long before any facts were in, Obama made the now infamous comment that if he had had a son, the latter would look like “Trayvon.”
The implication was unmistakable: Trayvon Martin was indeed killed in cold blood because of the color of his skin.
Our president is contemptible.
Lying to Preserve Honor - Part of Islam - The Iranian ‘Moderate’
Lying to infidels and each other is the way of life in the middle east. m/r
The Iranian ‘Moderate’ | National Review Online
Hassan Rouhani is no trustworthy, useful negotiating partner.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Obama must have picked up the wrong diploma - Constitutionally Illiterate
The American Spectator : Constitutionally Illiterate
That Dog Won't Hunt : IRS Watchdog: $67 Million Missing from Obamacare Slush Fund
It's not like it's the $Billions wasted every year or the $Trillion in Debt rung up every year.
Abolish the IRS and retard all spending! Stop Obamacare as the first savings! m/r
Americans for Tax Reform : IRS Watchdog: $67 Million Missing from Obamacare Slush Fund
September 25, 2013
John Kartch
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Do we think these arrogant So-and-So's will listen to us? Meltdown! GOP bosses’ phones unplugged
Resist Obamacare in every way! Do not comply! Tell them to see Felix Unger! m/r
Meltdown! GOP bosses’ phones unplugged
9-25-13 by GARTH KANT
Senators flooded with demands to support Obamacare defunding
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Now it is a TWO FOR: ABOLISH OBAMACARE and the IRS - Obama on Obamacare: “We did raise taxes on some things.”
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The Obamacare Express |
How much corruption and abuse can we stand?
It is literally going to rob and kill us! m/r
Americans for Tax Reform : Obama on Obamacare: “We did raise taxes on some things.”
Sept 25, 2013
Obama on Obamacare: “We did raise taxes on some things.”
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