"Fascism and communism both promise "social welfare," "social justice," and "fairness" to justify authoritarian means and extensive arbitrary and discretionary governmental powers." - F. A. Hayek"
"Life is a Bungling process and in no way educational." in James M. Cain
Jean Giraudoux who first said, “Only the mediocre are always at their best.”
If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law. Sir Winston Churchill
"summum ius summa iniuria" ("More laws, more injustice.") Cicero
As Christopher Hitchens once put it, “The essence of tyranny is not iron law; it is capricious law.”
"Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." Ronald Reagan
"Law is where you buy it." Raymond Chandler
"Why did God make so many damn fools and Democrats?" Clarence Day
"If I feel like feeding squirrels to the nuts, this is the place for it." - Cluny Brown
"Oh, pshaw! When yu' can't have what you choose, yu' just choose what you have." Owen Wister "The Virginian"
Oscar Wilde said about the death scene in Little Nell, you would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.
Thomas More's definition of government as "a conspiracy of rich men procuring their own commodities under the name and title of a commonwealth.” ~ Winston S. Churchill, A History of the English Speaking Peoples
“Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.” ~ Jonathon Swift
Friday, November 30, 2012
Another Weasel - Gibson: Tax Pledge Doesn’t Count Because District Number Changed
Former Army Officer? m/r
Gibson: Tax Pledge Doesn’t Count Because District Number Changed - By John Fund - The Corner - National Review Online
by John Fund 11-30-12
Norquist’s Finest Hour, but not the Republican's in Congress
Norquist’s Finest Hour - The New York Sun
Editorial of The New York Sun | November 26, 2012
We are being treated as a Joke. McConnell 'Burst Into Laughter' as Geithner Outlined Obama's Plan
You voted for the taxaholic, dumbasses. m/r
McConnell 'Burst Into Laughter' as Geithner Outlined Obama's Plan | The Weekly Standard
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Ben Gunn meets Tim Gunn - How about a Hairdryer for the Little Boy in Your Life?
Hope those gay toy prices are in Swedish Krona. m/r
How about a Hairdryer for the Little Boy in Your Life? - By Katherine Connell - The Corner - National Review Online
The Republicans, the Democrats, and Grover - The simple truth is that if you give the government more it will spend even more!
The Poison Pawn: New Pledge Breaking "Revenue" for Future Cuts. Yeah right, fool us a thousand times, shame on America!
Shut the whole mess down! m/r
They promise! Yippee! And if you believe the two percent can pay off the Prophet Obama's twenty-trillion-dollar national debt when he leaves office, you are an ignoramus.
The American Spectator : The Republicans, the Democrats, and Grover
Oath Breakers - Weenie Republicans and taxes
Keep your Oath, you Lily Livered Liars!
The last Republican president to pledge “Read my lips. NO NEW TAXES” and then violate that promise was dispatched by the voters to a hotel suite in Houston, rather than to four more years in the White House. I bet George Herbert Walker Bush today would stick to his pledge.
Republicans and taxes | Fox News
Published November 29, 2012 | FoxNews.com
Over the Thanksgiving weekend, the false congressional fiscal conservatives in the Republican Party began to reveal their true selves. Led by the Republican presidential standard bearer in 2008, Arizona Sen. John McCain, at least a half-dozen Republican members of Congress have renounced their public promises never to vote to raise taxes. In the case of Sen. Bob Corker, (R-Tenn.), Congressman and Senator-elect Jeff Flake, (R-Ariz.), and Rep. Peter King, (R-NY), they had re-stated their promises, directly or indirectly, as recently as last month during their successful campaigns. Did they blatantly dupe the voters? Did they genuinely change their minds? Did they ever sincerely accept the pro-freedom anti-tax logic?
The Founders certainly embraced the pro-freedom anti-tax logic, as they gave us a Constitution that barred the federal government from imposing any direct tax on any persons. That was part of the genius of the document. If the feds really needed cash, they’d need to tax the states. ...
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012
GO AWAY! Whatever happened to the right to be left alone?
You breath, go outside gardening, use your car, take a walk, shop... do any of these things and I guarantee you that you will have broken some law or regulation written by a busybody bureaucrat, councilman, lobbyist or "there ought to be a law" politician.
Get the hell out of our lives! m/r
"The purpose of the Constitution has been to restrain the government, so that it cannot do to us what the king and his soldiers did to our forbearers; and everyone in the Congress has taken a public oath to uphold the Constitution."
Whatever happened to the right to be left alone? | Fox News
By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano 11-26-12
The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was written in order to keep the government from invading the right to be left alone--today known as the right to privacy. The Framers who wrote the Constitution, and Jefferson and his colleagues who insisted on the Fourth amendment among others, had suffered grievously at the hands of the British king and his soldiers.
When King George III and Parliament were looking for new ways to extract revenue from the colonists, they devised the Stamp Act. This legislation required that on every piece of paper in the homes of every colonist there must appear a stamp issued by and purchased from the British government. This applied to all books, letters, financial and legal documents, even to pamphlets to be distributed and posters to be nailed to trees.
Question: How did the king and the Parliament who were 3,000 miles away and across the sea, know if colonists had the stamps on the papers in their homes?
Answer: Parliament enacted the Writs of Assistance Act. This legislation permitted British soldiers to write their own search warrants in which they authorized themselves to enter the homes of the colonists ostensibly to look for the stamps.
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What Else Would You Expect - Empty Embrace… Hurricane Sandy Victim Upset After Being Played By Obama
Empty Embrace… Hurricane Sandy Victim Upset After Being Played By Obama (Video) | The Gateway Pundit -go to link-
Jim Hoft on Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Barack Obama hugs Donna Vanzant in White House Photo, the owner of North Point Marina, as he tours damage from Hurricane Sandy in Brigantine, N.J., Oct. 31, 2012.
I was very excited and felt warm by the embrace thinking this is really going to happen. I’m going to get the help I need because he promised that. I’ve gotten no help. I’ve gotten nothing but ‘No, you’re not covered for this. No, you’re not covered for that.”
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Of course he does - Mexico's President-Elect Praises Obama on Immigration: 'We Fully Support Your Proposal'
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Here is the end of the stick that stinks. |
Mexico's President-Elect Praises Obama on Immigration: 'We Fully Support Your Proposal' | The Weekly Standard
All-Female Supreme Court-- That would be great if they were more like Ann Coulter!
Ginsburg Wants To See All-Female Supreme Court « CBS DC
November 27, 2012
Did you see this? Not just waste, it is just stupid!
Less Government — It's a spending problem.
This is the same funk for so many of us ... I Don’t Know Anything!
I Don’t Know Anything! » Common Sense Evaluation
I was wrong.
I thought, that just as every presidential election in my lifetime, the bad economy would be hung around the incumbent’s neck, sinking him.
I was wrong. ...
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Monday, November 26, 2012
Waiting for Darwin
Waiting for Darwin - Taki's Magazine
by John Derbyshire

Messianic Worship by the retards - Jamie Foxx: 'Our Lord and Savior Barack Obama'
Jamie Foxx: 'Our Lord and Savior Barack Obama' | NewsBusters.org
By Noel Sheppard | November 26, 2012
It looks like Baghdad, It micromanages like Iran, Los Angeles Following in the Footsteps of Detroit
PJ Media » Los Angeles Following in the Footsteps of Detroit
And so it is with the course on which the city of Los Angeles finds itself. Visitors to the city will still find it to be a vibrant and interesting place to spend a week or two, with its pleasant climate and many tourist attractions, and there are still plenty of nice neighborhoods where home prices, despite the recent housing slump, are well beyond the reach of most Americans (most certainly this one). And there is a revitalized downtown, where you can grab a nice dinner and take in a movie, a concert, or a game of professional basketball or hockey. The entertainment industry, too, is still centered in and around Los Angeles, even as the actual production of many television shows and nearly all feature films is carried on elsewhere.
Yes, to the average tourist and even to most residents, Los Angeles would seem the very picture of civic vitality. But like that mighty river, powerful forces are now propelling it on a course that will take it, if you will, right out to sea.
Except for a few years after college, I lived my entire life in Los Angeles, and by that I mean within its actual boundaries. And even for those few years when I lived outside those boundaries, I was never more than a ten-minute drive from the city limits. But I don’t live there anymore.
I take no joy in reporting this, for I always assumed I would live out my days in the city where I was born and where my roots are deep. My father was born in Los Angeles, which by L.A. standards is akin to tracing one’s roots back to the Mayflower.
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How the Pilgrims saved us from socialism
Exclusive: Jack Cashill explains William Bradford's failed Marxist experiment
How the Pilgrims saved us from socialism
-go to link-The experience that was had in this common course and condition, tried sundry years and that amongst godly and sober men, may well evince the vanity of that conceit of Plato’s and other ancients applauded by some of later times; that the taking away of property and bringing in community into a commonwealth would make them happy and flourishing; as if they were wiser than God.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
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Take that U.N. |
by Justin Rocket Silverman Sunday, November 25, 2012
Failures of Intelligence
Failures of Intelligence - Mark Steyn - National Review Online
NOVEMBER 23, 2012
Petraeus’s judgment and Clapper’s obtuseness testify to America’s problems. |
Aw Shucks, Why Not Let the UN Control the Internet?
The Rosett Report » Aw Shucks, Why Not Let the UN Control the Internet?
For those of you who don’t spend hours poring over UN web sites, some quick background on the UN’s ITU. Based in Geneva, its current secretary-general [3]is Hamadoun Toure of Mali, whose credentials include a PhD from the University of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of Moscow; honorary degrees from, among other places, the State University of Belarus and the National University of Moldova; plus membership in the Golden Order of the Honour of the International Telecommunication Academy of Moscow. The ITU’s deputy secretary-general [4], Zhao Houlin, is from China.
I’d include here a list of participants expected at the Dubai conference, except, in one those ominous foreshadowings to which the UN’s more troublesome gatherings are prone, the conference web site features its roster of “Announced Participants” as a restricted link [5], accessible only to those the ITU deems worthy. Apparently that does not include the great unwashed Internet-using public.
But hey, with the UN on the job, what could possibly go wrong?
Plenty, of course. The UN, in one way or another, has been eyeing the internet for years [6] as a potential font of cash and lever of control.
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When Your Death is the Enemy's Religion, Peace is Going to Kill You! - War Is the Answer
The economic and aging process, and in part Irish American's grew weary of supporting the violence of the IRA, Sinn Fein and Gerry Adams. m/r
The Oslo Accords turned stone-throwers into shooters and suicide bombers. It allowed the kind of people that most of Israel’s Muslim neighbors had locked up and thrown away the key to, inside the country and gave them charge of the economy and the youth. Every peace dove, every peace song, every peace agreement, made the rivers of blood that followed not only inevitable, but mandatory.
War Is the Answer
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Great Stuff! small dead animals: Twitter: Idiocy of the Left on Display
small dead animals: Twitter: Idiocy of the Left on Display
November 22, 2012
Twitter: Idiocy of the Left on Display

Note: Anthony De Rosa is a reporter for Reuters.
Posted by Robert at November 22, 2012 5:00 PM
Following the San Francisco Lead for 220 sq. ft. apartments, Shipping Containers to Become Condos in Detroit

The fly in this ointment is there has been a housing surplus in Detroit for years since the Democrats and Unions that ruined its economy. This caused a mass evacuation of its population over the last several decades. m/r
Shipping Containers to Become Condos in Detroit - Yahoo! News
By Karin Halperin | ABC News – Fri, Nov 23, 2012
Why is Vladimir Putin playing James Bond? The World is Shaken, but not Stirred.
Ian Fleming has been rolling in his grave.
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I'm 007 |
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No, I'm 007 |
Now we see the connection to the KGB. 007 once fought and had a license to kill Commies, now he's just a another version of Commie-lite. m/r
Sound Just Like Obama and his Supporters!
Unhappy Muslims! » Common Sense Evaluation
11-24-12 - Thanks to Evaluation -full post-
They’re not happy in Egypt.
They’re not happy in Libya.
They’re not happy in Morocco.
They’re not happy in Iran.
They’re not happy in Iraq.
They’re not happy in Yemen.
They’re not happy in Afghanistan.
They’re not happy in Pakistan.
They’re not happy in Syria.
They’re not happy in Lebanon.
They’re happy in Canada.
They’re happy in England.
They’re happy in France.
They’re happy in Italy.
They’re happy in Germany.
They’re happy in Sweden.
They’re happy in the USA.
They’re happy in Norway.
They’re happy in Holland.
They’re happy in Denmark.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Weenie Republican senator ditching Norquist anti-tax pledge - He should recall Bush 41 Lost for the Same Thing!
The real problem with raising taxes, it will just be spent on more government waste and will not help restrict, the nearly always, wasteful spending by these wastrel politician scum!
Top Republican senator ditching Norquist anti-tax pledge - NYPOST.com
Preferred Status for the Muslim Terrorists - The U.N. Tilt to Terrorists
Do the Chinese now have greater property rights than Americans? Home Amid Chinese Highway a Symbol of Resistance
In the 1998, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer built a plant next to Fort Trumbull and the City of New London, Connecticut determined that someone else could make better use of the land than the Fort Trumbull residents. The City handed over its power of eminent domain—the ability to take private property for public use—to the New London Development Corporation (NLDC), a private body, to take the entire neighborhood for private development. As the Fort Trumbull neighbors found out, when private entities wield government’s awesome power of eminent domain and can justify taking property with the nebulous claim of “economic development,” all homeowners are in trouble.
The Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision, that the private developer had the right of 'taking' private property for the better public use: Meaning more taxes as an underlying motivation.
The Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision against Kelo and her neighbors sparked a nation-wide backlash against eminent domain abuse, leading eight state supreme courts and 43 state legislatures to strengthen protections for property rights. Moreover, Kelo educated the public about eminent domain abuse, and polls consistently show that Americans are overwhelmingly opposed to Kelo and support efforts to change the law to better protect home and small business owners. Moreover, in the five years since the Kelo decision, citizen activists have defeated 44 projects that sought to abuse eminent domain for private development.Go To - http://www.ij.org/kelo-v-new-london
Meanwhile, in New London, the Fort Trumbull project has been a dismal failure. After spending close to 80 million in taxpayer money, there has been no new construction whatsoever and the neighborhood is now a barren field. In 2009, Pfizer, the lynchpin of the disastrous economic development plan, announced that it was leaving New London for good, just as its tax breaks are set to expire.
Home Amid Chinese Highway a Symbol of Resistance - ABC News
By DIDI TANG Associated Press BEIJING November 23, 2012 (AP)
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"Nail House" in Wenling, Zhenjiang Province, China |
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Problem Understanding Gershwin - Matt Lauer is not having a Happy Thanksgiving
Matt Lauer is not having a Happy Thanksgiving | Twitchy
November 22, 2012 by Twitchy Staff