
"Fascism and communism both promise "social welfare," "social justice," and "fairness" to justify authoritarian means and extensive arbitrary and discretionary governmental powers." - F. A. Hayek"

"Life is a Bungling process and in no way educational." in James M. Cain

Jean Giraudoux who first said, “Only the mediocre are always at their best.”

If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law. Sir Winston Churchill

"summum ius summa iniuria" ("More laws, more injustice.") Cicero

As Christopher Hitchens once put it, “The essence of tyranny is not iron law; it is capricious law.”

"Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." Ronald Reagan

"Law is where you buy it." Raymond Chandler

"Why did God make so many damn fools and Democrats?" Clarence Day

"If I feel like feeding squirrels to the nuts, this is the place for it." - Cluny Brown

"Oh, pshaw! When yu' can't have what you choose, yu' just choose what you have." Owen Wister "The Virginian"

Oscar Wilde said about the death scene in Little Nell, you would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.

Thomas More's definition of government as "a conspiracy of rich men procuring their own commodities under the name and title of a commonwealth.” ~ Winston S. Churchill, A History of the English Speaking Peoples

“Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.” ~ Jonathon Swift

Thursday, November 30, 2017

If the NYC Transit Wants to Save Money on the Subways, FIRE ITS EXPERTS

Transit experts propose ending NYC's 24/7 subway system

With Politicians, Democrats Get Support, Republicans Get Lies

The Double Standard never goes away. m/r

This, from a Never-Trumper:

Labash: Conservatives Should Police Their Own

Ask Matt Labash, who grew up listening to James Dobson mixtapes.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

If Elizabeth Warren had robbed a liquor store she might claim to be part Black as well as an Indian

Can all these lefties who have been assaulting white women now claim to be be Comanches, because that was what Comanches did when they attacked white settlements? m/r

Washington's Redskin

by Mark Steyn  Topical Take  
The other day President Trump referred jokingly, yet again, to Senator Elizabeth Warren as "Pocahontas", and as a result is even more totally racey-racey-racist than he was the week before. If you're finding this all a bit hard to follow, relax:
If a white grade-school teacher pretends to be black, that's totally racist and you should denounce him as such immediately;
But if a white professor pretends to be Harvard Law School's "first woman of color" and you point it out, then you're the racist.
Got that? It's easy when you know how:
If a Victoria's Secret model wears lingerie "inspired by indigenous African cultures", that's cultural appropriation;
But if a white Harvard professor takes up valuable space in an authentic tribal cookbook, that's not cultural appropriation ...er, because the authentic tribal recipes she submitted turned out to come from the Duke of Windsor's favorite restaurant.
When the left patrol identity politics so ruthlessly they demand that even Elizabeth Warren's claim to be Cherokee must be taken seriously, it becomes necessary for the sake of societal sanity to laugh at her, again and again. In doing so, Donald Trump is performing a valuable service to the republic.

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Lake Wobegon Perv - Not Cool, Not Funny, Not Talented, Now Not Working

For some reason this bore continued to be a part of what the lefty upper crust thought was humor. He wasn't funny, not even mildly humorous. But the left seem afraid to mention the obvious about this untalented bore: he wasn't funny!
Now he really isn't funny! m/r


NOVEMBER 29, 2017
Keillor, not the companion you want in your
Prairie Home
ST. PAUL, Minn. - Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) is terminating its contracts with Garrison Keillor and his private media companies after recently learning of allegations of his inappropriate behavior with an individual who worked with him.
Last month, MPR was notified of the allegations which relate to Mr. Keillor's conduct while he was responsible for the production of A Prairie Home Companion (APHC). MPR President Jon McTaggart immediately informed the MPR Board Chair, and a special Board committee was appointed to provide oversight and ongoing counsel. In addition, MPR retained an outside law firm to conduct an independent investigation of the allegations. Based on what we currently know, there are no similar allegations involving other staff. The attorney leading the independent investigation has been conducting interviews and reviewing documents, and the investigation is still ongoing. We encourage anyone with additional information to call our confidential hotline 1-877-767-7781.

MPR takes these allegations seriously and we are committed to maintaining a safe, respectful and supportive work environment for all employees and everyone associated with MPR. We want a workplace where anyone who experiences unwanted behavior feels comfortable in reporting concerns to MPR. Discrimination, harassment, retaliation or other inappropriate behaviors will not be tolerated.

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Fauxcahontas - the phony, lying old bag

This phony race usurper is caught in her own bear trap. m/r

her "phony Native American heritage."

Elizabeth Warren’s Pocahontas Pickle

by David Catanese, Senior Politics Writer |Nov. 28, 2017

When President Donald Trump casually invoked "Pocahontas" during a ceremony honoring Native Americans on Monday, Washington's political class swiftly went into its familiar and usually unfulfilling ritual of trying to decipher his deeper intentions.
Was he attempting to purposefully distract media coverage away from the White House's skirmish with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau? Was he simply reaching for cheap levity among a group he was largely unfamiliar with?
Or did he view it as an irresistible opportunity to strike at a reoccurring political nemesis who he views as a gathering threat to his re-election prospects in 2020?

The president first deemed Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts "Pocahontas" in May of 2016. After Trump had become the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Warren began coming at him hard on Twitter, vowing to battle his "toxic stew of hatred & insecurity."

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Mexico's Own Congressional Representative - Adiós a la mala basura

Was he caught doing more than the usual lying he perpetrates? Is he getting ahead of a scandal? Who knows? m/r

Breaking: Far Left Open Borders Advocate Luis Gutierrez Will Not Seek Reelection – But Won’t Say Why???

Tuesday, November 28, 2017  

Gutierrez will not disclose why he is retiring.

The announcement was a surprise to everyone.

And there is NOTHING on his Twitter page about his announcement.
Gutierrez will announce his retirement on Tuesday.

It is now Stupid and Meaningless!


Teachers Attend 'LGGBDTTTIQQAAP' Sensitivity Training (WTF?)

By Megan Fox November 26, 2017

Gather 'round children! The Canadian Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario has some super interesting new information for you! First, we're going to learn a new acronym. Can you say, "LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP?" Let's try it to the tune of "Old MacDonald!" Everyone sing along! Next, we'll learn what these letters mean. Are you ready?
L — Lesbian (everyone knows what this is, right?)
G — Gay (and I'm sure I don't need to explain this to you smarties!)
G — Genderqueer Now this one is new. So let's make sure we all understand what this means. "Genderqueer; denoting or relating to a person who does not subscribe to conventional gender distinctions but identifies with neither, both, or a combination of male and female genders." That's easy, isn't it, kids? Basically, this is a person who has no idea who or what xey are, okay?

-there is lots more of this nonsense at the links-

Monday, November 27, 2017

Who in their right mind would consider going 210 mph on any public street?

I've never cared much for Corvettes. They shift and clutch like a truck and do not corner well. m/r

The Fastest Corvette Ever Will Roar Into the Los Angeles Auto Show

Soros Would Have Us All In Death Camps So He Could Sell Our Stuff at His Discount

Soros, the Jew in hiding as a Gentile during WWII, managed to take the 'confiscated' property stollen from the Jews in Hungary by collaborating with the Nazis and sell it at a tidy, cost free profit for himself. 
This despicable cretin, who should be in hell, wants to have all individual freedoms take away and give total control over us to the government and NGO's run by him. m/r

Soros-Funded Groups Claim Repealing Net Neutrality Is “Racist”

Soros pours millions into “Ban Drudge” Net Neutrality campaign

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Highly Respected in Washington - the Kiss of Death

They have a different standard of ethics for the entrenched swampcrats and swamp things that populate Washington D.C. m/r

Special counsel Robert Mueller stands on reputation that belies a record including fumbles

by  Contact Reporter 11-24-17

When he was named special counsel in May, Robert S. Mueller III was hailed as the ideal lawman — deeply experienced, strait-laced and nonpartisan — to investigate whether President Trump’s campaign had helped with Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
The accolades squared with Mueller’s valor as a Marine rifle platoon commander in Vietnam and his integrity as a federal prosecutor, senior Justice Department official and FBI director from 2001 to 2013 — the longest tenure since J. Edgar Hoover’s. He was praised by former courtroom allies and opponents, and by Democrats and Republicans in Congress.
But at 73, Mueller has a record that shows a man of fallible judgment who can be slow to alter his chosen course. At times, he has intimidated or provoked resentment among subordinates. And his tenacious yet linear approach to evaluating evidence led him to fumble the biggest U.S. terrorism investigation since 9/11.
Now, as he leads a sprawling investigation aimed at the White House, Mueller’s prosecutorial discretion looms over the Trump presidency.
On what terms would Mueller offer immunity from prosecution to investigative targets? How broadly will he interpret his mandate to look into not only the 2016 campaign but also matters that “may arise directly from the investigation”?

Will he target Trump’s sprawling family business and financial empire and the years before the developer ran for the White House?

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Environmentalists would be happy to have us walk off the rim of the Grand Canyon on a Dark Night

North Korea is the progressive-environmentalist goal for all of us! m/r

As Usual, Nothing Will Come of It

They know there are different sets of laws for Congress, the Clintons and then the hard laws for the us, the "little people". 
Goldman-Sachs rules the world. m/r

Are there Good Reasons For Stereotypes?

Yes, because they are fact based and fit general patterns of behavior.
We all know them, but have been banned from expressing them. m/r

Diversity Obsession

Higher education's most devious con.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

As the Stupid Lazy Media Still Pushes this Hoax

After 30 Years, Alarmists Are Still Predicting A Global Warming ‘Apocalypse’

Micael Bastatch 11-25-17

Soros backed scammer Gore
For at least three decades scientists and environmental activists have been warning that the world is on the verge of a global warming “apocalypse” that will flood coastal cities, tear up roads and bridges with mega-storms and bring widespread famine and misery to much of the world.
The only solution, they say, is to rid the world of fossil fuels — coal, natural gas and oil — that serve as the pillars of modern society. Only quick, decisive global action can avert the worst effects of manmade climate change, warn international bodies like the United Nations, who say we only have decades left — or even less!

Of course, human civilization has not collapsed, despite decades of predictions that we only have years left to avert disaster. Ten years ago, the U.N. predicted we only had “as little as eight years left to avoid a dangerous global average rise of 2C or more.”

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Quarter-brain-tard, Kaepernick, has finally found his perfect, venue. Unfortunately about 60 years too late.

Colin Kaepernick visits Alcatraz to support a Native American protest


SAN FRANCISCO — Former 49ers quarterback and walking political flashpoint Colin Kaepernick received honorary eagle feathers as he attended the annual Indigenous People’s Sunrise Gathering on Alcatraz Island on Thursday.
The event, also known as “Un-Thanksgiving Day,” celebrates the lengthy occupation of the infamous prison island by Native Americans between 1969 and 1971.
“Today, I was on Alcatraz Island at the Indigenous People’s Sunrise Gathering, in solidarity with those celebrating their culture and paying respects to those that participated in the 19-month occupation of Alcatraz,” Kaepernick said in a tweet Thursday.

-don't bother-

Friday, November 24, 2017

They can't think outside of the bus.

Self-driving cars programmed to decide who dies in a crash

Todd Spangler, Detroit Free Press Published  Nov. 23, 2017

WASHINGTON — Consider this hypothetical: 
It’s a bright, sunny day and you’re alone in your spanking new self-driving vehicle, sprinting along the two-lane Tunnel of Trees on M-119 high above Lake Michigan north of Harbor Springs. You’re sitting back, enjoying the view. You’re looking out through the trees, trying to get a glimpse of the crystal blue water below you, moving along at the 45-mile-an-hour speed limit.
As you approach a rise in the road, heading south, a school bus appears, driving north, one driven by a human, and it veers sharply toward you. There is no time to stop safely, and no time for you to take control of the car.
Does the car:
A. Swerve sharply into the trees, possibly killing you but possibly saving the bus and its occupants?
B. Perform a sharp evasive maneuver around the bus and into the oncoming lane, possibly saving you, but sending the bus and its driver swerving into the trees, killing her and some of the children on board?
C. Hit the bus, possibly killing you as well as the driver and kids on the bus?
In everyday driving, such no-win choices are may be exceedingly rare but, when they happen, what should a self-driving car — programmed in advance — do? ...

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And A Meddlesome Government is Bad for Everybody!!

Study: Being Alone Can Be Good For Your Mental Health, Sparks Creativity

BUFFALO — When it comes to seeking solitude, many people often blame mental health issues as an underlying cause. But a new study finds that being alone has its benefits too, particularly when it comes to people looking for a surge of creativity.
Researchers at the University of Buffalo interviewed 295 privacy-valuing individuals who reported a variety of reasons for their tendency to spend a lot of time alone, ranging from feeling fear or anxiety around others to preferring to use spare time working on a craft.
Although research has traditionally suggested that excessive time alone can be unhealthy, some seclusive pursuits, such as trying to connect to nature or get a better sense of self, can be constructive, the researchers found.
“We have to understand why someone is withdrawing to understand the associated risks and benefits,” says Julie Bowker, the study’s lead author, in a university release.

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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Drain the Swamp of the Low-Life Pervs in Congress

Hannity Special 11/22/17 | Clinton Election Excuses | Breaking News | November 22, 2017   

Published on Nov 22, 2017
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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Black Death of African Ignorance

Madagascar plague death toll rises to 195 and cases have jumped nearly 3% in just three days as 'worst outbreak in 50 years' of the medieval disease hits 'crisis' point

  • World Health Organization data shows 2,267 people have now been infected
  • Scientists are worried the 'worst outbreak in 50 years' has reached 'crisis' point
  • Ten countries have been placed on high alert as experts fear it will reach Africa
  • Other scientists fear this year's outbreak will reach well beyond mainland Africa
  • Two thirds of all the cases have been caused by the airborne pneumonic plague
  • This can spread through coughing, sneezing or spitting and kill within 24 hours

Some 2,267 people have been struck down by the 'medieval disease'; a rise of 64 casualties since the 2,203 cases reported last Friday, according to World Health Organization (WHO) statistics. 
International aid workers are desperately battling to contain the 'crisis', which has been described as the 'worst outbreak in 50 years' and has prompted 10 nearby African countries to be placed on high alert by the WHO. 
Experts have expressed fears doctors are so focused on controlling the plague epidemic, they may neglect to participate in nationwide vaccination programmes against polio, which may trigger an outbreak of the paralysing condition.
Doctors and nurses may also be unable to treat plague patients if they themselves become infected, which would inevitably cause the outbreak to spiral further out of control, experts add. 

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Driverless Vehicles are Going to Make for More Road Rage

Because Driverless Vehicles are programed to obey all the traffic laws.
There will be millions of little old lady-like vehicles pissing off human drivers at a constant speed of 25 mph! m/r

The driverless revolution may exact a political price

by   11-21-17

n its race to embrace driverless vehicles, Washington has cleared away regulatory hurdles for auto companies and brushed aside consumer warnings about the risk of crashes and hacking.
But at a recent hearing, lawmakers absorbed an economic argument that illustrated how the driverless revolution they are encouraging could backfire politically, particularly in Trump country.
It was the tale of a successful, long-distance beer run.
A robotic truck coasted driverless 120 miles down Interstate 25 in Colorado on its way to deliver 51,744 cans of Budweiser. Not everyone at the hearing was impressed by the milestone, particularly the secretary-treasurer of the Teamsters, whose nearly 600,000 unionized drivers played no small roll in President Trump’s victory last year.
Driverless vehicles threaten to dramatically reduce America’s 1.7-million trucking jobs. It is the front end of a wave of automation that technologists and economists have been warning for years will come crashing down on America’s political order. Some predict it could rival the impact of the economic globalization and the resulting off-shoring of jobs that propelled Trump’s victory in the presidential election.

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DEF Rape Jam - Russell Simmons, Obama shill, Lying SOB, Rapes White Woman

He follows the stereotypical pattern and it was covered up. Simmons spends most of his time as lying con-man who actually hates whites. m/r

Def Jam co-founder and Ratner each deny allegations by model Keri Claussen Khalighi that she was forced to perform sex act on Simmons, and that he and Ratner ‘were in it together’

Monday 20 November 2017

Russell Simmons, the hip-hop mogul who co-founded Def Jam Recordings, has been accused of sexual assault amid new accusations against the Hollywood film producer and director Brett Ratner.
Model Keri Claussen Khalighi alleges that in 1991, when she was 17, she was invited by Simmons and Ratner to Simmons’ apartment to look at a music video the pair were working on. She says that Simmons tore off her clothes and attempted to force her to have sex. “I fought it wildly,” she told the LA Times, saying she eventually “acquiesced”.

She added: “I looked over at Brett and said, ‘Help me,’ and I’ll never forget the look on his face. In that moment, the realisation fell on me that they were in it together.” Ratner has been accused of sexual assault and harassment by actors including Olivia Munn and Ellen Page.

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Monday, November 20, 2017

What a Pompous, Phony, Lefty Bastard

CBS News suspends Charlie Rose following sexual harassment report

Last Updated Nov 20, 2017

NEW YORK -- CBS News said Monday evening that "CBS This Morning" anchor Charlie Rose has been suspended following a report in the Washington Post in which eight women accused him of sexual harassment. PBS and Bloomberg also halted production and distribution of his talk show, "Charlie Rose."
CBS News said in a statement, "Charlie Rose is suspended immediately while we look into this matter. These allegations are extremely disturbing and we take them very seriously."
The allegations in the Washington Post article involved incidents from the late 1990s to as recently as 2011. Young women who worked for his production company or who were trying to get a job said Rose made unwanted sexual advances. They described behavior including lewd phone calls, groping, and Rose walking around naked in front of them.

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She Should Try Planet Venus, It's About as Gaseous As She Is

BLM and PC are Nuts

The oversight of police was working, but now it is abusive of police. m/r

NYPD Cops Are Scared to Stop Suspects, Tucker Breaks Down Why

Published on Nov 19, 2017
Tucker Carlson interviews Heather Mac Donald about new NYPD policies that have cops upset. 

Differences are too Outstanding in the European and Asian Populations

Neanderthal genes do not exist is sub-Saharan African populations. This may be a key in the development of civilization. m/r

Skull found in China could re-write 'out of Africa' theory of human evolution

The beginning of modern humans could be a far more complex, spread out thing than we ever thought before

Andrew Griffin  11-20-17

A skull found in China could re-write our entire understanding of human evolution.
That's according to scientists who have examined the important, ancient head and say that it proves the existing theory of how humans came to be is wrong.

Most anthropologists believe that our species came about in Africa around 200,000 years ago – and that one group left around 80,000 years later before spreading across the world. But instead of humans purely coming out of Africa, the new research suggests that important characteristics of humans actually developed in east Asia.

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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Screw NFL Forever!

Marshawn Lynch only stands for Mexican national anthem

Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch sat during most of U.S. anthem and stood for the Mexican anthem before their game against the Patriots at Azteca Stadium in Mexico City.
Lynch has not stood for the national anthem since returning from retirement this season.
There did not appear to be any other protests during the anthem as the afternoon games kicked off. Five NFL players protested during the national anthems before early games.
The Dolphins’ Kenny Stills, Julius Thomas and Michael Thomas took a knee before their game against Tampa Bay.

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Hi Tech Stupidity - Apple had a Gem, but Refused to Take the Real Truth

Apple Fires Vice President of Diversity Following Controversial Statement

Published on Nov 18, 2017Following a nontroversial statement that white people can be diverse in thought, a woman has lost her job at Apple after working there for 20 years.

Don't Get Your Hopes Up - Mugabe's Replacement is Just Another African Marxist Kleptocrat!

Much as in most of post-colonial Black Africa, corrupt Marxist Dictators take all and over, raising their clenched fist in a racist, Commie-Fascist victory sign. Their moral center is about as ethical as Al Sharpton's. m/r

Robert Mugabe STEPS DOWN to end 37 years in power: Reviled dictator resigns after breaking down in tears and weeping for his FIRST wife and dead son when he was replaced by 'The Crocodile'

  • Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, 93, has agreed to step down after 37 years in power in the country 
  • The world's oldest leader is due to officially announce his departure to the nation on live television on Sunday
  • Zimbabwe's ruling Zanu-PF party removed Mugabe as its leader at a special meeting, officials said Sunday
  • The party replaced Mugabe with the vice president he previously sacked, Emmerson 'Crocodile' Mnangagwa
  • It follows rumours that the dictator had fled the country after hundreds of thousands protested his rule  

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe has agreed to step down after 37 years in power.  
The world's oldest leader is due to officially announce his departure on live television tonight. 
The news was greeted with ecstatic celebrations all over the country, with cars honking horns and crowds spontaneously taking to the streets of the capital.
Hordes of people danced, sang and shouted anti-Mugabe slogans in scenes that looked likely to overshadow yesterday's protests on the streets of Harare tonight.
It came after MailOnline exclusively revealed that the elderly dictator was in a state of psychological collapse, crying for his dead son and late first wife, refusing to speak or wash and staging a desperate hunger strike.
Emmerson 'Crocodile' Mnangagwa, the former Vice President who was appointed the new leader of the Zanu-PF this morning, now looks destined to become Zimbabwe's new president as early as tomorrow.    

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The Real Swimming With Sharks

LAPD investigates nearly two dozen sex crime cases tied to Hollywood

 Los Angeles police are investigating almost two dozen cases of alleged criminal sexual misconduct connected to multiple people within the entertainment industry, a senior department official told NBC News.
The cases involve individuals who are known publicly as well as others who have not yet been identified, the official said Friday.
many cases, there are multiple complaints lodged against the same individual, the official said. With calls from victims continuing to roll in, the number of investigations is expected to rise.
While police have not said publicly who is under investigation, law enforcement's response comes after a mounting list of Hollywood heavy hitters, including Oscar-winner Kevin Spacey, have been accused of some form of sexual misconduct.

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Friday, November 17, 2017


Radhika Jones, fashion challenged 
She dresses like Michelle Obama
Zippers and Cartoon Tights just didn't quite fill the bill. m/r

Vanity Fair Fashion Staff Nonplussed by New Editor’s Personal Style

Radhika Jones joins the magazine next month with extensive literary and editorial experience.

By  on November 17, 2017

WELCOME TO CONDÉ NAST: Radhika Jones is learning the ways of One World Trade. Having been named the new editor in chief of Vanity Fair only this week, Jones, 44, headed to downtown Manhattan to get acquainted with the magazine’s staff.

But while Jones may have been editorial director of the books department at The New York Times, an alum of Time magazine and The Paris Review, a graduate of Harvard and holds a doctorate in English and comparative literature from Columbia — none of this impressed Condé Nast-ers. They, instead, were aghast over her sense of style.
WWD observed one of the company’s fashion editors in candid conversation with industry peers remarking not on the context of Jones’ first visit, but rather the outfit she wore.

“She seemed nervous. The outfit was interesting,” the staffer noted.

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Under Obama, America Got Screwed!

"How is This ALLOWED??" Tucker is Fed Up With This Nonsense

Published on Nov 17, 2017Tucker Carlson interviews Dan Stein (Fed for American Immigration Reform) about our broken tax policy.    

With A Father Who is a Fool, These UCLA "youths" were Lucky they Did Not Spend 10 Years in Prison

Chip off the Old Blockhead:
Last week, after the shoplifting allegations surfaced, LaVar Ball (father of LiAngelo Ball) told ESPN: “Everybody is making it a big deal. It ain’t that big of a deal.’’

What is UCLA supposed to do with the basketball players who were detained in China?

by  11-14-17

The three UCLA freshman basketball players detained in China are finally coming home, but the embarrassing story isn’t over.
What do the Bruins do with them now?
LiAngelo Ball, Cody Riley and Jalen Hill were on a flight back to Los Angeles on Tuesday after being confined to their Hangzhou hotel for a week on suspicion of shoplifting during UCLA’s recent visit, but their saga continues.
Once back, will they be allowed to return to the basketball court?
It is important to note that the players were freed without charges being filed in China. Yet indications are that something happened, and it wasn’t good.
There was one media report that the players were caught on surveillance video stealing sunglasses from a Louis Vuitton store, and another that they shoplifted from several stores.

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Could this be Karma

Trump blasts ‘Al Frankenstien’ on Twitter over alleged groping

Trump — who has been accused of sexual misconduct himself by numerous women — then added: “And to think that just last week he was lecturing anyone who would listen about sexual harassment and respect for women. Lesley Stahl tape.”

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Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Pope Dope puts himself in the company of Science Giants Robert Mugabe, Prince Charles and Al Gore

This perverse little, communistic, pedophilic apologist,  hypocrite calls reasoned questioners of pop-pseudo science as 'perverse'. m/r

Pope rebukes climate deniers as 'perverse' in Bonn message

Francis issued a message to the Bonn meeting, which is working to implement the 2015 Paris accord aimed at capping global emissions.
In it, Francis called climate change "one of the most worrisome phenomena that humanity is facing." He urged negotiators to take action free of special interests and political or economic pressures, and to instead engage in an honest dialogue about the future of the planet.
Francis didn't cite any countries by name, but the United States has announced it is withdrawing from the Paris accord, and President Donald Trump has nominated several people in his administration who question scientists' conclusions that human activity is behind the global rise in temperatures. ...

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Ironically, it looks like the Han van Meegeren's Fake Vermeers

Van Meegreen's fake Vermeer
Van Meegreen had everyone fooled, especially the Nazis. m/r

Christie’s Is Selling This Painting for $400+ Million. They Say It’s by Leonardo. I Have Doubts. Big Doubts.


Sandwiched between onlookers who’d waited in line outside in the cold to be ushered into the dimmed Christie’s gallery to gaze and gawk at what the auction house trumpets as “the greatest and most unexpected artistic rediscovery of the 21st century” — that is, a brand-new Leonardo da Vinci lost in the 1600s, scheduled to be auctioned off this week — a well-known expert in the field leaned over and asked me a question. “Why is a Leonardo in a Modern and Contemporary auction?” Before I could say, “Yeah! Why?” he answered, “Because 90 percent of it was painted in the last 50 years.” He’s right. Not only does it look like a dreamed-up version of a missing da Vinci, various X-ray techniques show scratches and gouges in the work, paint missing, a warping board, a beard here and gone, and other parts of the painting obviously brushed up and corrected to make this probable copy look more like an original.
The DaVinci in question
The painting is titled Salvator Mundi (Savior of the World) and is a portrait of a smoky floating man in a blue robe looking at us, raising his right hand in blessing, holding a crystal orb in his left hand, pictured against a black background. It’s said to have been painted around 1500, when the real Leonardo would have been 48 years old and already the most famous artist alive. On Wednesday night, this small picture is being auctioned off by Christie’s with massive jubilation. The opening bid is set at $100 million. (Which might even seem cheap when you remember that Damien Hirst’s 2007 For the Love of God, a diamond-and-platinum-encrusted human skull, was priced the same.) This explains why one Christie’s official rapturously primed the collector pump by wondering aloud if someone might bid “$2 billion.” In a world this out of whack, that could happen. Promoting the sale is a glossy 162-page book with quotes from Dostoyevsky, Freud, and Leonardo, and several platitudinal Christie’s videos of enraptured gazers gawking in wonder at “the new masterpiece.” Don’t miss the extended clip of three male company bigwigs pitching it to Hong Kong clients as “the holy grail of our business, a male Mona Lisa, the last da Vinci, our baby, something with blockbuster appeal, akin to the discovery of a new planet, and more valuable than a petro chemical plant.”
I’m no art historian or any kind of expert in old masters. But I’ve looked at art for almost 50 years and one look at this painting tells me it’s no Leonardo. The painting is absolutely dead. Its surface is inert, varnished, lurid, scrubbed over, and repainted so many times that it looks simultaneously new and old. This explains why Christie’s pitches it with vague terms like “mysterious,” filled with “aura,” and something that “could go viral.” Go viral? As a poster, maybe. A two-dimensional ersatz dashboard Jesus.

Why else do I think this is a sham?

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Real Truth About Virginia Now Voting Democrat

Not to Mention Illegal Voters! The death of America by design. Burn in Hell Ted Kennedy! m/r


Hey, Republicans! Did you enjoy Election Night last week? Get ready for a lot more nights like that as immigration turns every last corner of the country blue.

When Ed Gillespie lost in Virginia, liberals crowed about how they're winning the war of ideas. The country has thoroughly, emphatically rejected Trumpism!

Robert E. Lee, No, Pancho Via, Si
Republicans, being idiots, played along, arguing only about whether Gillespie's problem was that he didn't embrace Trump enough or embraced him too much.

Gillespie's campaign was fine. No cleverer arguments, community outreach or perfectly timed mailings would have changed the result. Contrary to The New York Times' celebratory article in last Sunday's magazine, "How the 'Resistance' Helped Democrats Dominate Virginia," it wasn't Democratic operative Kathryn Sorenson's savvy use of Facebook, Google and Eventbrites that carried the day. "The Resistance" didn't win.

What happened was: Democrats brought in new voters. In 1970, only one out of every 100 Virginians was foreign-born. By 2012, one in nine Virginians was foreign-born.

The foreign-born vote overwhelmingly, by about 80 percent, for Democrats. They always have and they always will -- especially now that our immigration policies aggressively discriminate in favor of the poorest, least-educated, most unskilled people on Earth. They arrive in need of a LOT of government services. 

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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Question is: In California, How Could They Tell?

‘Violent psychopath’ who fled Hawaii mental hospital captured in California

The Way of All Sub-Saharan African Flesh - Afro-Marxist kleptocrats

There is a silver lining for the left. The murderous thief Mugabe did believe in "Global Warming".
Is the fate fate of all former Crown Colonies to be same? After watching the decline of South Africa, the answer is yes. m/r

Zimbabwe’s Mugabe under house arrest after military coup

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe is being detained by his own military in his home but is unharmed in the wake of an apparent coup, according to South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma, who said he spoke with the deposed leader by phone Wednesday.
Mugabe said he is fine, according to Zuma, who urged the junta, led by Gen. Constantino Chiwenga, not to make any rash decisions.
“I am hoping that the defense force will not move and do more damage, that they will be able to respect the constitution of Zimbabwe as well as the people of Zimbabwe so that this situation does not go beyond the situation where it is now,” Zuma told the BBC.
The whereabouts of 93-year-old Mugabe and his wife, Grace, whose potential elevation to vice president helped ignite the conflict, were previously unknown.

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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Sheila Jackson Lee Proves Herself Once Again to be an Absolute Ignoramus

She was given questions to ask Sessions, but had no clue what she was asking. She is a total fool! m/r

Rep. Jackson Lee Gets Testy With Jeff Sessions

Amber Athey 11-14-17

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee was silenced during Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ Tuesday testimony when she refused to let him answer a question.

During a House Judiciary Hearing with Sessions, Jackson Lee asked the AG if he stood by his previous testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee. The Democratic lawmaker’s awkwardly phrased and roundabout question required Sessions to ask her to repeat it several times.
When Sessions was finally able to answer the question, Jackson Lee angrily cut him off again and refused to let him answer.
“Let me say this, Mr. Chairman,” Sessions said before Jackson Lee jumped in.
“Let me move to a document I have prepared,” she started as Chairman Bob Goodlatte tried to regain control of the hearing. “The gentleman keeps saying he he cannot recall, cannot recall, so I’m reclaiming my time.”

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Is this just part of a growing national Witch Hunt?

Judge Moore is truly an outsider. He's not at all liked by the rank and file on both sides. He's eccentric and and old time fundamentalist, but he may be victim to the usual Democrat smear tactics and lack of Republican spine. The press have not been fair, relying on innuendo, rumor and anonymous sources. But when are they these days?
I don't know!
For his sake, let's hope it is lies. No matter what, it will happen again. m/r

Sessions says he has ‘no reason to doubt’ women who have accused Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual misconduct

ap 11-14-17 WaPo

WASHINGTON — Sessions says he has ‘no reason to doubt’ women who have accused Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual misconduct.

Cheep Labor Inhibits Technological Advancement

Automation of backbreaking labor is cheeper in the long term. m/r
Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration through stepped-up arrests and border enforcement has shaken the U.S. agricultural sector, where as many as 7 in 10 farm workers are undocumented, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation.

Trump Effect: Farmers Turn from Foreign Pickers to Automation

Brenda Walker   November 11, 2017

Farm automation has been progressing along, just like uses of smart machines in other industries, but agbots may now be getting an extra boost. Apparently President Trump’s crackdown on illegal border crossings has decreased the supply of foreign pickers, so farmers are looking more favorably at tech solutions. The transition would have happened anyway, but immigration enforcement is speeding it up a bit.
Not only are there are robot weeders, pickers and cultivators, but cows can now walk into an automated milker when they feel the need.
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Convincing big U.S. dairy owners to buy robots to milk their cows – and reduce the farmhands they employ – used to be a tough sell for Steve Fried. Recently, his job has gotten easier, he says, in part because of President Donald Trump.
“I get calls on a daily basis and it typically starts with, ‘I don’t want to deal with this labor headache any more’,” said Fried, sales manager for Lely North America, which makes robotic dairy milking and feeding systems.

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DC is Getting a Real Statue

Great Quotes From American History, Marion Barry Edition

Eugene Gant  November 13, 2017

full short post

Apropos of John Derbyshire’s post about the forthcoming statue of Marion Shepilov Barry, I recall the joke pinned to the bulletin board of a very large and prominent media organization in Washington, D.C., after the FBI filmed the leftist crook smoking crack with a prostitute.
It went something like this:

Great Quotes From American History:
  • “I cannot tell a lie” — George Washington
  • “Give me liberty or give me death” — Patrick Henry
  • I have not yet begun to fight” — John Paul Jones
  • “I regret that I have but one life to give for my country” — Nathan Hale
  • “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead” — David Farragut
  • “A house divided against itself cannot stand” — Abraham Lincoln
  • “Walk soft and carry a big stick” — Theodore Roosevelt
  • “We have nothing to fear but fear itself” — Franklin Roosevelt
  • “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” — John F. Kennedy
  • The bitch set me up” — Marion Barry