The Past Cleverness of President Obama Is Finally Starting to Catch Up With Him | The American Spectator
"Fascism and communism both promise "social welfare," "social justice," and "fairness" to justify authoritarian means and extensive arbitrary and discretionary governmental powers." - F. A. Hayek"
"Life is a Bungling process and in no way educational." in James M. Cain
Jean Giraudoux who first said, “Only the mediocre are always at their best.”
If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law. Sir Winston Churchill
"summum ius summa iniuria" ("More laws, more injustice.") Cicero
As Christopher Hitchens once put it, “The essence of tyranny is not iron law; it is capricious law.”
"Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." Ronald Reagan
"Law is where you buy it." Raymond Chandler
"Why did God make so many damn fools and Democrats?" Clarence Day
"If I feel like feeding squirrels to the nuts, this is the place for it." - Cluny Brown
"Oh, pshaw! When yu' can't have what you choose, yu' just choose what you have." Owen Wister "The Virginian"
Oscar Wilde said about the death scene in Little Nell, you would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.
Thomas More's definition of government as "a conspiracy of rich men procuring their own commodities under the name and title of a commonwealth.” ~ Winston S. Churchill, A History of the English Speaking Peoples
“Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.” ~ Jonathon Swift
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
The Past "Cleverness" of Obama Is Finally Starting to Catch Up With Him
The Past Cleverness of President Obama Is Finally Starting to Catch Up With Him | The American Spectator
Liberals are dullards who don't get jokes - The Hit Job on Fox News
The Hit Job on Fox News | The American Spectator
Kiss of Death - "Don't Worry" - CDC Confirms Patient In Dallas Has The Ebola Virus
CDC Confirms Patient In Dallas Has The Ebola Virus « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth
Speaks for itself - ‘Muslim Free Zone,’ and Will Probably Get Sued Out of Existence
Act One: A gun range owner has announced that her business is now a “Muslim free zone.”
Jan Morgan owns the Gun Cave Indoor Shooting Range in Arkansas. She has posted a notice that Muslims may no longer use the range. She is attempting to exercise the freedom of association, along with her duties as a federally licensed firearm dealer.
The primary reasons I do not want muslims shooting at my range are listed:She writes that two Muslims came to the range last week and caused a disturbance, which added to the recent news about Islamic terrorism home and abroad caused her to make the range a Muslim free zone.
1) The Koran (which I have read and studied thoroughly) and (which all muslims align themselves with), contains 109 verses commanding hate, murder and terror against all human beings who refuse to submit or convert to Islam. Read those verses of violence here.
2) My life has been threatened repeatedly by muslims in response to my publication of those verses from their Koran. Why would I want to rent or sell a gun and hand ammunition to someone who aligns himself with a religion that commands him to kill me?
3) * The barbaric act of beheading an innocent American in Oklahoma by a muslim
* the Boston bombings(by muslims)
* the Foot Hood mass shooting (by a muslim) that killed 13 people and injured over 30 people
* and the murder of 3000 innocent people (by muslims) on 9/11
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Our Stupid-Ass Government!
CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in US
For your own good! Town Wants to Ban Cameras After Cop’s Obama Rant Goes Viral
Town Wants to Ban Cameras After Cop’s Obama Rant Goes Viral (Nanny of the Month, Sept. 2014) - YouTube
Wesley Cook the Cop Killer Selected as Commencement Speaker for College | NBC 10 Philadelphia
Mumia Abu-Jamal Selected as Commencement Speaker for College | NBC 10 Philadelphia
Read more:
Follow us: @nbcphiladelphia on Twitter |nbcphiladelphia on Facebook
Nothing of Value since 1980! - The Green Monster
John Stossel - The Green Monster - YouTube
Monday, September 29, 2014
"The End is Near." That was always my favorite part of the Church Service, Leaving.
Climate Worship at the Cathedral | The American Spectator
By Mark Tooley – 9.26.14
At St. John the Divine, the climate never changes.
Guns are useful for protection from those who want to kill us and control us.
If my understanding is correct, I disagree with Mr. Cookes premis here. m/r
How the Right Could Lose Its Way on Guns | National Review Online
to property and automobile insurers and add language to part of state law that deals with “unfair discrimination.” As an example, the bill would seek to block insurers from refusing to issue policies because of customers’ lawful ownership or possession of firearms. Similarly, it would bar them from charging “unfairly discriminatory” rates based on gun ownership or possession.
Israel Gets It! The Iranian Fanatics Don't Care if the People of Iran Die
Israel PM warns nuclear-armed Iran would be 'gravest threat' - Yahoo News
Looking for His Positive Legacy - U.S. Troops Battling Ebola Get Off to Slow Start in Africa
U.S. Troops Battling Ebola Get Off to Slow Start in Africa - WSJ
U.S. Troops Battling Ebola Get Off to Slow Start in Africa ^ | Sept. 28, 2014 8:06 p.m. ET | Drew Hinshaw in Robertsville, Liberia, and Betsy McKay in Atlanta
Posted on September 28, 2014 8:41:51 PM EDT by BenLurkin
On Saturday, a handful of troops from the Navy's 133rd Mobile Construction Battalion led a bulldozer through thigh-high grass outside Liberia's main airport, bottles of hand sanitizer dangling from their belt loops.
They had been digging a parking lot in the East African nation of Djibouti this month when they received a call to build the first of a dozen or more tent hospitals the U.S intends to construct in this region. The soldiers started by giving the land a downward slope for water runoff—"to keep out any unwanted reptiles," said Petty Officer Second Class Justin Holsinger.
While this team levels the earth, superiors hash out the still-uncertain details of the American intervention here.
The epidemic is showing signs of gaining speed—6,574 cases had been reported officially as of Sept. 23, with 3,091 deaths. Those fatalities are more than double the number of both a month ago. The actual number of cases is believed to be three or four times as high. Had no international aid come, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, the number of cases in Liberia and Sierra Leone might have soared to 1.4 million by mid-January.
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It happens every election. Republicans refuse to vote because their dumbs pants got in a bunch on some issue with a Republican candidate
The Difference Between Winners And Whiners | The American Spectator
It isn’t necessary to speculate about the results of such petulance. We are already suffering the consequences of a similar tantrum. As R. Emmett Tyrrell pointed outlast week, about 4 million conservatives declined to participate in the 2012 presidential election: “The wise psephologists tell us that these conservatives did not like Romney. He was too bland for the Tea Partiers.… Frankly, I do not know why they stayed home given the choice between a community organizer and a former governor.” Regardless of the rationale, those abstainers are responsible for the domestic corruption and foreign policy disasters of the last two years.
And, if they engage in similarly sophomoric behavior in November, the results will be even more catastrophic. If Harry Reid remains in control of the Senate, he and his White House accomplices will “fundamentally transform” the nation into a social democratic hellhole.
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He always looked like an unmade bed - James Traficant, 1941-2014
It does sound so outlandish today after all the revelations of its continual abuse. m/r
James Traficant, 1941-2014 | The Weekly Standard
Matt Labash
There are Just 15? Obama’s 15 Worst Moments At The UN
Obama’s 15 Worst Moments At The UN | FrontPage Magazine
Incompetent or Worse - Obama Says Intel Community Underestimated Threat Of ISIS
The Khorosan Group is Al Qaeda, but that doesn't fit Obama's narrative, it was the same as Benghazi.
Judge Jeanine Pirro -Obama Says Intel Community Underestimated Threat Of ISIS - YouTube
McCarthy Claim Obama Administration Invented Name To Deceive Us - Khorosan Group
Race Pimps Risen
Does not anyone in the big media see anything so terribly wrong with the worst race mongering hustler now residing at the nation's political power center? m/r
Al Sharpton Empowered | National Review Online
By John Fund & Hans von Spakovsky 9-28-14
Eric Holder’s legacy: Enabling Sharpton’s “I have a scheme” civil-rights agenda
Don't Blame Me! - Allah Made Me Do It
Allah Made Me Do It | FrontPage Magazine
A Muslim convert who recently became very religious beheads a woman while reportedly shouting Islamic phrases. The authorities rush to convince everyone in sight that it has nothing to do with Islam.
I’m not talking about Alton Nolen in Oklahoma at the end of September, but Nicholas Salvador in the UK at the beginning of September. Salvador, a Nigerian Muslim convert, beheaded an 82-year-old European woman with a foot-long blade. Nolen killed a 54-year-old American woman with a 10-inch blade.
The bios of both men are fairly similar to the beheaders of British soldier Lee Rigby. The perpetrators were Nigerian converts to Islam. Alton Nolen was a black convert to Islam. They had a history of criminal behavior followed by a conversion to Islam and the inevitable bloody ending.
On his Facebook page, Nolen posted, “Sharia law is coming!!!” The killers of Lee Rigby had chanted for Sharia law in the streets of London. That is the same Sharia law of stonings and beheadings.
It is the law of the Koran which states, “When you meet the unbelievers in Jihad smite at their necks until you have slaughtered many of them.” (Koran 47:4)
"nothing to do with terrorism"
just "a random workplace beheading"Winning Heads and Minds :: SteynOnline
by Mark Steyn • Sep 26, 2014
Truth is, Islam has nothing to do with it. And Christians are far from innocent.
What does his religion have to do with this tragedy???
What does his religious faith have to do with this story?
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Sunday, September 28, 2014
Go Away! - The Solace of Oblivion
Google and the Right to Be Forgotten
Annals of Law SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 ISSUE
In Europe, the right to be forgotten trumps the Internet.
In October 31, 2006, an eighteen-year-old woman named Nikki Catsouras slammed her father’s sports car into the side of a concrete toll booth in Orange County, California. Catsouras was decapitated in the accident. The California Highway Patrol, following standard protocol, secured the scene and took photographs. The manner of death was so horrific that the local coroner did not allow Nikki’s parents to identify her body.
“About two weeks after the accident, I got a call from my brother-in-law,” Christos Catsouras, Nikki’s father, told me. “He said he had heard from a neighbor that the photos from the crash were circulating on the Internet. We asked the C.H.P., and they said they would look into it.” In short order, two employees admitted that they had shared the photographs. As summarized in a later court filing, the employees had “e-mailed nine gruesome death images to their friends and family members on Halloween—for pure shock value. Once received, the photographs were forwarded to others, and thus spread across the Internet like a malignant firestorm, popping up on thousands of Web sites.”
Already bereft of his eldest daughter, Catsouras told his three other girls that they couldn’t look at the Internet. “But, other than that, people told me there was nothing I could do,” he recalled. “They said, ‘Don’t worry. It’ll blow over.’ ” Nevertheless, Catsouras embarked on a modern legal quest: to remove information from the Internet. In recent years, many people have made the same kind of effort, from actors who don’t want their private photographs in broad circulation to ex-convicts who don’t want their long-ago legal troubles to prevent them from finding jobs. Despite the varied circumstances, all these people want something that does not exist in the United States: the right to be forgotten.
The situation is different in Europe, thanks to a court case that was decided earlier this year. …
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Obama is a very small, sad man.
In fact, U.S. intelligence agencies received information from Kurdish officials early this year that ISIS was on the march.
Kurdish officials on Tuesday revealed more details about the warnings they gave to U.S. officials about the threat from Sunni militants now rampaging across Iraq with their eyes on Baghdad.-go to links-
As far back as six months ago, Kurdish intelligence operatives were receiving troubling reports from along the border between Syria and Iraq, officials told NBC News.
There was a suspiciously large amount of men gathering in makeshift camps and staging areas that were accumulating weapons and vehicles. They appeared, according to Kurdish intelligence, to be preparing for battle.
The men were made up of mostly fighters belonging to the Islamic State of Iraq and Al Sham (ISIS), which has taken control of several cities in Iraq in the past couple of weeks — but Kurdish Intelligence operatives also noticed the fighters’ ranks had grown.
Joining were young men from local Iraqi tribes not known to have previous affiliation with ISIS, an organization aimed at establishing an Islamic caliphate militarily and imposing their strict interpretation of Islamic Law, or ‘Sharia’ in Iraq and greater Syria. Kurdish intelligence also learned that former officials from Saddam Hussein’s Ba’ath party and ex-military officers were communicating with the fighters.
Coenheads seem to run 50% with good to great films, and that's not bad in today's Hollywood - 30 Years of Coens
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Ironic Scene from "Miller's Crossing" |
30 Years of Coens: True Grit - The Atlantic
Notes on True Grit (2010)
The Devil Made Him Do It, "It's Not My Fault!" - Obama Blames Intelligence Community for Underestimating Terrorist Threat
▶ Duck and Cover: Obama Blames Intelligence Community for Underestimating Terrorist Threat - YouTube
This is from The Atlantic last year - Steve Kroft's Softball Obama Interviews Diminish '60 Minutes'
All 14 questions the award-winning correspondent posed in his recent sit-down were glaringly flawed. Even Jon Stewart is more hard-hitting.
- "This is very improbable. This is not an interview I ever expected to be doing. But I understand, Mr. President, this was your idea. Why did you want to do this together, a joint interview?" ...
We All Fear Help From The Government When It Comes!
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"We're from the Government and We're here to help you!" |
Vadim Mikhailovich, an old age pensioner, was paying his weekly visit to his local steam bath in Moscow when there was a shout of “There he is” and he was seized by the arm and led away by officials. Protesting he had done nothing wrong, he was led into a room full of white-coated men and told: “You’ll remember this for a long time.” Vadim fainted. When he regained consciousness, he was told he was the bath’s millionth visitor and was handed a birch broom and two bars of soap. Vadim fainted again and five days later was still recovering from shock in hospital.
From a Year Ago: George Will's Libertarian Evolution: Q&A on Obama, Syria, & the Power of Choice
George Will's Libertarian Evolution: Q&A on Obama, Syria, & the Power of Choice - YouTube
It was just a matter of time - Tear gas fired at chaotic Hong Kong democracy protests
Tear gas fired at chaotic Hong Kong democracy protests - Yahoo News
Aaron Tam, Benjamin Haas 9-28-14
Hong Kong (AFP) - Police repeatedly fired tear gas after tens of thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators brought parts of central Hong Kong to a standstill Sunday, a dramatic escalation of protests that have gripped the city for days.
The Primary Function of Our Gov't is to protect the Citizens and Borders - NOT FRIGGING DIVERSITY!! - It lets Liberians stay in US amid Ebola crisis
Gov't lets Liberians stay in US amid Ebola crisis - Yahoo News
Resurrection and Demise - Cancer victim 'came back to life' in her grave
Cancer victim 'came back to life' in her grave - Telegraph
Visitors to a cemetery in Greece claim they heard a woman shouting from inside her coffin and dug her up, only for her to die for a second time-
How Can You Tell? - Obama Goes Rogue
Obama Goes Rogue -
David Harsanyi | September 26, 2014
Hey, why not? Neither Democrats nor Republicans in Congress see fit to stop him.
Why are so few, so clear thinking? - Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement - Jihad In America
Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement - Jihad In America - YouTube
His resignation is "act of mercy toward the American public." - Eric Holder’s Rap Sheet
Eric Holder’s Rap Sheet | National Review Online
By The Editors 9-26-14